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Hi there, Im Jimmy from Sweden, a fantasy and sci-fi nerd most of my life but only played a little bit of warhammer a looong time ago, started out with 40 k first ed but played mostly fantasy battles later on. in recent years Ive been lurking on different forums and drooling over differnt models, mostly 40 k and forge worlds 30 k. I realy like the grimdark feel and it would be fun to start painting and modelling again. Bought some paints and some fantasy figures but I would also like to collect some 40 k models. For me the fluff and feel of an army is the most important, I realy dont know if I will play any games. But I also like gaming rules so the models I pick will (for the most part) work in a codex legal army. Only have to decide which one... :) Love the Inquisition, Mechanicus and IronHands but also have a soft spot for Salamanders.

Might start of with some Inquisitors with retinues and add some allied Mechanicus. True scale Iron Hands would also be cool, but we will see, its not exactly free :)

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