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Looking for mercenaries.


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I got what I need, but let's keep this crazy train rolling!


So B&C, got mercenaries? Who are they and why are they better than the next guy? Do they specialize in anything? What kids of jobs do they like best, are there any they refuse to take? What forms of payment do they accept? Stories about successful contracts, or times your employer regretted trying to stiff you? We have several apothecaries so far, but anyone willing to be paid to do another's dirty work is welcome!

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Rank and Name: Nervus Blacksoul


Titles and Honors: Apothecary of the Black Legion, The Black Apothecary




Arrogance: An archaic melta gun of the Great Crusade era. It is rumored that has felled an Imperial Fist during the final battle aboard the Vengful Spirit and had witnessed the death of Horus.


Defiance: An ancient bolt pistol carried by a Justaerin teminator who fought in the Siege of Terra. It is said that has spilled the blood of countless loyalist astrates.


Logos CL - 033: This is an ancient servo skull that was gifted to Nervus when he received the rank of Chaos Apothecary. Made from the skull of an imperial sage and modified by the Dark Mechanicus to include a cogitator, Logos serves his master as a logis engine and as an advanced sensory unit. Nervus is linked with the servo skull trough cybernetic means, using his bionic left eye to control his servitor drone to perform various feats that range from reconnaissance to medical operations. 


Mark of Chaos Undivided: Nervus is a young chaos space marine who proudly wears the mark of Chaos Undivided. The close vicinity to the eldritch powers of the warp and the mutating influence of Chaos unlocked the latent psychic powers in his geneseed and Nervus is now able to perform minor feats of sorcery and use the fabled Witch Sight.




Nervus has inherited the powerful traits of the Horus geneseed. He is of an imposing stature, towering even above his fallen brethren and he has the distinct, sharp features of the Black Legion astrates. On his left vambrace Nervus has locked an ancient Narthecium which he uses to perform the field surgery while his right vambrace is adorned with a heavy black chain that ends in the unholy icon of Chaos Undivided, the Chaos Star. Since Nervus is a rather young chaos space marine his power armor is quite unadorned and kept as the first day it arrived form the forges of the Dark Mechanicus, covered only with a dark tabard bearing the icon of the Black Legion, the Eye of Horus. In combat Nervus uses different wargear loadouts but he prefers his archaic melta gun which he inherited from his mentor. This melta gun is of ancient manufacture and bears numerous unholy runes on its surface. The weapon seems to be altered by the warp energies and fires a blast of baleful purple energy which makes short work of armor and foes. When the enemies close on the traitor apothecary, Nervus unsheathes his long combat knife, made form unholy adamantium, and reveals his archaic bolt pistol, another revered relic of the Horus Heresy era, which he won in a ritual duel.  


Character Biography:


Traitor, heretic, corpsetaker,... many are the names with which Nervus was called but he accepts only one, Black Legionnaire. It is known that the chaos space marines have severe problems when it comes to replenish their numbers, their geneseed is mutated beyond repair, the influence of Chaos corrupts most of the initates even before they are able to lift the unholy bolter, but for every chaos space marine that rises from the ashes, tens of thousands of human slaves die in the laboratories of the traitor legions. One of such marines is Nervus, a rightful son of Horus, a true Black Legionnaire and a true chaos space marine.


Little is known of the humble beginings of this dark apothecary. Nerus was born on a forgotten feral world that was pillaged and destroyed by the Black Legion. Thousands of young males were forced into cruel pit figts and the survivors of this ordeal recived the corrupted geneseed of the Black Legion, the most promising ones the very dark geneseed of Horus. Among the chosen was Nervus, a young boy who ruthlessly killed his own brother to earn a measure of respect in the eyes of the black marauders, marauders who sloughtered his people, but also the same marauders who revealed to his innocent eyes the truth of the Dark Gods and their gifts to the mortal champions of Chaos Undivided.


What followed was an ordeal deadlier than the charnel pits of the Black Legion. The cruel apothecaries perfomed hideous genetical experiments on the young initates, those with the Horus geneseed suffered the most, but as it was said for thousands that died, the trully chosen rose and claimed their rightful place as the traitor astrates of the Black Legion. Nervus was among the chosen, towering and imposing as his Primarch, fearless and devoted as his brothers, Nervus Blacksoul was born. In the years that followed the young chaos marine was molded into a true astrates, trained in all ways of combat and weapons, schooled in the art of war and illuminated with the true faith, the faith in Chaos Undivided. Given his great intellect and devotion Nervus soon took upon him the mantle of the Apothecary and promised that he will fight and die to see the glory of the Black Legion restored.


As an apothecary Nervus fought in countless battles and soon he became an expert raider and warrior. His medical expertise saved many a traitor life but his greatest contribution to the cause of Chaos was the geneseed of many different chapters and chaos warbands he expertly pillaged on numerous battlefields. It seems that the Dark Gods look favourably upon the Black Apothecary and Nervus noticed that each day he is more attuned with the Warp, slowly realizing that he is about to tread upon the treacherous path of the Chaos Sorcerer.


As one of the rare apothecaries serving Chaos, Nervus trades his knowledge and skills in exchange for combat training, scholarship or wargear. Despite being a relatively young astrates Nervus knows well that his expertise is greatly sought after and he used his knowledge to become an important member in several Black Legion warbands, thus cementing his loyalty to Chaos and begining the long and dangerous path that will see him rise as a Chaos Champion or fall into eternal damnation.


PS: Nervus is my alter ego in the FFG RPG Black Crusade. So far he has been my character for thirteen sessions. 

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I have a counts as Fabius Bile I want to paint up next month. And he's still pretty basic as far as confirmed fluff, so if you decide to use him, feel free to invent or change some stuff. smile.png

Mortesur the Neverborn, is one of Fabius Bile's creations, taught in the skills of a classic apothecary. He functions as the leader of an independent cult in my warband "Cult of the Twin Tailed".
Mortesur works in close unity with other brothers who share his origin as FB's new men, and with sons of his own creation. These marines are tormented by tumors and a short lifespan, unless they keep Mortesur close enough to exchange favours for medical aid and postponing their painful death.

Here's a picture of Mortesur(to the left) and one of his brethren, a marine bursting from his armour and carrying what is basically going to be a pole with fluid-filled bags, giving him constant IV therapy.


Also, I guess it depends on the apothecary and his fellow marines to decide from who they harvest? I can't imagine a lot of smaller warbands being picky in their geneseed, of course pride might be a factor. If there's any confirmed precedent of geneseed that is no-no I'd love to know. smile.png

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Mercenary apothecaries, eh?

I think the Iron Hounds have something to offer you. Meet Thegn Hrami, Chief Apothecary of the Iron Warriors 49th Grand Company:


Not just another wacky madman chasing Fabius Bile's reputation, Thegn Hrami is a professional and a scholar. He doesn't run an asylum of sadists creating monsters, he runs an expansive and efficient apothecarion that collects stable geneseed and produces recruits that are pure in body and sound of mind. He's no lone wolf, either. Thegn Hrami trains and oversees a full cadre of apothecaries who serve as lab assistants, combat medics, and even advisors to the medics of the various auxiliary companies and ship's crew. See how clean and professional they are:


The Iron Hounds offer the organisation, strength, and resources of an Iron Warriors Legion Grand Company of old, with the pragmatism, flexibility, and understanding of an independent operation. You don't want to owe any favours to the Black Legion? Perfectly understandable. The pirates of the Maelstrom keep double crossing you? We have a longstanding reputation as straight dealers to uphold! You don't want your product corrupted the Warp? The only daemons we employ are pretty unhappy in their brass and iron prisons, so purity of product is guaranteed! And if sorcery is something you have in mind, the clean product we offer is a perfect blank slate; no other Warp magicks or daemonic possessions exist to taint your own endeavors!

What's that? You NEED a madman chasing Fabius Bile's reputation? We're not here to judge you, buddy, just to provide you with exactly what you want! We've also got in our employment this guy:


Viktor Rose is a certified nutter. We're not exactly sure where his laboratory is, just that it's on one of the decks that nobody likes to go to anymore. He's not really one of us, and nobody would go to him who wasn't extremely desperate, but he does offer a level of services that the Iron Hounds prefer not to be directly involved in. He's cheap, too. Usually he'll be happy handing over any parts of a body (including geneseed) just so long as he gets to keep the rest. He, well, he does things with them. We don't ask too many questions ourselves, just so long as he keeps bringing his zombie space marines to the battlefield whenever we ask him to:


Oh, how far the mighty fall...

But enough about that. Let's talk payment. Unlike other service providers, The Iron Hounds are not picky in terms of the type of remuneration we accept! Some providers ask for ominous favours to be named at a future date, but that's the one thing the Iron Hounds never ask for! We do, of course, have our preferences. We do our most enthusiastic work for examples of advanced technology, captured war machines, and substantial stocks of materiel and foodstuffs. We're pretty flexible, though. We also deal in Imperial Throne Gelt as well as several other hard currencies, but we will entertain almost any offer.

So let's have a sit down and discuss how we can fulfill your needs! Bring a friend and receive a referral discount!

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I don't think you'd want my apothecaries. Unless you want some...modifying done.

Actually, if your willing to share, I'd love to meet them.

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I don't think you'd want my apothecaries. Unless you want some...modifying done.

Actually, if your willing to share, I'd love to meet them.
Well my head fleshcrafter is actually a sorcerer and mortal flesh has a tendancy to change in some way in his presence. Sometimes developing new appendages, sometimes melding with others close to them.



I'll see if I can find his story as I wrote it as part of one of last year's Inspiration Fridays.

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Found it...

+++ Faustus ‘the Licentious’ Belatari +++


+++ 979.M41 +++


Since his early days in the Emperor’s Children Librarium, Brother Belatari demonstrated a flair for Biomancy. And this was something that brought him into early contact with Fabius Bile and the Medicae.

Early records place him at Isstvan V, fighting against the Iron Hands and counting quite a number of Loyalist casualties until taking a blow to the face from a Power Fist. As to how he survived will never be known. Whether some miracle techniques developed by Fabius or the will of some warp based entity can only be guessed at, but he wore a permanent disfigurement. His face had been almost flattened and was deprived of any sense of smell. Scar tissue covered the surface of his once Emperor like features, but he never showed any sign of being in pain, which he was, greatly. Just a slight smile at the edge of his mouth, and an unsettling glint in his eyes.

His healing caused him to miss most of the attack on Terra itself but when he finally joined the debauched attacks on Imperial worlds while fleeing to the Eye, it was plain to see that he was no longer merely the Librarian he once was. Mortals flocked to his side, even with his monstrous features, and cavorted around him. Often they seemed to melt into each other and become masses of flailing limbs and writhing flesh. He would wear the face of the person who took his fancy for as long as it held his attention. The donor often found mutilated and bent beyond recognition save for a smile that only the highest form of ecstasy could gift.

The centuries passed by and his facial features changed with the time. Not in the usual way of aging but by smoothing to the feel of a new-born, turning pink in colour, his usual smile growing on one side, and finally the rune of the Dark Prince Slaanesh on his forehead. The pain never went away and would flare up to what would be unbareable levels to most Astartes, but not to Faustus. It just served as a reminder to carry on his work of bringing sensations to others, no matter how extreme.

His Brothers gave him the title ‘the Licentious’ and to witness him on the field of battle, or at times of low activity show this to be very appropriate for him.

+++licentious [lahy-sen-shuhs]+++


1. sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd.

2. unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral.

3. going beyond customary or proper bounds or limits; disregarding rules.


In game stats.

Faustus 'the Licentious' Belatari

Sorcerer (Crimson Slaughter Codex - 175pts)

Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Psyker, Fear

2x Additional Mastery Level, Gift of mutation, Mark of Slaanesh, Sigil of corruption, Spell familiar

Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon

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Love this topic! I myself was planning on adding mercenary auxiliaries to my in development warband, though the warband itself is supposed to be a marauding mercenary group itself. These plans involved the employ of Chaos Kroot and a DIY warp afflicted race, but given the B&C rules on xenoa they probbaly would just be getting a passing mention if I ever got around to finishing my warband.
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Sarketh Retalee, more often known as "The Brass Apostle".  He's a daemon prince who leads Daemonkin warband "The Sanction".  They have allied at times with The Black Legion warband the Nightblades, whose strike-commander Alphonse Helian has great doubts about their consistancy, being that his warband is specialized as retrieval specialists, search and rescue, robbery, piracy etc, and the Sanction are "Anarchy and chaos personified and more unstable than Angron's lot at the best of times".


The Brass Apostle was not subtle in mortal life, and even less so in his Immortal existence.  The creature is Zealously dedicated to Khorne, as only a former son of Lorgar could be, so much so that he and his followers feel it's their purpose to eradicate any followers of the "Lesser gods", or those Khorne worshipers they feel are lacking in true dedication.


He has a deep hatred of Nurgle worshipers, and calls them "the Crutch-gods' whelps", he is boastful in the extreme-and the only thing he loves more than "Bringing the Word" of Khorne, is fighting harder opponents than him (3 chapter masters, a Wraith Knight, Wraith Lord and the Avatar of Khain (SHATTER THE FALSE IDOL!), Khârn the Betrayer (A FIGHT WORTHY OF TRIBUTE!))


Within the Sanction are packs of raptors who call themselves "The Angel Hunters", they are lead by a Deranged Raptor Lord who calls itself "Rips His Foes".  And It does.  Thought to have been apart of the Bloodgorgers, for their...habits of eating the fallen of both sides, they follow Rips His Foes and the Brass Apostle into the teeth of enemy fire time and again.


The Brass Apostle's "specialty" is a wreckingball of Rage, Hate, Fury and Spite that shatters enemy resolve-and goes right for the biggest, nastiest thing and Screams his challenge.

"This is Garrak-the Sanction has them, security is light, hit em hard boys!" Garrak during the siege of Kota III, where the Nightblades made off with numerous Imperial military assets, and several antiquities dating to before the age of the Imperium.

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