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How useful is the Strike Force Mortalis formation?


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After picking up the BA models from the Deathstorm box cheaply, I now have enough stuff to run a Strike Force Mortalis formation from Exterminatus. The question I am pondering is whether it is worth doing so? The Formation does not get Red Thirst for the +1I which is slightly disappointing but do get Crusader (meh) and an extra +1A if outnumbered in CC (especially handy on the Dreads).


My plan is to have one largish squad of DC with jump packs and a Chaplain. The other 2 squads will be smaller (5-ish) to maximise the benefit of the +1A. I will probably run 5 with jump packs and 5 riding in Stormraven with a Dreanought. I guess the other Dread will need a drop pod or he will be in for a very long walk.


This will probably be a bit north of 1000 points after upgrades so I will need something to bulk it out but either a small BSF or another Formation should do the job.


So, any thoughts on the Strike Force Mortalis?

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It's nice and fluffy and let's you do MSU DC pretty effectively while also freeing up slots for other heavy support and elites in bigger games. The loss of the initiative isn't the worst depending on your meta, it's only MEQ it really makes a difference and even then it's probably just a little less retaliation.


Like most of our formations it's not really that useful sadly (unlike two certain ancient Xenos, but I digress :P)

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I've been able to run it a few times. (Used to have a pure DC list back in 5th.) It's actually quite a bit of fun, pretty sad about only getting one dread, and it's pretty nerve wracking when you've got everything firing at your raven, but when it lands do heads roll!


Also like to run it with our grand chaplain, and Lemartes when there is a game big enough (Use a scout squad or two for the tax and they usually just watch in awe.)

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  • 6 months later...

Odd question, can Astorath or Lemartes be taken as the Formnation's chaplain?


I am guessing not since the Formation only lists a vanilla chaplain. And their unit entries do not specifically list them as Chaplains even though they are described as such in the fluff.

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Odd question, can Astorath or Lemartes be taken as the Formnation's chaplain?


I am guessing not since the Formation only lists a vanilla chaplain. And their unit entries do not specifically list them as Chaplains even though they are described as such in the fluff.

No. If they were, there would be an option for them.

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Odd question, can Astorath or Lemartes be taken as the Formnation's chaplain?


I am guessing not since the Formation only lists a vanilla chaplain. And their unit entries do not specifically list them as Chaplains even though they are described as such in the fluff.


Nope. I'm sure a decent opponent might let you though considering every other marine faction with formations of its kind (bar SW I guess) allows you to substitute things, which is like four decurions now...

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My plan (if I ever get enough models and paint them!) is to run a SFM with a angles fury intervention force. 4 ravens, like I will ever own 4 ravens :( Think a SFM would work just as well with a small BSF or FTSF.


     I am planning on taking a chappy for said allied BSF or FTSF and lemartes. That's a chappy for every 5-6 man DC squad (x1 fist and x1 PS-meta will determine the number of DC marines but tau/elder will shoot a few and orks/crons/IG squads will probably out number my squads anyway) in order to A). Mess with my opponents target priority and B). Maximise the +1A. I think take x2 dreads for exactly the same reasons.


  Been toying with the idea of throwing in the golden battle cherub too. Another +1A would be sooo much fun. Use the DC squads as a +4 and jump around buffing charges. Gold, pardon the pun.


  That's my 2 cents and I can only dream of the day I will be able to field these bad boys! Please batrep if you have, especially versus C:CWE.

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I second Brother Raul's request for any batreps involving Strike Force Mortalis. It's something I'd definitely like to use eventually, especially given the fluff for my Angels Sorrowful, their instability, and the greater incidence of the Black Rage among their ranks.


Could some people share some sample lists they've used with this formation?


I'm thinking what I might like working towards would be 2x 5-man jump squads, a 10-man bolter squad in the Raven, one dread on the Raven too, and then give a fast attack choice drop pod from my main force to the other dread. That's a lot of eggs in one basket on that Raven but it will hit like a ton of bricks if it doesn't get shot down, and I've not seen a whole lot of AA in my local meta so I think locally it would work more often than not.

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This will probably be a bit north of 1000 points after upgrades so I will need something to bulk it out but either a small BSF or another Formation should do the job.



Sounds about right.


Just spit-balling a little bit, what I had in mind, making use of models I currently own (including Raphen's Death Company) and with some fluffy but non-optimal additions (as is my wont):


Chaplain w/ jump pack and inferno pistol [120]

5 Death Company w/ jump packs, CCW/BP 1x thunder hammer, 1x power weapon [160]

5 Death Company w/ jump packs, CCW/BP, 1x power fist, 1x power weapon, 1x inferno pistol [170]

10 Death Company w/ bolters, 1x power first [225]

DC Dreadnaught  [160]

DC Dreadnaught w/ Blood Talons [170]

Storm Raven w/ multimelta, twin-linked lascannon [200]


TOTAL = 1,135

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This will probably be a bit north of 1000 points after upgrades so I will need something to bulk it out but either a small BSF or another Formation should do the job.



Sounds about right.


Just spit-balling a little bit, what I had in mind, making use of models I currently own (including Raphen's Death Company) and with some fluffy but non-optimal additions (as is my wont):


Chaplain w/ jump pack and inferno pistol [120]

5 Death Company w/ jump packs, CCW/BP 1x thunder hammer, 1x power weapon [160]

5 Death Company w/ jump packs, CCW/BP, 1x power fist, 1x power weapon, 1x inferno pistol [170]

10 Death Company w/ bolters, 1x power first [225]

DC Dreadnaught  [160]

DC Dreadnaught w/ Blood Talons [170]

Storm Raven w/ multimelta, twin-linked lascannon [200]


TOTAL = 1,135



You could even take that, then make an all DC main detatchment with a CAD/BSF of Astorath, Raphen's DC and Cassor. +1I or Obj Sec to taste :)


Or like Raul said, the Sanguinor could be ace here. Just amping up the dice everywhere and tanking challenges. Even against 2+ guys he does okay due to re-rolls.

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On phone, but check the following link. You're after the 1850 DC vs Eldar battle , 18th June.




Thanks for the link and the batrep.


Eldar shooting is pretty sick, but glad to see you still pulled out the win. The formation seems very respectable from that report.

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and then give a fast attack choice drop pod from my main force to the other dread.

No need. DC Dreads can take drop pods as a dedicated transport even as part of the Mortalis Formation.


I am kinda liking the idea of a Mortalis Formation and an Imperial Knight for 1500 points.

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Thanks for reminding me Karhedronuk.


Fluff question: I'm thinking about appropriate paint scheme for the Raven ... on the GW website they've got it painted up in Death Company colours and that's how I usually see DC-carrying Ravens, BUT ... I was just thinking that obviously DC would not pilot these things, non-insane techmarines would have to. Would chapters have dedicated Ravens for the death company, or would they just cram them into an available "regular" Raven when they need to deploy the Death Company somewhere fast?


In the Codex, the Blood Angels' 53 Storm Raven Gunships are all under "Armoury" with the Land Raiders, Predators, etc. So it seems to me a Storm Raven would just be assigned from the Armour to transport Death Company but wouldn't be part of the death company. Or would they slap a quick coat of black paint on it so everyone knows it's carrying DC? Or keep a Raven or two in DC colours all the time ready for use by DC?

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Thanks for reminding me Karhedronuk.


Fluff question: I'm thinking about appropriate paint scheme for the Raven ... on the GW website they've got it painted up in Death Company colours and that's how I usually see DC-carrying Ravens, BUT ... I was just thinking that obviously DC would not pilot these things, non-insane techmarines would have to. Would chapters have dedicated Ravens for the death company, or would they just cram them into an available "regular" Raven when they need to deploy the Death Company somewhere fast?


In the Codex, the Blood Angels' 53 Storm Raven Gunships are all under "Armoury" with the Land Raiders, Predators, etc. So it seems to me a Storm Raven would just be assigned from the Armour to transport Death Company but wouldn't be part of the death company. Or would they slap a quick coat of black paint on it so everyone knows it's carrying DC? Or keep a Raven or two in DC colours all the time ready for use by DC?


I suppose at the beginning of a campaign they might paint up the transports destined to carry the lost up in black and red, but as time goes on they will just use what is available.


Or maybe they have dedicated ones? Particularly mad and ragey machine spirits? :O

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According to CAA - BA, the Blood Angels (chapter) have 53 Stormravens, so I think they have enough to have a couple of dedicated DC transports.


I'm not so sure that the DC cannot pilot the Stormraven. If delusions of being at the Siege of Terra do not diminish their fighting prowess but enhance it, I don't see why those same delusions would interfere with piloting.

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Odd question, can Astorath or Lemartes be taken as the Formnation's chaplain?


I am guessing not since the Formation only lists a vanilla chaplain. And their unit entries do not specifically list them as Chaplains even though they are described as such in the fluff.


As Cassor and Raffens squad are troops, If you want to add lemartes and Astorath, you can take a BSF as an ally.

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