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Close combat/jump infantry Nurgle?

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Depends on your definition of viable. You would probably have to go Unbound for all the FA slots.


Raptors with T5 aren't too shabby, give them Meltas, a Biomancy Sorc to buff them and they should do well.

Add some Blight Drones/Heldrakes/Fire Raptor and it would be a fun, mobile and resilient army. Not really competetive in the tourney sense but viable for friendly/casual games.

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Well Nurgle is all about getting locked in close combat and staying there, whittling them away. Yes it is completely viable.


I have slingshot Typhus in with nurgle bikers or spawn uncountable times. For sure you can do it with nurgle raptors too. Imagine...


Typhus starts in reserves with nurgle raptors you have 3 squads of them. You have your troop choice zombies all over the board hiding in cover with FnP and ObjSec


Deep strike close, Typhus blasts his big Nurgles Rot, Plague Wind, weapon virus or something. Activate your force weapon if needed. Fire dem plasmas or meltas from that squad (Typhus can throw a blightgrenade to try to blind them don't forget!). If the enemy charges you the blightgrenade will negate their bonus attacks. Or simply tank shots like a boss then charge them on your next turn. Even if you get a bad scatter Typhus will make it into combat the slingshot can drag him in. I would air on caution for that DS you don't want to mishap.


You could do it with a Vanilla nurgle lord too just using plague marines instead of zombies, but they aren't as beast as Typhus is. Or you could always just do a biker/spawn/maulerfiend rush list supported by oblits.


Also, you might consider ADL with comm thingy for reserve rerolls. Doing a list like that really needs your reserves to come in fast and hard.

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I'm liking more of the raptors idea. Because basically I've just been toying with the idea of maybe doing a renegade Raven Guard or renegade Hawk Lords force that have turned to Nurgle (for whatever reason, not got that far yet) so obviously the Hawk Lords and Raven Guard are proper close combat/jump packs galore army, so I wanted to translate that to a Nurgle theme.
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Huron, 2 squads of 10 csm in rhinos, 2x nurgle raptor squads, 1x nurgle biker squad.


Or A nurgle lord, 1x 10 plagues, 2x5 plagues, Huron.


Huron infiltrates the 10 man plague marine unit.


All groovy.


Of course Nurgle does close combat and jump packs.

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Close combat, definitely. I think we struggle more with Jump Infantry on the basis we can't field our options as Troops, but obviously as others have mentioned Unbound is a definite option. Think of the modelling possibilities too!

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I'm hoping we get some more daemonkin codex for the other 3 gods. While some people cry about copy and paste with just a few rule tweaks and formations, I think they are great. They don't make the base codexes outdated like redoing SM, Eldar, Knights is doing. I am really hoping for nurgle lords being able to take rotfly mounts and attach to plague drones!


First though are you sure you want nurgle (don't get me wrong hes my fav), but khorne daemonkin warp talons are really really damn strong. That may be more what you are trying to do, take a khorne lord with jump pack and axe of khorne attached to a full squad mark + daemon khorne warp talons. That's so many HoW + str 5 ap3 hits. No meq would survive such an assault.

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Don't discount the viability of Nurgle Mutilators (yeah, I said it) in a Land Raider, particularly with a MoN Lord in Terminator Armor attached.  They're incredibly survivable as long as you aren't fighting too much Poison or Instant Death and if your opponent doesn't have the dakka to prevent the Land Raider from pushing into his ranks, the Mutilators will do a lot of damage before they go down.  Be sure to give the Lord Blight Grenades to mitigate the impact of any enemy charges coming against you as well, and possibly a combi-flamer too.

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First though are you sure you want nurgle (don't get me wrong hes my fav), but khorne daemonkin warp talons are really really damn strong. That may be more what you are trying to do, take a khorne lord with jump pack and axe of khorne attached to a full squad mark + daemon khorne warp talons. That's so many HoW + str 5 ap3 hits. No meq would survive such an assault.

Granted, but remember that's also 470 pts you've got there.  What MEQ squad are you assaulting that's worth that many?  Also remember that, against a reasonably sized target, you're probably taking at least a few casualties to overwatch.

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The casualties are why you bring the full squad :) but pray you roll like some of my opponents and make 75% of your invulns.


Go for the MEQ unit with the HQ in it. He probably has a 2+ armor and eternal shield, it might take some hits to bring that one down.

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Is this viable to have a close combat or jump infantry heavy nurgle army? Would it (or rather could it) work and if so what would be the dynamics of it working?



define close combat? nurgle lords are offten used as are spawn, they technicly do melee only. Jump infantry of the chaos sm kind does suck on the other hand and there is no way to run it.

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I toyed with converting FW's Kazyk the Befouled on his Rot Beast into a Lord and counts as bike to run with 5 MoN Spawn, might still do it...


From there the rest is down to flavour. Although I for one would gush over MoN Raptors if they were converted right (bloated and puss filled).

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