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Death Guard 4000 points Full FOC list


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So I was a little bored and was curious what it would look like if I could cobble together hopefully the best list combining what I already have and what I hope to get, in addition I ended up filling every single spot on the regular Age of Darkness FOC (though I'm not including any allies):

HQ: 615 points
Legion Praetor: 225 points
  • Power Scythe
  • Master-Crafted
  • Digital Lasers
  • Jetbike
  • Rad Grenades
  • Iron Halo
Legion Centurion 195 points
  • Siege Breaker
  • 2 Phosphex Bombs
  • Artificer Armour
  • Power Scythe
  • Jetbike
  • Rad Grenades
Legion Centurion 195 points
  • Siege Breaker
  • 2 Phosphex Bombs
  • Artificer Armour
  • Power Scythe
  • Jetbike
  • Rad Grenades
ELITES: 765 points
Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought
  • Assault Cannons
Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought
  • Assault Cannons
Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought
  • Assault Cannons
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery X3
  • Graviton Cannons X3
TROOPS: 1440
Legion Tactical Squad
Legion Tactical Squad
Legion Heavy Support Squad
  • 5 more Marines
  • Missile Launchers
Legion Heavy Support Squad
  • 5 more Marines
  • Missile Launchers
Legion Heavy Support Squad
  • 5 more Marines
  • Missile Launchers
Legion Heavy Support Squad
  • 5 more Marines
  • Missile Launchers
FAST ATTACK: 165 points
Legion Jetbike Sky Hunters Squadron
  • Sergeant
  • Power Scythe
HEAVY SUPPORT: 525 points
Legion Sicaran Venator
Legion Sicaran Venator
Legion Predator: 145 points
  • Flamestrom Cannon
  • Chem-Munitions
  • Sponson Heavy Flamers
  • Chem-Munitions
  • Pintle-Mounted Heavy Flamer
  • Chem-Munitions
  • Machine Spirit
Plasma Obliterator
TOTAL ARMY COST: 4000 points


In this list I hope to take advantage of some pretty big things the death guard have going for them, firstly is the Power Scythes, normally they're inferior to Power Axes or Paragon Blades, but they really shine when they're on Jetbikes as I've usually been able to get 5-6 models in base contact with a one, after charging that can mean up to 7 attacks from a Centurion or even a Sergeant, quite an increase for 5 points more than a Power Axe, and I'm going to want a unit (or two if the Centurions and Praetor group up into their own unit outside the regular Jetbikes) to somewhat keep up with Mortarion's incredibly high movement rate.


I don't plan on releasing the Jetbikes and Mortarion right away (aside from objective capturing), the main plan is to keep them on the outskirts of the enemy army while allowing the frankly ridiculous amount of heavy weapons the Death Guard have available to destroy enemy Transports, Tanks, Dreadnoughts and Heavy Support.  Once their troops are out in the open then Mortarion and the Jetbikes can move in for the kill (helped a lot by everyone having Move Through Cover).


My list benefits a lot from high Strength Firepower as well as a lot of Poisoned (4+) Blast Templates, the drawbacks are aside from the Jetbikes my units are not very good in close combat (which the Death Guard can normally do very well), however if the enemy never gets there I have nothing to fear.  I don't think even Spartan's could stand up to several Graviton Cannons as well as Sicaran Venator's pummelling them (the Sicaran's being too high Strength for Flare Shields to fully stop and the Graviton Cannons bypassing high AV altogether), the Graviton Cannons and Phosphex Bombs will also act to slow down a lot of units as well as creating a lot of Difficult/Dangerous terrain.  


If worst comes to worst, I have the predator with Chem-Munitions to take on anything that survives and gets too close for comfort, and the sheer amount of unit redundancy means that if I'm engaged in close combat, while the unit will be wiped out I can simply destroy the assaulting unit (most dedicated assault units being far more expensive than any one of my units) without losing too much firepower, and I believe that even Primarch's will be gunned down by the sheer amount of weapons that can fire at them (even with a 2+ save, if there's 40 shots fired at them they're going to take some wounds) with my only real fear being of Corvus and Curze (though if I need to I can simply have Mortarion hold them at bay).


Any suggestions or criticisms are welcome.

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