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Payload for my Dreadclaw

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in my last game i used the IA13 Dreadclaw with 7 Possessed in it. After landing i jiinkt, in the second turn i unloaded the possessed and in turn 3 and 4 i used the overfly attack. The dreadclaw did very well for me and i will use the dreadclaw in the next games.


I have a nurgle themed army and i am looking for a unit to put in for close combat against MEQ. So witch unit should i take:


7 Possessed with mark of Nurge?

7 Chosen with some 2-3 e-claws with mark of Nurge?

3 Mutilators with mark of Nurge?



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Possessed aren't a bad choice because they have no other way to get into melee as fast as in a Dreadclaw. 


But Chosen are probably better due to the Dedicated Transport thing. Unless you don't need the FA slots. YMV.

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I'd say possessed. The dreadclaw have frag launchers so they can attack at initiative. If you run CS supplement you can take a prophet sorcerer (so it doesn't eat anyone) as well and summon up some daemons as well and/or make their invul better or whatever... biggrin.png

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I'd go for BP&CCW CSMs, a champion with some sort of power weapon (lightning claw, maybe fist if nurgle marked), plus 2 meltaguns and either a combi-melta or combi-flamer on the champ. For marks: none, khorne, nurgle, or slaanesh. Maybe vets if you expect to face loyalist marines often. take the icon if khorne, consider it if slaanesh.

Why CSMs? Well, they're a pretty decent melee unit once you have delivery squared away, they're troops so they have objective secured, and they can take the claw as a dedicated transport so it has objective secured. IMO that outweights the extra punch you could get out of chosen or possessed, especially when you factor in the extra cost of those units.

Exceptions are if you're running Daemonkin, Black Legion, or Crimson Slaughter. Many daemonkin run their superformation, which requires a unit of possessed. I wouldn't field them normally, but if you're required to take them then a claw presents the best way of getting some use out of them, though you have to ally it in since daemonkin don't have native access atm.

Black Legion get troop chosen, so you can get your fancier melee unit and the objective secured claw. Unfortunately, black legion suffer the vets tax, which hits chosen especially and unnecessarily hard, and also means that your going to be hurting on points efficiency regardless. This is bad news, given how badly the claw relies on target saturation to stay afloat. Still, a black legion chosen unit in a claw can be a reasonable option if you're running that supplement anyway.

Red Corsairs EDIT: Crimson Slaughter don't get troop chosen, but one unit of Crimson Slaughter chosen do get an impressive bump in the form of preferred enemy, for free, which imo is enough of an added boost to their efficiency to consider running them in a dreadclaw without objective secured.

Other than that, Chosen and Possessed (and berzerkers, and plague marines, and melee noise marines) aren't terrible options for units to stick in a dread claw. I wouldn't say you were 'doing it wrong' if you put any of those units in there (especially berzerkers, they'd honestly be my number one suggestion if they could take them as a dedicated transport), but between the extra cost in points and slots and lack of objective secured, I just don't see those options as optimal. Other people may have better founded opinions on the matter than I do, though.

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I assume you mean Crimson Slaughter when you say Red Corsairs, and unfortunately Daemonkin don't have access to IA13. sad.png

You're right, I meant the Maroon Marauders, not the Ruby Picaroons. I did specifically mention that if daemonkin wanted a claw they would need to ally it in, though.

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I did specifically mention that if daemonkin wanted a claw they would need to ally it in, though.


Why yes you did, and I missed it! :)




...and thank you, I actually learned a new word!

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