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stormraven or paints?


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I have enough money to buy a second storm raven or an entire collection of paints that will start off and finish my new successor chapters paint scheme paints your help on the matter will be greatly appreciated


What do you want most a new storm raven thats around $82.50 which you might not have that disposable income for awhile or the $4 a piece paints which you can buy at anytime. Also if you buy your Storm raven from a store on ebay that i know of its $64.35 instead so maybe you could do both 

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I would personally get the Raven, and some red primer for now. When I started I had the battlebox and a librarian, and played with them primed until I could afford the proper paints. No one really minds playing against at least a primed army.
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Regarding the loadout, you might consider mixing it up for the second one.


You've got one with a multimelta, assault cannon, hurricane bolters; a good infantry killer, why not give your second raven a different role?

My Seond Raven is build for Tank / MC / Elite hunting, so: Lascannon, Multimelta, Storm Missiles.


I can take either one depending on my opponent's army, or both in larger games to cover different battlefield roles.

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Ah, the age old "do I want more paint for my existing shinies, or more shinies?" For me, I really hate deploying unpainted models so if I'm out of paints I have to prioritize that. That said, you gotta go with your gut on questions like this. msn-wink.gif

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If you don't mind mixing paints, you could buy non-GW paints for cheap. I got a set of acrylic paints from Reeves for $16 from which I can paint just about any color (and I honestly think their quality it at least as good as GW). They've lasted me 5 years. You can then get both a full set of paints and a Stormraven off ebay with the money that you have.

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