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Hello there!


I've recently got back into 40k and have decided to just collect everything, which means the majority race will be space marines. So far I have space wolves that I have just started which are on my blog in my signature. Hopefully at some point I can get something going on here for them too!


Then, I plan to get pre heresy Thousand sons, a chaos space marine warband, and two codex chapters, and cypher aaaand grey knights and of course the legion of the damned....


.... And probably deathwatch for my inquisition

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Welcome to B&C, brother! Feel free to poke about and ask us questions - I'd only be too glad to help. Be sure to check the rules for posting here to avoid making any mistakes best left avoided. ;)

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Welcome welcome, that's a pretty long list you have there o_0 I wish you luck getting through it and a good stay in the forum :) I'll certainly be around for the CSM warband and Cypher ;)
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