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Heldrake weapon choice


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Hail all,


Having recently picked up one of the notorious heldrakes, and ready to construct and paint for the ETL, I was wondering what the general consensus is on Hades Autocannon vs Baleflamer?


What do people run, which is more effective, etc.


Thanks all :)

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My theory is that the Heldrake is primarily an anti-infantry platform, so the Baleflamer is the best choice. While the Hades AC would make it a good interceptor, the Meteoric Descent rule allows for this well enough without sacrificing the Baleflamers clear ground attack advantage.


A single Hades isn't going to be a good enough threat versus armour or TEQ. If the Heldrake is raining death upon the enemy troops, then you have more freedom to add specialist teams that can take on armour and TEQ much more effectively than a Heldrake ever could.

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Magnets are your friend here ;)

One day Forté, one day magnets and I will be friends, but for now I am quite unfamiliar


Thank you all for feedback and replies, I think the baleflamer wins hands/tentacles down :) will leave anti tank to other elements.

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Magnets are your friend here msn-wink.gif

One day Forté, one day magnets and I will be friends, but for now I am quite unfamiliar

Thank you all for feedback and replies, I think the baleflamer wins hands/tentacles down smile.png will leave anti tank to other elements.

Good thing I made a tutorial when it first came out!


Baleflamer is normally my choice but again, best to have options!

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Definitely the baleflamer.


BS3 non-twin-linked at 4 shots isn't very good. S8 AP4 ain't really all that hot against enemy flyers, even with daemonforge activated.


The baleflamer, on the other hand, will always hit, and allows you to remove objective holders, pathfinders with marker lights, and so on. It's really no contest, as far as I'm concerned.


As mentioned above, you're better off with the Hell Blade against flyers. Same BS, -1S to the Hades but the upgrade autocannon is 2 more shots which are twin-linked, rending, and you reroll pen/wound rolls of 1 against your chosen flying target. Lower armor value is a substantial disadvantage because even bolters can glance it to death, but along with the autocannon upgrade it's still 5.5 meltaguns cheaper than the drake. It can also reposition itself before it moves, which can be very handy.

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Personally I favour the Hades Autocannon, as my Heldrake is generally used as my anti-air support and vehicle hunting, so I do my best to get behind the enemy (or alongside them) and unload those 4 shots onto their side or rear armour.

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I would advise to watch some videos on how to use the helldrake with the arc fire change and him being on a flyer stand he has a lot of dead zones when firing. Very hard to use in an efficient way, specialy if your opponent knows you have one.

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I would advise to watch some videos on how to use the helldrake with the arc fire change and him being on a flyer stand he has a lot of dead zones when firing. Very hard to use in an efficient way, specialy if your opponent knows you have one.


Could you link some of these videos (if they are in English)? That would be really cool.

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No idea if there are any, but there could be some tournament games with people using them from start of 7th. They are realy hard to use in a legal way the cone is realy small and the 45 degree are in all dimensions , so when your on a flyer base you have a blind spot near your helldrake. Another option would be to talk to people where you play and come to some sort of an agreement how they would like them to be[when you use them of course] to speed up the game. nothing bogs down the game like checking if a unit is within the 45 or not.  specialy if you go creative and model the head in something else then stright line

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