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The rulebook says what they do. Basically they are best used against units with the best armour. They also have a unique feature against vehicles.

Very well I shall Have to try them out.

What exactly do grav weapons even do?... Im sorry I just never used them before and never gave them a thought to throw in any army.

Grav Weapons are serious awesomesauce.

They are Salvo 3/1 (you get 3 shots if you don't move or 1 shot if you do).

They wound on whatever the taget's save is, so if you shoot at a Terminator it wounds on a 2+, if you shoot at a Scout it wounds on a 4+ etc.

The best part is it's AP2 so its wicked good at killing Termys or Monsters like Dreadknights and Riptides.

Slap them on some Space Marine Bikes for relentless and you have a dedicated Elite killer. smile.png

Thanks for the explanation about salvo I never quite understood it. But what I basically hear was.... BUY BIKES AND PUT POW POWWIE GRAV GUNZ ON DEMM biggrin.png

I can see where I play Tyranids every weekend and using these guys to kill his carnifexs and mawlocs/trygons would be beneficial indeed!

I play my uncle who plays nids and he runs 9 carnifexs usually and its a big pain lol.

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The rulebook says what they do. Basically they are best used against units with the best armour. They also have a unique feature against vehicles.

Very well I shall Have to try them out.

What exactly do grav weapons even do?... Im sorry I just never used them before and never gave them a thought to throw in any army.

Grav Weapons are serious awesomesauce.

They are Salvo 3/1 (you get 3 shots if you don't move or 1 shot if you do).

They wound on whatever the taget's save is, so if you shoot at a Terminator it wounds on a 2+, if you shoot at a Scout it wounds on a 4+ etc.

The best part is it's AP2 so its wicked good at killing Termys or Monsters like Dreadknights and Riptides.

Slap them on some Space Marine Bikes for relentless and you have a dedicated Elite killer. smile.png

Thanks for the explanation about salvo I never quite understood it. But what I basically hear was.... BUY BIKES AND PUT POW POWWIE GRAV GUNZ ON DEMM biggrin.png

I can see where I play Tyranids every weekend and using these guys to kill his carnifexs and mawlocs/trygons would be beneficial indeed!

I play my uncle who plays nids and he runs 9 carnifexs usually and its a big pain lol.


This is what I have recently built specifically to target the Tyranid player in my Game group:

FleshTearer Strike Force.

HQ: Bike Captain; Combi-grav, StormShield, Powerfist, Artificer Armour.

Troops: Sniper Scouts

Fast: Bike Squad Combi-grav on sgt, Grav Gun x2, Multi-melta Attack Bike.

Fast: Bike Squad Combi-grav on sgt, Grav Gun x2, Multi-melta Attack Bike.

Fast: Bike Squad Combi-melta on sgt, Melta x2, Multi-melta Attack Bike.

It makes a mess of Carnifex Broods.

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The rulebook says what they do. Basically they are best used against units with the best armour. They also have a unique feature against vehicles.

Very well I shall Have to try them out.

What exactly do grav weapons even do?... Im sorry I just never used them before and never gave them a thought to throw in any army.

Grav Weapons are serious awesomesauce.

They are Salvo 3/1 (you get 3 shots if you don't move or 1 shot if you do).

They wound on whatever the taget's save is, so if you shoot at a Terminator it wounds on a 2+, if you shoot at a Scout it wounds on a 4+ etc.

The best part is it's AP2 so its wicked good at killing Termys or Monsters like Dreadknights and Riptides.

Slap them on some Space Marine Bikes for relentless and you have a dedicated Elite killer. smile.png

Thanks for the explanation about salvo I never quite understood it. But what I basically hear was.... BUY BIKES AND PUT POW POWWIE GRAV GUNZ ON DEMM biggrin.png

I can see where I play Tyranids every weekend and using these guys to kill his carnifexs and mawlocs/trygons would be beneficial indeed!

I play my uncle who plays nids and he runs 9 carnifexs usually and its a big pain lol. Bukimi

Bukimimaru forgot to mention why it is so good to put salvo weapons on relentless units, or conversely so bad to put them on regular infantry. Salvo weapons halve their range when moving. Since terminators and vehicles do not have the option to take grav weapons, put them on bikes.

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The problem with the many templates is that shooting is resolved separately for each weapon. So whatever weapon you shoot first will remove potential targets for the subsequent ones.


Actually, that's not how it works. 




BRB, page 173 "Template Weapons"


Multiple Templates

If a unit is firing more than one shot with the Template type, resolve each shot, one at a time, as described above, determining and recording how many hits are scored be each template. Once the number of hits from all templates has been determined, roll To Wound as normal. ( See pictures just below, showing six Orks taking nine hits from three flamers. ) 



It's perfectly fine to use multiple template weapons in one unit. 

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Welcome to Bolter and Chainsword! smile.png

For a squad with multiple (e.g.) flamers, you are correct with your assessment. However, if you have a combi-flamer, flamer and heavy flamer, each weapon is fully resolves separately as they are separate weapons, just like you would a bolter and a flamer.

Similarly, this is the sole reason why many people don't like giving their "Fragioso's" a flamer to compliment the model's frag cannon.

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I'm not quite sure if this is also true for templates from different weapons, as the rule is to completely resolve all weapons of one profile and then go to the next. I'm not talking about something like 2 flamers, but 2 hand flamers, a flamer and a heavy flamer. Adding up all the wounds from those weapons before removing casualties would be awesome.


@Jolemai: Combi-flamers (using the flamer option) and flamers are in the same group.

The main and secondary weapons of a combi-weapon fire at the same time as all other similarly named weapons in that unit. For example, the ‘boltgun’ part of a combi-weapon fires at the same time as all other boltguns in the unit.


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That's why I said, I'm not sure.


It does say to add up all wounds from multiple template weapons, but it does not explicitly override the weapon choice step of the shooting phase. Template weapons work differently from other weapons (they do not roll to hit etc.), thus the rule that weapons of the same type are grouped together is overwritten as well. Such a rule must be reintroduced for template weapons. There is no indication whether the grouping extends to other weapons with the template rule.

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Working out all the hits at once from several template weapons doesn't contradict resolving the wounds at separate stages depending on AP and S.

I really hope that all templates can be used at once. I'm just not sure it works that way. If a template weapon that is not selected to shoot in step 3 of the shooting sequence generates hits because of the multiple templates rule, has it been shot? Can it be shot when the wounds from the selected template weapon have been resolved? The multiple template rule says nothing about whether such additional template weapons count as having been fired.

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  • Anti-MEQ: Flamer, Heavy Flamer, SGT with Combi-Flamer and Chainsword/Power Sword.
  • Anti-Horde: Plasma Cannon, Plasmagun, SGT with Combi-Plasma/Plasma Pistol and Chainsword.
  • Anti-Tank: Mulit-melta, Meltagun, SGT with Combi-Melta/Inferno Pistol and Chainsword/Power Fist.



I think you mixed up the loadouts for anti MEQ and anti Horde, but yes.


Whoops - thanks for the pick up

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