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Knightly goodness!


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There are news topics around the place, but I felt the urge to put these boys in their own little post, because they look very interesting for chaos!





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Oh my glob................ Damn, there goes my money both look stunning. Just looking at the knight it looks like an upgrade kit, as the chaos elements are resin whilst the rest look like plastic could prove interesting



What is the berserker walker? Is it a lord of skulls variant?

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This is GOOD news and BAD news for Chaos. Allow me to elaborate:



  • an official model for a Chaos Knight Titan
  • Battle Brothers with Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons and Lost&Damned
  • confirmed Paladin/Errant setup + a Chaos weapon mount


  • Forge World which means no GW Chaos Knights
  • a premium price + shipment cost + import fee means that we pay once again 20% more for "less"
  • rules, playable when we buy a new IA book or a major expansion, the Imperials got their rules in a WD
  • FW so far did not publish formations. A Baronial Court or a Tripartite/Adamantine Lance still rules the 40k world
  • FW is still banned/restricted/conditioned in the majority of tournaments

And more. In short this is more bad news for Chaos. Our wallets will weep, we still would have to "ask for permission" and once again we are put into the corner as a "niche army" which is justified by a FW investment and not a GW official one. 


Am I happy by the model? Yes 

I am bitter? Yes


And I still know not the rules nor the cost and neither the support. But this is not the good news I was hoping for. 

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Sadly, that Knight upgrade, despite how much I love it, means added price compared to imperials, plus, a dedicated Chaos Knight (that doesn't have Come the Apocalypse when fighting alongside our traitors) will probably be FW rules (expensive book, and people complaining about using FW rules). Not that that'll keep me from getting a pair of knights anyway tongue.png

- Luther

Edit: Ninja'ed, so basically what he said :P

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This is GOOD news and BAD news for Chaos. Allow me to elaborate:



  • an official model for a Chaos Knight Titan
  • Battle Brothers with Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons and Lost&Damned
  • confirmed Paladin/Errant setup + a Chaos weapon mount
  • Forge World which means no GW Chaos Knights
  • a premium price + shipment cost + import fee means that we pay once again 20% more for "less"
  • rules, playable when we buy a new IA book or a major expansion, the Imperials got their rules in a WD
  • FW so far did not publish formations. A Baronial Court or a Tripartite/Adamantine Lance still rules the 40k world
  • FW is still banned/restricted/conditioned in the majority of tournaments
And more. In short this is more bad news for Chaos. Our wallets will weep, we still would have to "ask for permission" and once again we are put into the corner as a "niche army" which is justified by a FW investment and not a GW official one.


Am I happy by the model? Yes

I am bitter? Yes


And I still know not the rules nor the cost and neither the support. But this is not the good news I was hoping for.

Your right though at least it's something.... Who knows FW may even publish the rules for free on their site there has been quite a few units with the offical rules lately like the laser vindicator. I wonder if they can be dedicated to one of the Gods rule wise like the chaos Titans ?????
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The thing that many people tend to "forget" about Forge World is that a player wishing to field a FW model has to "ask the permission", a permission which can very well be denied once you show the rules to your adversary. Is this denial being a bad person, or is simply the defense of your own interest and you can remove a potential threat with but a word. 


So far I have been more often denied the permission than granted and many tournaments simply ban FW to keep their arbiters mentally healthy and free to work out the GW cheese and being spared the FW one. I know this for a fact for I have acted the part of judge on many such events. 

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Tenebris, I thought Forge World was now legal for tournaments, even (especially) GW ones, when they released the campaign pack? I understand some places may not do that depending on their rules though.


I'm excited for both either way!

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As a matter of fact it is not. The higher the level the more you see FW restricted, especially when you game with the older guys which still harbor a stigma for all things FW. Usually it comes to two things. You play FW when you play Crusade Era lists or you play FW in an Age of Darkness list but it is usually restricted either in points or in builds. 


To say that FW is allowed is a lie. At best it is granted via permission, but not allowed per standard in most of the serious events. 

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So it's just a matter time for an official Knight.  Good.  Time to finish my conversion from the Dreamforge 28mm kit.  Which puts it more in line with a Castigator size... but oh well.


As far as the model itself goes... meh... now those those conversion legs for the Lord of Skulls.  That's hot, and will probably be when I get one.

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As a matter of fact it is not. The higher the level the more you see FW restricted, especially when you game with the older guys which still harbor a stigma for all things FW. Usually it comes to two things. You play FW when you play Crusade Era lists or you play FW in an Age of Darkness list but it is usually restricted either in points or in builds. 


To say that FW is allowed is a lie. At best it is granted via permission, but not allowed per standard in most of the serious events. 


I'm certain I remember GW legalising it for tournament play in their last campaign pack - but this may change with WHW being reopened.


That said, I just had a search: if you look here, FW is entirely legal for those games days: http://warhammerworld.games-workshop.com/events-hall/gaming-events/throne-of-skulls/


"Publications in use: All Warhammer 40,000 publications from Games Workshop, including Black Library, White Dwarf and Forge World (excluding Horus Heresy publications)."


Appreciate that may not apply locally as stated - but that seems to be the policy now, and I'm totally happy with that.

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The big thing is whether ETC legalises it (or has already!) - I'm not sure on that front. I've had a quick look but can't see anything.


I suppose we also still need a book to make this official one way or the other, so fingers crossed that'll be forthcoming soon :)


Or, just use it as a loyalist Knight - no harm!


*Edit - sorry for double post!

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Unless a rule comes with an official rulebook this will not be the case. FW is still the exception and there is no norm on the case. I appreciate the Warhammer World effort but I don't think that we have a policy. An official statement is demanded. Currently FW is still "ask for permission" a permission which can be denied. It also comes written in their own FW books. 

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I believe the event I got to also has the rule that if a model has its own rules, one should use those rules.


Still excited that there is something happening on the Chaos sides. But it wouldn't surprise me if its just a conversion pack.


A possibility is also that fw releases a dataslate that just morphs imperial knights (using that codex), but adds and changes some rules.


Like: can become daemonic, for Xpts, or buy a chaos weapon, or allignmenta.


Either way, this does throw a bit if a spanner in my dark mechanicum allies to knights idea. I think I will still build it, and just see if I can convince event organizers to allow me stuff. Should be fine here, but I understand other peoples fear very well.

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And should it be a conversion kit it is in fact the worst scenario. It still implies a Come the Apocalypse Knight and now we have to pay a premium for even worse rules. I hope that at least this is not the case. 

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Unless a rule comes with an official rulebook this will not be the case. FW is still the exception and there is no norm on the case. I appreciate the Warhammer World effort but I don't think that we have a policy. An official statement is demanded. Currently FW is still "ask for permission" a permission which can be denied. It also comes written in their own FW books. 


Oh I concur, although have a look at p6 in Imperial Armour 13 - that seems pretty concrete, in terms of use in "standard" games, and I'm pretty sure is different to what came before in terms of permission. I think that's exciting going forward!

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Looking at the pic, it looks like a normal plastic knight skeleton, with a diff gunshield, gun and armour plates/carapace, and a head.


It doesnt look like a full chaos knight either. It looks like a normal knight that went evil, but not in any way daemonic yet.

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You're right, probably a resin upgrade kit. Or, the hybrid they often sell with the additional parts and the main 'chassis'. Be good if they sold it separately though :)

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I really don't see why FW has to be restricted in tournaments. It's not like it's any more imbalanced than some other stuff they have put in their own codexes...

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Unless a rule comes with an official rulebook this will not be the case. FW is still the exception and there is no norm on the case. I appreciate the Warhammer World effort but I don't think that we have a policy. An official statement is demanded. Currently FW is still "ask for permission" a permission which can be denied. It also comes written in their own FW books. 


Oh I concur, although have a look at p6 in Imperial Armour 13 - that seems pretty concrete, in terms of use in "standard" games, and I'm pretty sure is different to what came before in terms of permission. I think that's exciting going forward!



I find it exciting too but I usually prefer to work with what I have and I do not like to speculate on things I wish. My argument is that we still have to work with the whole "ask for permission thing" and this permission can very well be denied. How long this will be the case I know not, I am not a wizard. What I know though is that I have been arbiter to three tournaments this year and of this only one was liberal to the FW models and rules. 

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Now I was under the impression that Forge World rules were now fully useable with 40k and no longer an "ask permission" situation.


Now, as for the Knight Model, I've seen better but it's certainly in the right direction.


As for their being rules coming out for it...about time. Now there won't be any silly 'come the apocalypse' rule to work round so personally it's a good thing, especially for those who have already converted up a beautiful (or terrifying) Chaos Knight.

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On the model itself.


To me looks good as it has the typical Chaos elements. It has warped plates of armor. It has bony growths and an organic feel to it and it has enough room between the mutated shoulder and leg plates for an approximation of its former heraldry. I like the chainsword weapon mount and the shield plate on the cannon. So far it looks good, mutated and chaotic. The face plate is much to my liking for it hints at an ancient helmet but it is properly warped into a leering skull with bony horns all round. 


It is nothing to write home about but until we see more of it I consider it in line as a basic template for future Chaos Knights. 

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