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Knightly goodness!


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I've heard that there are rules for the Knight coming and for a Chaos Warlord. Time will tell but please hold judgement till they are available. The past few books (Daemonkin, IA13, and Crimson Slaughter) were all bashed at the rumours stage but have all seen lots of use once released.
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Huh, my experience/recollection of IA13 was the opposite - lots of hype and buildup followed by a very mixed reaction to a very mixed bag of content in terms of quality or consistency of rules, or apparent awareness on the part of rules writers of 7th edition.

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IA13 gave some very well-needed things to CSM armies. But people were expecting chaos knights to be there, no such luck though. But maybe they'll come soon...one can only hope...
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Gotta back malisteen on this. IA13 was definitely a mixed bag for me. Some gold, lots o' poop. Mostly poop, actually.


At least those units, much like these knights, look cool. I will sacrifice many eldar children to make sure their points cost is reasonable.

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I mean, don't get me wrong, there stuff in it I liked, and if I ever get back into 40k I'll probably be picking up a dread claw at least.  But a lot of stuff I was really looking forward to was handled pretty questionably.  The renegades & heretics list in particular leaves me hoping for a GW produced lost and the damned minidex.


Even as I've found the proliferation of minidexes lately a bit frustrating.  I admit to being being somewhat hypocritical in this regard.

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