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Scratch built Tainted Dreadnought

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I'm a huge fan of Forgeworld but I really wanted the Mhara Gal model to be better... it just looks a bit 'gammy' to me, I think it's the legs - they look odd. A huge shame since the Gal Vorbak are beautiful in a corrupted possessed kind of way. Anyway, I decided to create my own Tainted Dreadnought using bits left over from my Maulerfiends and a spare Dreadnought sprue I had, plus other bits from other kits.


These photos are all pre-green stuff work (aside from hiding the pinning on the legs), and it does need some attention with the old green stuff (which I am doing tomorrow) but what are people's thoughts? Does it look 'Tainted' enough?









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How is the height compared to a Contemptor?

Not sure Forte? How big is a Contemptor? It's just under twice the height of a CSM Helbrute. I'll post up height comparisons later.


Here it is undercoated in Dragon Red... I'll get paint on this next week hopefully.













Apologies - the undercoat isn't quite dry and I'm using an iPhone camera so not the best shots above...




EDIT - Size comparisons.




So with the help of google you can see a Contemptor is a tad taller than a Dreadnought...


But as you can see below, he's quite a bit taller than the CSM Helbrutes and the loyalist/Chaos sized FW/GW Dreadnought. So I'd say more Dreadknight sized than Contemptor sized.







I think I'm going to try him out as both a Mhara Gal and a Decimator in friendly games. 

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It looks more like a Daemon Prince than a Hellbrute imho, but it looks awesome whatever it plays as. The nice thing about Chaos units is that most of the models can represent more than one item. Take off a Predator's turret and throw on a twin-linked lascannon, and you have a chaos razorback. :D

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