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Imperial Fists Master of Relics


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I painted this one some time ago and I tried very hard to achieve the best result I could. I will apreciate your comments and criticism.

Do you think this can sell on ebay for at least slightly higher than retail price? Because I think it lacks something, don`t know what, but it feels lacking to me, even though I put so much work into it :/

Hope for your input.



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It looks very nice, but let's go ahead and keep the discussion focused on the model itself, rather than its potential value on eBay, lest this post be mistaken for advertising and given the Emperor's Grace.


Do you have any more images? Other angles would be nice to see for C&C.

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looks good to me, strong clean yellow


id perhaps make the aquila on his "crotch plate" a different colour, blends in a bit too much being yellow as well

If you make the codpiece a different color, you'll draw attention to it. If people think you're intentionally drawing their attention to the model's codpiece, i.e., his groin, they may think you're sexually deviant- hell, I think this of the Games Workshop employee who designed this model. Do you really want to risk this?

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