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Fist of Khorne formation


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While I disagree on the raw, I agree on the intent, and am mostly arguing facetiously as a way to vent my annoyance at what seems to me to be a poorly thought out product.  And 'exclusive rules' are imo terrible for the game altogether.


Then I misunderstood you. I share your frustration at addressing our faction's crappy rules with formations rather than solid stats/points cost to begin with.


But I will be saving up to buy a Kharybdis. There is so much potential. I love Berzerkers, and I'd rather they perform like the legendary ass kickers they're supposed to be.


As for using the smaller pod as a proxy, it's definitely less than ideal for the reasons you gave but the opponent should be happier with the smaller model since less of his vehicles will be hit.

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lol for the price of it just convert a bunch of bastions and drop them.


"I drop blood churches on my opponents heads and angry, bloodthirsty, maniac worshipers spill out after sermon intent on slaughter"

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lol for the price of it just convert a bunch of bastions and drop them.


"I drop blood churches on my opponents heads and angry, bloodthirsty, maniac worshipers spill out after sermon intent on slaughter"

"And then the churches shall fly away afterwards keen to spread the word of Blood."



I'm actually pretty amazed, that is an awesome idea convert each bastion into a mobile shrine to Khorne, use plasticard to make the claws I'm sure it will be roughly the same size. Though you may get jerks trying to stop you from fielding them as such by claiming it is impossible to distinguish it as one (trust me it has happened)

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"And then the churches shall fly away afterwards keen to spread the word of Blood."


In the formation, the KACs are immobilized after landing on a building / vehicle anyway.

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By the way why is the zerker one worded like that , when the siccarius drop one lets them charge on the turn they deep strike as long as they don't shot? Kind of a odd to have two identical mechanics worded in a different way.


Also if AA fire drops our pod can they still charge on the turn they land, as they technicly do disembark out of the blow up vehicle ?

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I assume you mean interceptor fire jeske. With the kharybdis 'fist of khorne' formation, yes. By any other current means, no. (IA:13 pg.89 "drop pod assault" ...a unit that deep strikes via drop pod may not assault in the turn it arrives."
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Worded differently, I presume, because by rule the kharybdis is an assault vehicle. IA:13 prohibits you from assaulting the turn you arrive via deep strike. It does not, however, prohibit you from disembarking the turn you arrive. The 'fist of khorne' formations 'hungry for blood' special rule supercedes the 'can not assault the turn you arrive' restriction in IA:13. Convoluted explanation but there ya go. 'Hungry for blood' is worded just about the only way it can be worded to make sense. 'Tip of the spear' is an entirely different rule so... Sure makes sense that its... Well... Different
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Interceptor happens at the end of the enemy player's (Daemonkin player's) movement phase, so wouldn't that allow the pod to crash down, 'zerkers to come out, and only then either could be shot at by a model with interceptor?


And since it's an assault vehicle, if they waited for some reason to disembark until the pod has been on the table for 2 turns, they could still charge should it get blown up and they survive the explosion (I believe).

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