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Should the skull be also mouth open to mirror the face?

It's a WIP. If you look at the sample side-by-side with the original here, you can see what the 'face' will look like. The face still needs to have the cybernetics covering the mouth added. Both the skull and face were taken from other sources - vector zombie heads are easy to find online; vector cybernetic humanoids that don't look like Necrons, not so much.

Closing in on a final design for Saa's Dark Mechanicus decals, enough so that I went ahead and prepped an all-white version. I think I'm gonna have to add a division line between skull and cyber-head in the white version...


Edited by Carlson793
  • 7 months later...

Been a while since I posted an update. Trying to get back into the swing of things, this time to give myself a break from all the Battlegroup reading/playing I've been busy with.

Decided to revisit an old project. One of the first sheets I did (January 2015) was Rogue Trader Era Salamanders. Based it on the Space Marines Painting Guide from (if my research is correct) White Dwarf 119 back in 1989.


Then in April 2015, The4thHorseman commissioned me to do the same thing for the Blood Angels. Had to do it as two sheets because there were two logo styles available: the early BA decal sheet, and the previously mentioned painting guide.


So that left two of four chapters to do. Well, now one of four.


So, Salamanders, Blood Angels, and Ultramarines. Who's the last chapter in this series?


Edited by Carlson793

...and the last of the Space Marine Painting Guide RT Era sheets, Space Wolves, has been uploaded...



First the drought, then the flood. Going through the Horus Heresy books, looking at the pre-Primarch Legions and other agencies of the Imperium. Gonna do Luna Wolves and Ordo Reductor over the next few days (ahh, the benefits of not using any vacation time before October...), but first...


XIIth Legion 'War Hounds' (pre-Angron World Eaters)


...and with these two, I'm done for now! Three sheets done and posted over the last three hours. Yeah, that's good for a day.


Luna Wolves




Ordo Reductor


Continuing work on House Malinax. Had a slight 'burp' in the process when I came across good scans of the knights and had to redo the glyphs I had already done. Also, the Cog Mechanicus took a but longer than expected. Closing in on scaling time.


Having a slight delay on the House Malinax sheet. Haven't had much time at home, and apparently the USB ports on my Mac at work are having an issues - they keep ejecting my portable drive. Going to transfer my in-progress files to Google Drive this evening so I can access them without the portable drive.

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay Sports Fans, Friends, and Neighbors*, I've got the Malinax sheet at a point where I'm happy with it. The question is will the Malinax players be happy with it? How's it look? Did I miss anything? Speak up so I can move this to the 'Done' column!


*as my father used to say, probably repeating a regional sports program he listened to

Edited by Carlson793

With Malinax posted, I decided to move on to two more Knight houses, one from a GW publication...


...and the other a Knight sheet with multiple houses (Heterodyne, Wulfenbach, Sturmvoraus, Corbettite, and J

Latest sheet has been posted: House Degallio Imperial aligned Knight house, as appearing in Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh! Considering some of the details are too small to be seen on the full size sheet, I was thinking the file size would come in significantly larger.





My my, brother, haven't we been a busy bee? :biggrin.:

Excellent work on pretty much all of it, I'd say. :thumbsup:

Thanks, Olis. Feels good...to...b...

"...pretty much all of it..."? PRETTY MUCH?!? Why you ungrateful... :wink:


So, the Suturvora project. One thing is standing out to me, and it's the one that has the 'artist' in me trying not to blind his loved ones from the gleam it's putting in his eyes.

See, based on the examples in Tempest, Suturvora looks to have a very simple logo scheme - just a few logos used to denote the Legio. Where the differentiation comes in is on their kill banners, specifically the individuality of their kill markers. At first glance, they're all the same - a simple skull logo - but if you look closer, each skull is different, showing individual fractures and holes and such. Now I get to create lots of different skulls, each with its own damage. Simpler than it sounds - I just need to create the base skull, a handful of damage templates, and then apply those damage templates to the skulls. Some will be to the temple, some to the crown, some between the eyes. Rotate, flip, and distort that small number of templates, and you get a wide variety of individual damages.


:laugh.: :biggrin.: :tongue.: :biggrin.: :laugh.:


Work continues on the Legio Suturvora sheet commissioned by jacqualine47. As I told her...

Having a lot of fun with this one. Can I squee? I shouldn't squee...

:censored: it! I'm gonna squee!



Edited by Carlson793
  • 4 months later...

Okay, as part of 'getting back in the swing of things' with decal sheets, I'm returning to a sheet for <REDACTED>, but since this isn't for Marines or Knights, I need to do some testing to make sure I get the scale as close to right as I can first time out. Figure while I'm at it, I can show off some work-in-progress for my <REDACTED> sheet.


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