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New Recruit in need of advice


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Good day fellow angels!


As the topic might incline, I am fairly new to the astrates and the blood angels.

I have been playing warhammer fantasy for about 12 years, meanwhile collecting some 40k as I have allways been more drawn to the aspect of raging war across the galaxy.


I usually only play with 1 other guy, but will look into finding a gaming group in the long run. Now we play for fun and to learn our armies/new rules. I play mainly for fun, wanting to try out new things. He does not. He plays either eldar or space wolves, and we keep to the 600p value, and with eldar he either fields 2x3 jetbikes, farseer on jetbike + wraithknight, or 2x3 jetbikes, 2x farseer on jetbike, a support D cannon and dark reapers with the blast2 guns. Wolves is 2x5 tacs and 5 thunderwolves with captain on wolf.. 

Anyways, if I might bother you to help me compete against that as I am out of ideas, I'd be much obliged.


I currenly have;

1 term captain

1 librarian in term

10 tacs

5 death company

1 dreadnought

1 death company dreadnought

2 terminator squads

1 terminator assault squad

2 drop pods.


what do I lack for the 600p range, where should I go next?


The emperor protects!

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We are always going to struggle agaisnt Eldar at such a low points level, but there are a few things we can do to stack the odds in our favour.


Here are a few units that I have learned to love in low points games.


Sniper scout with camo-cloaks are massivly under-rated and when you need to fill up your two troop otions without spending a fortune on Tac Marines, you can do much worse than infiltrating these guys onto ojectives and then going to ground in cover for a tasty 2+ cover save.


Secondly I cant reccomend Furioso Dreads enough, especially against Eldar. Drop a furioso in a pod on turn one, open up the 3 flame templates on his jetbikes/ infantry and watch him cry Space-elfy tears.


Get those Tac marines in a rhino, zip them up the board with some flamer/heavyflamer goodness.


A Vindicator is a Blood Angel's best friend, and being able to drop a S9 AP1 large blast template your opponent will give them some difficult choices to make.


A librarian with some jump-packing Death Company for some fast c/c killing. The Divination Primasris power was MADE to be cast on Death Company Marines.


I hope this helps.


Keep us updated and let us know how you do in future games. :)

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Wow, a wraithknight at 600 pts is brutal. I'm not sure how much you can do against that without tailoring a unit to destroy it specifically (like assault terminators with SS/TH in a stormraven, fire concussive missiles and then assault from the stormraven). You'd probably best try to ignore it, but that's hard in 600 pts.


Looks to me that you have a really good selection of units that covers just about anything that BA can do (minus vehicles). I personally like flyers, and against a wraightknight having a stormraven that he can't do much about seems a fair counterpart to the wraithknight.

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Thanks for the advices!

I was planning on going with pods and/or deep strike terminators to get close and personal right off. I've faced him before with a 600p tau army, tho reserve rolls were never in my favour alas... I didn't quite fancy the tau either, as having an army almost completely based around stand and shoot makes the game somewhat dull. Tho I enjoyed the riptide and his power, but up against a wratihknight you could really feel the difference in power (and point cost) And since I've read almost all of the Horus heresy books and most of the space marines omnibuses I felt going in this direction will bring me closer to the reason I went for 40k gaming smile.png

Anyways, I've tried to make up a list withing the point range of 600.



Librarian,mastery lvl 2, jump pack, power weapon


Scout Squad, camo cloak, 5 sniper rifles

Tactical marines (5) ,Heavy Flamer, Rhino


Death company squad, jump packs,power fist

Furioso Dreadnought, heavy flamer, pod

With 5 points to spare, is there any adjustments I should do? Is mastery 2 worth it (Might go up against 2 lvl 3 farseers)

Thanks again for the advice,


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Both Eldar and TWC are weak to solid Alpha Strike, something BA do remarkably well. While the Rhino is fine right now, once you can accommodate 3 full pods, I would switch over to pods, Bikes and Jump Packs entirely. I believe the BA call it Blood Rodeo.


Anyway, I wish you success in your first steps ;)

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Both Eldar and TWC are weak to solid Alpha Strike, something BA do remarkably well. While the Rhino is fine right now, once you can accommodate 3 full pods, I would switch over to pods, Bikes and Jump Packs entirely. I believe the BA call it Blood Rodeo.

Anyway, I wish you success in your first steps msn-wink.gif


Yeah, our Alpha Strike is central to our game. It's all about Alpha doing so much damage that the opponent then has to worry about his flooded deployment zone, rather than the jump/ bike units speeding towards him ;)

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Running a librarian with just jump pack, and the scouts bare would leave me room for 3 pods (1 empty) wich would allow me to alpha strike in both the furioso with its heavy flamer and the taq squad with heavy flamer, leaving both cover and some bigger treats up close allowing my lib+DC squad to hopefully get up into range without too much trouble.. Is this too far fetched in such a low point game? Would the table be too empty first turn in case I don't get first go? 

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