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Carnotaurs, Blood Angel successor chapter, ETL and more


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These are all glorious sir. What color is that bronze?

Thank you! I use all GW colors. The Base coat is Screaming Bell->Argrax earthshade wash-> Hashnut copper dry brush - > Another dry brush of a Mix of Hashnut copper/Runefang steel 80/20. On the 2 dry brush steps I always go in one direction. Ie. Top to bottom from you "lightsource" towards the shadowed/darker areas of the Mini.

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So I nice big update today. Had another good weekend.


I always find painting black, tricky, but just did the best I could.


Here is my 10 man unit of Death Company. The chain Hammers turned out well!




Chaplain with Powerfist! The details on him were nice to pick out. I couldn't help myself but to make black a secondary color.




Last but not least. My favorite of the bunch. Chaplain with jump pack and the Relic Valor's Edge!




With this my First ETL Vow is complete!

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What are you finding tricky with black? Is it the highlights?


Also, congrats on your vow! Any plans on a follow up? You've got a good two months left ;)

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What are you finding tricky with black? Is it the highlights?


Also, congrats on your vow! Any plans on a follow up? You've got a good two months left ;)

It's the highlights. I find they are underwhelming or over the top. I have a feeling it just stems from a need to get more experience with painting black. Any tips are welcome!


I planning on making a second vow that will see 1 libby dread, 2 fragiosos, 2 standard furiosos and a Cassor the Damned brought to the painting.

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I hear that starting from grey and working down to black works well but for me, I find good results with using black basecoat and highlighting (either a drybrush or edge highlighting) with Hawk Turquoise. For me it works, but many feel that using a non-grey colour to highlight black gives a "Tron" style look.

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I hear that starting from grey and working down to black works well but for me, I find good results with using black basecoat and highlighting (either a drybrush or edge highlighting) with Hawk Turquoise. For me it works, but many feel that using a non-grey colour to highlight black gives a "Tron" style look.




I like it! I will give it a try. At the very least it will be an easy way to make in IC standout!


On to other news i have pledged my second vow to the ETL. With it I will strive to complete 6 Dreadnoughts. there will be A libby, Cassor and 4  Furiosos. Two with frag cannons and 2 standard melee ones.



I have added some appropriate markings with some lovely etched brass!



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From my blog, and oddly, the only picture I can find right now. The model in question is in a WIP stage and I drybrushed the highlight on rather than used edge highlighting. Of course, it means I need to tidy is up some... Anyway, at least it gives you an idea of what I mean.

Looks like I found some time msn-wink.gif Apologies again for the bad lighting (best I can do right now) and that it's a camera phone picture dry.png

Front/side view WIP:


Here he is in all his blu-tacced glory and yes, that's a lot of blu-tac. The green Ion Shield is going to represent the only link to his Knightly House. The red freehand is just a guide at the moment but right now it looks like a spider...

Front/top view WIP:


With this one you can see my progress on the highlighting. All my Death Company have a muted Hawk Turquoise edge highlight and I feel it really stands out on the bigger model. Not finished yet though!

Plans for this involve adding a magnetic truss to the inside and I may magnetise his feet as I want the base to come away for packing. I also plan on doing some minor sculpting on the pauldrons (so that's my first attempt with green stuff, first attempt at a truss and first attempt at freehand - I must be mad).

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Keravnos once again taking minis I want to use and using them with the Minotaurs Contemptor, love that thing! Can't wait to see how you make him look!

From my blog, and oddly, the only picture I can find right now. The model in question is in a WIP stage and I drybrushed the highlight on rather than used edge highlighting. Of course, it means I need to tidy is up some... Anyway, at least it gives you an idea of what I mean.

@Jolemai: I can't wait to see that knight finished. But I like the potential the blue has. I will try it on Cassor. I want him to stand out as the "Character" dread he is. Do you use a blue wash? It could add an interesting hue to the black against the blue highlight.


@Charlo: I am glad you like my choices. I am excited to see how your cousins to my chapter turn out!



Dreads have been cleaned up and primed. They go to the table tonight!

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Maybe we should write a friendly rivalry in our fluff :O seeing as we're using the same helms (albeit mine are more scarce!... And not on any models yet)


I'm considering a very slightly blue hilight on my DC to avoid them falling into the black of my standard Marines, so this discussion is helpful :P

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She'll be worked on after the ETL. It might take a while as I've decided to do a spot of sculpting on her... As for a wash, I don't use one (yet).



@Jolemai I totally understand! I am going to try a few different colors with and without washes. Ill post the results. I think they will turn out well!



Small update today. I have been working on the 4 furioso's in my vow. they have been completely base coated and I gave them their first wash last night. My next step will be to dry brush the metallics.


Furioso w/ chain blades ie: Blood talons/shred





Standard Furioso





Fragioso w/ Heavy flamer





Fragioso w/ Melta gun



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Am I living a second life through you Keravnos? I wanted to use the Chainfists on a dread too for a Furioso/ DC biggrin.png

Awesome progress though, can't wait to see the Talon fully painted!

@Charlo Glad you like!

So here is 2/3rds of my Second ETL vow completed!

After painting so much infantry, it was very pleasing to paint giant , mechanical, infantry .... biggrin.png

Never the less here they are!





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I would have preferred more Black to add to the contrast but these are looking sweet!


@Dolchiate  I agree, but I am trying to restrict black in my army scheme to certain units. Ie Chaplains and D. C.  But another color to break up the red would be nice. Possible hazard striping. Usually I use the bronze. This time I am saving it for the Libby dread in the reverse scheme of these guys. 

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First of the 2 "Character" Dreads I am painting. I didnt have time to go get a blue that i liked to try an alternate highlighting scheme. So I stuck with the standard Grey. 


With this only 1 more Dreadnought is left to complete my second ETL Vow!!



Cassor The Damned!





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Finished My libby dread this morning. Second ETl is now done. Have to begin contemplating what  is next for the Carnotaurs.



Librarian Dreadnought Hyperion












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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been quiet of late. Summer fun,kids camps and many other things have kept me away from the painting table. I finally managed to get some time to paint what I feel is the most challenging part of my third vow. So here are my 2 storm ravens!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Another long break between updates. Hectic summer. Got in a couple games last weekend. Anyways half way done with vow 3 and coming down to the wire. So here are my 3 finished drop pods. Rhinos and Vindis up next!



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