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From the ashes a legion will be tested


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As the fire raged he saw a figure and it blazed hotter than the flames licking around its plate and mail; he recoiled and it was an unfamilar feeling. He knew no fear.

And yet, he feared what lay in those flames. But this what not the fear of a mortal, no this was the fear of an Astartes;the fear of an angel of death! Alexander drew himself to his feet, his good arm threatened to give out as his the servos in his legs struggled to life and he gathered his arms; a last clip for his bolter and a broken short sword. His helm was cracked and leaked in the searing air. With a roar he tore it from his head and cast it down as a challenge.

"Demon! This is your last day, this is your last fight! You will not get past me to prey on the Emperors servants!" Standing defiantly, in armor crimson red with bronzed and silvered detailing, he stood. Captain Alexander of the III company and a Blood Angel. " In the name of the Angel I shall slay thee!" And with that final cry, Alexander threw aside his bolter and broken sword and charged; grabbing the axe of a fallen comrade.

Leo, this was his axe. I remember when he bested a Lord of Chaos with this axe.

As the sun shone high in the sky, Alexander charged into the flames, to confront a foe only he could understand.


Hello everybody,


Some of you might remember me. I shall be returning to the ninth legion in the near future. For now, I will update on the adventures of Alexander of the III company. I hope this keeps you satisfied until I once again post pictures of the ninth legion. Good bye for now. 






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We return to Alexander as he rushes to defeat the villain hidden in the flames...


He could feel the heat on his face; smell his flesh on the suffocating air. Pain laced his face and the rest of his body. His weakened muscles cried out from days and weeks of endless combat. Every blow taken and every strike laid out took its toll.


But he was happy for the pain.


It replaced the fear of failure, the threat of defeat at the hands of a demon. 


He knew no fear. Only death.


He wouldn't allow Chaos to take this world to crush the city that lay at his back.


No fear. Only death. It became his battle cry. 


"DEATH!" He screamed as the flames kissed his face. But then, as he charged and lunged out at the horned menace;a shock ran through his twin hearts. And a cold jagged blade of a voice cut through his mind.


"These are sad times Alexander. Blood Angel."


Then he was no longer in the flames. All he could feel was the cold of the void. Suddenly he was in a room without geometry or symmetry; the light spilled forth and stars uncountable threatened to crush his soul. He felt nothing and everything in that moment; the weight of the universe bore down upon him and he was found wavering.


"Where am I?" Alexander choked out, from a voice so small he couldn't believe it belonged to him.


"You're nowhere my child."  This time the voice came with no weight, no form. It was as if the light itself spoke. It stirred something deep inside of him. Suddenly he was sure the voice was female. It felt, nurturing. 


"My child, my son. You've nothing to fear." Confusion turned to anger and then to rage and lashed out.


"FEAR I KNOW NO FEAR!" He thrashed and raged out at nothing but the emptiness that pervaded and taunted him.


"What manner of sorcery has brought me here? Show yourself! Enchanter!"


"You think me a witch? Warlock? You have so much to learn." Sadness soaked the voice and its nurturing quality was unmistakable.


"Come closer my child and I will show you everything."

His rage was quelled, the voice calmed the red that began to take his mind. And he drifted; fell to the past.

Suddenly, he was torn down and up and everywhere all at once. And the cold that pierced his mind before returned. But now the pain was incredible. It felt as if a thousand suns bore upon his skin and the ice of Fenris ran through his body.


Then he was gone from the room of light and stars.

He was naked, surrounded by red sand and searing heat.

Radiation soaked his flesh.


He was back on Baal....

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