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Your favourite armor Mk and why

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Mk III breachers for me, just a fan of the reinforced look to the armor especially for boarding actions.

Yes, Mk III breathers with BA parts are also my favorite, like this guy I haven't finished yet





Mk III just looks like the armor of champions!

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I don't really have a favourite, it entirely depends on the warrior within. Implacable and rock steady? Give him MK III (but with a MK II head because I prefer them). Elegant swordsman? MK IV all the way. Raging butcher? MK V. I really want to do a MK VI marine at some point with a pollaxe in gold trimmed grey so he looks like a C14th knight with a houndskull bascinet.


And if you need a warrior so badass he doesn't even need the power bit of power armour, stick him in MK I.

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Mk III breachers for me, just a fan of the reinforced look to the armor especially for boarding actions.

Yes, Mk III breathers with BA parts are also my favorite, like this guy I haven't finished yet





Mk III just looks like the armor of champions!

That guy dunks his cheese sticks in awesomesauce!

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Another one for Mark III breachers, I love them so much I've requested and pestered FW several times as to wether they'll release just the helmets in a pack. As I'm currently buying them from 3rd parties...

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I like all the battle plate up to VI. Personally I will try and mix different plate in different proportions in all my forces.


I used to like VII when it got released (the 15man metal and plastic eagle armour box) but I find it a bit dull nowadays.


I still like the idea of the all beakie heresy of yesteryear. I just remember the great Paul bonner artwork from Adeptus Titanicus and Space Marine.


TDA I like all three, probably tartarous the most.

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