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I find the title is the hardest part of an introduction

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Hello, I'm Kaiser Senpai and I'm new to 40k and this website. I got introduced to the hobby by a friend who played and knew I liked to paint models. We had previously discussed 40k and what I might want to play. He eventually gave me a kit for my birthday (Cadian Command Squad) and I've been slowly painting, collecting, and learning ever since. I've been doing a TON of googling rules, strategies, and army lists, which is why i came across Bolter and Chainsword. Im excited to get into the hobby and hopefully enjoy and learn from this community.
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Hail brother to the B&C I hope you enjot youreself here. Is their a particular faction that you have been eyeing? Also love the username.

I've already begun collecting and painting Imperial Guard. The concept of orders and fielding human beings as a 'horde army' appeals to me the most. However I'm not as devoted to the grimdark so my new company is going to be a colorfully painted band of delightfully incompetent morons. Basically a penal legion if we still had those. I also promised my wife I would, at some point, buy, paint, and field Blood Angels with a My Little Pony Theme. So far I only have a couple of squads, CCS, Chimera, Russ, and the Blood Angels from the Deathstorm box, though, so a second army is pretty far off.

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I welcome thee, friend. You have chosen the right community :)


The idea of a bunch of morons grouped together and survive against all odds by sheer inexplicable luck is excellent. It has loads of character. Gives you plenty of conversion opportunities if you are into that sort of thing. Anyway, why don't you head over to the Glorious Imperial Guard section and say 'hi' ;)


Enjoy your stay.

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