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If you could add one rule to one unit, what would you add?

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So, here's a thought experiment for you all. One rule, one unit, with the aim of making that unit better or at least different to its Loyalist counterpart. No sweeping Legion tactics or anything like that.


Mine is for basic Chaos Marine squads:


Storm of Shells: If a Chaos Marine squad has 11 or more surviving members, its boltguns are a Salvo 2/4 weapon.


Encourages larger squads, hearkens back to the time of the Legions, isn't loads of work to remember.



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Give Possessed Feel no Pain regardless of what mark you give them, after all they are possessed by the warp I'm pretty sure they should be very hard to kill with their daemonic powers able to reknit most of their wounds or even would be a good way of getting players to use Possessed more as they would be alot more survivable like Plague Marines. I would be nice to have a good reason to take them apart from fluffwise I always thought they would be far superior than chaos Terminators, chosen or cult units since they have become one with the warp
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A table with five different entries, one for each turn, repeating from turn six onward. Five different negative modifiers applied to the adversary each turn. 


The main reason for it is that I would really like to see the corrupting effect on mental sanity and the flesh that a harrowing fight like the one with Chaos has on the other armies. 

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One rule, one unit is hard! I'd love Veteran Skills back. I think there have been some great suggestions though. I'd be interested to see what others add whilst I think upon my own suggestions.

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If I have to choose one and only one unit, I would have to give the Chaos sorcerer HQ entry fearless. It was a toss-up between that and the terminators. I just hate it when my thousand year old elites buckle under the pressure of ork boyz, or are pinned by a sniper from afar. Or when two obliterators walking alongside each other stick their tails between their legs and run because the third fell to something.


A simple fearless on my sorcerer would also make list building much easier. :)

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Soulblaze on the Vindicator main gun... lol j/k! :p


There are some good suggestions here, the FnP on Possessed is a given, I give mine MoS just to get the banner, even though that makes them waaaay too expensive.


Infiltrate on Chosen would be nice, but I personally have never really seen them as such. I always imagined them being at the center of the warband, not running off on their own like commandos (I know they have been doing that since 2ed, but it just never sat right with me).


The salvo suggestion would be pretty bad to be honest, since you can only fire half-range with salvo weapons if you move. So 11+ CSM squads would be forced stand still all battle (though they would have some crazy firepower while standing there!)


For all CSM squads, I would like a rule named something like "Better you than me!". When a squad fails a Sweep roll, instead of removing the squad, they may take a Ld test. If passed the squad sacrifices one member of the unit to enable the rest to make a run for it. Remove one model as a casualty and make a fall back move as if the squad escaped.

The exact background reason would be different for different legions. For the IW/NL/BL it would make sense enough, for the WB is would instead be a martyr, for the AL, perhaps a mix of both or one member doing a diversion (perhaps he survived and will join up with the rest of the squad after the battle, who knows?)


Kinda like ATSKNF, but worse, so not entirely unreasonable with the way GW/FW seem to view CSM.

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For merely the case of power? Then I have to agree with Assault Vehicle on Rhinos. It would add a lot of strength to a number of units in the book that could use it.


As for my personal preference though? Lets go back a few editions and give Raptors Hit & Run. I think it'd give them a role that is not almost always done better by bikers, allowing them to stack up the HoW hits with their Jump Packs and tie up troublesome units whilst something to kill them gets closer.

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Just want to say, I'm really liking a lot of these. Slightly bummed my Salvo idea isn't as good as I thought, I'd forgotten the half range when moved issue.



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Just want to say, I'm really liking a lot of these. Slightly bummed my Salvo idea isn't as good as I thought, I'd forgotten the half range when moved issue.



I think your idea has some merit, but it would probably work better as a copy-paste of the fury of the legion rule, or just saying they may fire their bolters twice as long as the squad is 11+ strong.

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I would say 'homing beacon to icons', but that's a multi-unit change, so....


Rending to possessed.  Just flat out, all the time.  iirc it's one of the table results, so the table would need to be reworked.  *shrug*

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