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BA tips/tactics


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It's easy to forget simple common rules like throwing a grenade in shooting phase with tacticals or similar stuff and remembering simple tricks can help win games. If you have any similar tips post away!



Don't use his axe when assaulting weak units. Example: a 5man tactical sitting on an objective, if you elect to hit with your pistol your only killing 1-2 models. Next round you can switch back to your axe and wipe the unit and consolidate/hit'n'run. This really applies to all units/ic's, but especially Dante with his hit and run. 3d6 plus 12" move can throw some real curveballs for your opponent.


Wrapping your DC

If your playing against TWC or similar assault units wrap your DC with inexpensive units (Rhinos, scouts, 5man tacs or similar) This can in many spots deny other assault units getting base to base. Rhinos are great for this, since you can jump over them while bikes/cavalry have to move around. 


Position slow units towards the center.

If fielding assault terminators or other slow units try to keep them in the middle of the board. This does of course have some exceptions, but in general keeping them in the middle gives a larger threat bubble. Flanks should be left for fast units that can re-position more effective.


Protect your Mech

Start your tacticals disembarked and wrapped around veichle turn 1. Anti tank weapons have higher range in general, turn 1 is usually a good turn for shooty lists to kill mech, give them a cover save or force them to kill infantry, just be aware of large blasts.


Evalute opponents shooting potential

Vs. other assault armies if you have more shooting, play reactive and let opponent come to you if the mission lets you hang back for a few turns. Same thing when playing Tau, get as much as possible as close as possible and accept you are gonna loose a lot turn one and two. Typical necron lists only have 6"+24" threat range, while even a less shooty BA will be outgunned turn 3 and 4 this is often not the case turn 1 and 2.


Reserve your Vindicators

This concept applies to many units, but easiest explained with the vindi. Lets say your playing against a space wolf drop pod lists, your vindicator is sure to be toast turn 1, if you keep it in reserve you get to place it anywhere on your table edge and get atleast one turn of shooting. Hammer and Anvil limits your threat range a lot, but in Dawn of War there are very many situations where reserving glass cannons can be advantagous.






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Scout Redeployment

After they have Infiltrated but before the first turn begins, your Scouts can redeploy. Those with heavy/rapid fire/salvo weapons don't count as moving during this redeployment and also, this can be used to move out of cover for the first turn, or onto an Objective, or so on.


Stormraven Shenanigans

Scouts and Dreadnoughts equipped with a magna grapple are afforded the Move Through Cover special rule. This means that should they scatter during a Skies of Fury deployment, they automatically pass the subsequent Dangerous Terrain Test.



Not only does Combat Squadding increase the amount of grenades being thrown from one FOC slot, but your Attack Bike can toss one alongside firing its heavy weapon. Kraks should almost always be thrown during the shooting phase, frags are situational but hilarious. As for Scouts, best let the Sergeant toss one...



If you're going to buy a Rhino, buy a Razorback. The box includes both options (which gives you more at your disposal) and you can always use the turret as a Tarrantula.



Grav pistols and guns, stormstrike missiles, power mauls, thunder hammers. Put a marker or something to remind you that the unit is concussed! Also, no army should arguably leave home without any...


Assault Squads

Don't buy the current Assault Squad box, just get more Death Company boxes and use them.

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Read and re-read pile in orders and other assault rules. If you are assaulting with multiple units put cheapest models/unit base to base with the beatsticks if possible. This can help protect your DC vs thunderhammer/power fists. 

Remember powerfists pile in last, position your assault so that opponents powerfist will be exposed as early as possible to your dmg sources.


You decide the order

Your decide which wound pools go first. Do your instakilling first against multiwound chars if they are max wound. When getting rending hits with assault cannon you can decide if the rending go first or second. 


Mitigate overwatch

If opponent can only see one model he can only kill one model, use veichles or terrain to block los pre assaulting when possible. Only one of your models has to see the unit when you declare a charge, if he dies you can still make it into combat, while the rest of the overwatch wounds are lost.

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Mitigate overwatch

If opponent can only see one model he can only kill one model, use veichles or terrain to block los pre assaulting when possible. Only one of your models has to see the unit when you declare a charge, if he dies you can still make it into combat, while the rest of the overwatch wounds are lost.


Woah. That's Xenos level dickery (...or at least Raptors). I like it!

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Mitigate overwatch

If opponent can only see one model he can only kill one model, use veichles or terrain to block los pre assaulting when possible. Only one of your models has to see the unit when you declare a charge, if he dies you can still make it into combat, while the rest of the overwatch wounds are lost.

Woah. That's Xenos level dickery (...or at least Raptors). I like it!

Heresy! The emperor requires that you maximize the number of his valiant soldiers which will receive the evil xenos bullets! Are you but cowards? tongue.png

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