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Maulerfiend(s) loadout?

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Greetings all.


Pretty straightforward one this: I have three maulers in my CSM spawn rush list. Shall I equip two with lasher tendrils (which would help more with knights), and one with magma cutters, or 2 x magma cutters and 1 x tendrils? The rest of the list is made up of spawn, sorcerers and cultists, with a small allied detachment of daemons to boost the warp charge.

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I run 3 Maulers quite often. Lashers are awesome most times, but against some armies like IG and Tau, they won't do anything. Most times the magmas are overkill and doesn't do much. On the other hand, there has been a couple games where I really wish I had a mamgas for that free melta bomb attack against that super heavy. I'm finding 2 lashers and one mamga is a good all-comers solution.
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If knights are a problem for your army it would be better to run a knight yourself then try to counter them with fiends. I don't think the lashers are needed, but if you do want to take them for 3 , one would probably be enough. But then again runing singles of less resilient units isn't very wise. In general maulers should do ok, without them .

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