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About make up of Titan Maniples?


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I was curious about how Titans and, for that matter, also Knights operate together.


The FW books have represented the Reaver + 2 Warhound Maniple but are there other formations?


I think one of the HH books also had a 5 Warhound pack and there was also the Imperator with Knight Court in Vengeful Spirit.


Are there others? Do Reavers ever operate alone? Or, Reavers with Knights without Warhounds?


What would run with a Warlord? I guess we'll find out in Tempest.


Btw for the purposes of this post, I'm generally interested in just Titan level. I'm aware there's usually a smorgasbord of other smaller vehicles in support.

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IIRC, Knights fight in "courts" of 5 Knights that are equivalent to 2 Warhounds or 1 Battle Titan. Knights also fight in "Households" of two Courts plus one Baron for a total of 11 Knights. That's old Epic fluff. Current fluff seems to be focused on 3-5 Knight "Courts" that include a Baron or a High King, or 1-3 Knight "Oath Bound" formations.



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Warlords typically walk alone, while Reavers walked in pairs or alone with a pair of Warhounds. As with most things in 40K, there are few hard-set rules. For Titans, the only one is that Warhounds don't operate in groups larger than 2 due to some unsavory behaviour during the Siege of Terra.
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During the Siege of Terra, traitor Warhounds were set lose on the civlian population in large packs. Since then, loyalist Warhounds have never been operated in more than pairs - from what I've read, the Collegia Titanicus still carries along a measure of shame over those actions.


Now, there can be more than 2 Warhounds active in a given theater. They're operate alone or in hunting pairs, with or without their larger Battle Titans. These pairs will be relatively independent.

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From my understanding ...


War hounds can operate in larger packs to take out bigger targets. Chaos ones gave been known to act in really big packs and use harpoons to immobilise a larger Titan to allow it to be captured.


Generally loyalist war hounds are matched in pairs which can be part of a larger pack but able to operate as a stand alone unit.

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I vaguely remember Reavers being fielded in battle groups of three, while Warlords were fielded in battle groups of two, and single Emperors formed the core of entire battle formations. However, I have no source to reference, it's just a memory of playing Space Marine with six Beetleback Warlords.



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I vaguely remember Reavers being fielded in battle groups of three, while Warlords were fielded in battle groups of two, and single Emperors formed the core of entire battle formations. However, I have no source to reference, it's just a memory of playing Space Marine with six Beetleback Warlords.



That does ring a bell.

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