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Possessed Alternatives

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Hey I am looking to add a large unit of Possessed to my Nurgle army led by a chaos Sorcerer with the CS prophet of the voices upgrade making him possessed as well. I was thinking of grabbing a kits of the GW possessed and whilst some of the weapon options are alright looking I think they are a bit too cheesy for my liking. I was wondering are there any alternatives that people can think of that would look good be it conversion bits or full models. I am looking to add a more daemonic feel to my army without adding Daemon allies or entire green stuff conversions (as I suck at it).  


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Putrid Blightkings, but may need putting on 32mm rounds. Would make a good champion


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Blight Kings are pushing Terminator sized but do combine well with a bit of greenstuff at the joints. Another though is to take parts of Plauge Bearers and mix them up with a normal CSM squad. Swap out heads, hands, feet and parts of limbs
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I'd second the blightkings.  Very nice models.  Just add some backpacks (possessed packs if you can buy or bits order them).  Possessed don't have grenades or ranged weapons, so you don't really need more conversion than that.


The FW gal vorbak (sp?) possessed models from 30k are very nice, but might not be nurgly enough for you.


Chaos spawn aren't great models, but come with a wealth of spikes and bits that are useful in chaos conversions.  My own possessed are a mix of the actual possessed, chaos spawn, and chaos marine/berserker kits, upping the scale of mutation while avoiding some of the goofier bits.  Again though, not especially nurgly.

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