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Winged Grey Knights by Awaken Realms

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Today we’d like to present you a special project we’ve been working on for some time – a Grey Knight force themed upon the “Angels of death” concept!
“In the darkest hour, when all hope seemed to be lost, the Angels of Death on their wings descended from the skies to purify the world tainted by the foul spawn of Chaos. There was a brilliant man among them, clad in the purest armour I’ve ever seen. There was also a shadow accompanying the warriors of the Emperor, a shadow that slew uncounted beasts on his way. Once the spawns of the Warp were no more, the Angels returned to the skies”
+Inquisition Classified: Top secret; Extremis Diabolus+
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See the mysterious warriors that descended on their wings to strike down forces of Chaos! Below there are also two dioramas depicting the Grand Master and mysterious Angel of Death in the midst of carnage – How do you like them?
How do you like the army?
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Gotta agree.  The paintjob is everything I would expect from you lot at this point (meaning "awesome"), but the concept is kinda poor to start with, and the execution didn't save the idea from itself.  All of the wings are in nearly identical awkward poses.  A handful of downward/folded wings would have done a lot of good, though I get the feeling you had limited options on bitz for them. The feathered shapes also clash strongly with the mechanical/metallic look of the rest of the model.  A metallic/armor trim could blend them together more smoothly.


Anyway, I quite like paintjob, as I said, especially the glowy runes on the Necron guy's wings.  

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