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Modelling Legacies


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So I finally bit the bullet and ended up with buying IA13 in preparation for a campaign my local group is running. The theme of the campaign is that Angaron is trying to break his banishment early, and due to a rare stellar confluence, has identifed the Hades cluster as a potential weak spot.

With that in mind, and given I'm playing a Khorne Daemonkin list, though I'd take a small allied CSM force and take a Land Raider with the Legacy First Armageddon War.

The question is, how can I actually show the legacy on the Land Raider? Do I embed a shard of the Black Blade in the hull? Daub it with Khornate symbols?

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How about the Fourth Quarter Rebellion Legacy?


I've found references to the Bleak Brotherhood but I was hoping to add it to a Slaanesh dedicated IW Vindicator.

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How about the Fourth Quarter Rebellion Legacy?


I've found references to the Bleak Brotherhood but I was hoping to add it to a Slaanesh dedicated IW Vindicator.


Carve the spare Demolisher shell into the shape of....you know.

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How about grabbing some khorne daemons and put them on the hull? And some skulls could never hurt. What legacy do you want? You could represent it based off that legacy. For example that quadrant uprising one could have some cultists on top. That's something that I've been really liking about chaos, with modeling sky is the limit.
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I know its not Khorne but for the Nurgle one (reborn or something) I have converted a Nurgle heralds to be a tank commander directing the tank, I also put a corpse cart on the back with lots of grave markers from the fantasy vampire counts range
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