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Baal: Exterminatus Archangels Datasheets and Formations


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So, this is more out of curiosity than anything. It;s been almost 6 months since the release of the BA codex, and the Sield of Baal series.


How are people faring with the datasheets and formations? Has anyone used them?


I find myself rather mysteriosly drawn to the Archangels formations, in particular the Orbital Intervention Force, and will probably paint one up soon.


Has anyone tried out a game or two using the Archangels? How did you fare?


Is the Demi Company all that?



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I'm finding I'm gravitating more towards the Flesh Tearers Strike force over a Baal Strike Force. Whilst I haven't really missed the BSF bonuses, I can't say I've used the FTSF ones apart from the FOC changes.


Cassor is finding his way into my DC themed lists but only because he's a Troop choice. Haven't really used much else yet.

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I'm finding I'm gravitating more towards the Flesh Tearers Strike force over a Baal Strike Force. Whilst I haven't really missed the BSF bonuses, I can't say I've used the FTSF ones apart from the FOC changes.


Cassor is finding his way into my DC themed lists but only because he's a Troop choice. Haven't really used much else yet.


Same here. FTSF is great for people like me who wants to play jump,bike heavy lists without going unbound. I actually managed to win a tourney last week with the detachment. 10" charge rage bonus is a little treat on the side.

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However the FT don't get Red Thirst, do they? Is the trade off on +1I worth the extra FA slots?


For bikes and melta cide, I guess so.


I'm thinking of combining the orbital intervention force with the scouts I've just painted up... 15 - 30 terminators deep striking in T2 then running, and shooting.

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However the FT don't get Red Thirst, do they? Is the trade off on +1I worth the extra FA slots?


For bikes and melta cide, I guess so.


I'm thinking of combining the orbital intervention force with the scouts I've just painted up... 15 - 30 terminators deep striking in T2 then running, and shooting.


+1I is nice but it is nothing compared to a hard and fast hitting force with minimal troop tax. 

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I´ve used the Flesh Tearers Strike force with great succes. In the first the only one troop tax is gold for me. Buy one hq and cheap scouts and fill the rest with great units and allies.

In additon 6 Fast Attack slots are verry strong. you can spam Bikesquads (with Grav or melta), Meltacide Squads, Razorbacks to make Razorspam viable and Assault Squads.


Here is a List i want to try out. Its like kinda heavy mech list as in the old days. Pro. you dont have to man the razorbacks.


Blood Angels (Flesh Tearers Strike Force, Primary detachment)
__- Shield of Baal: Exterminatus

---------- HQ (2) ----------

Librarian Dreadnought (220 points)
- Warlord
- Psyker Mastery Level 2
- Heavy Flamer
- Drop Pod
__- Storm Bolter

Techmarine (90 points)
- Servo-harness
- Power Axe
- Bolt Pistol

---------- Troops (1) ----------

10x Tactical Squad (205 points)
- Meltagun
- Heavy Flamer
- Sergeant
__- Bolt Pistol
__- Ranged Weapon
____- Combi-melta
- Drop Pod
__- Storm Bolter

---------- Elite (3) ----------

Furioso Dreadnought (165 points)
- Power Fist & Frag Cannon
- Meltagun
- Magna-Grapple
- Drop Pod
__- Storm Bolter

Furioso Dreadnought (165 points)
- Power Fist & Frag Cannon
- Meltagun
- Magna-Grapple
- Drop Pod
__- Storm Bolter

Furioso Dreadnought (165 points)
- Power Fist & Frag Cannon
- Meltagun
- Magna-Grapple
- Drop Pod
__- Storm Bolter

---------- Fast Attack (5) ----------

Razorback (85 points)
- Twin-linked Assault Cannon

Razorback (85 points)
- Twin-linked Assault Cannon

Razorback (85 points)
- Lascannon & twin-linked Plasma Gun

Razorback (85 points)
- Lascannon & twin-linked Plasma Gun

Razorback (85 points)
- Lascannon & twin-linked Plasma Gun

---------- Heavy Support (3) ----------

Relic Sicarian Battle Tank (155 points)
- Heavy Bolter sponsons

Baal Predator (135 points)
- Twin-linked Assault Cannon
- Heavy Bolter sponsons

Predator (125 points)
- Autocannon
- Lascannon Sponsons
- Overcharged Engines

1850 points

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However the FT don't get Red Thirst, do they? Is the trade off on +1I worth the extra FA slots?


A lot of the time it is. Plenty of armies are I3 or below meaning that Red Thirst gives no extra benefit. Orks, Necrons, humans, Tau. Red thirst is worth it against other Marines and possibly against basic Eldar where I5 means you will be striking simultaneously with Aspect Warriors.

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However the FT don't get Red Thirst, do they? Is the trade off on +1I worth the extra FA slots?


A lot of the time it is. Plenty of armies are I3 or below meaning that Red Thirst gives no extra benefit. Orks, Necrons, humans, Tau. Red thirst is worth it against other Marines and possibly against basic Eldar where I5 means you will be striking simultaneously with Aspect Warriors.



Not only that but there are times when your list isn't geared for assault which renders the INT bonus somewhat redundant. The FTSF is great for themed lists such as mech lists due to this.

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Personally I'd usually always go BSF as I love DC! Fast attack doesn't let me take anymore and they already have rage, so don't gain anything for the high charge roll.


3 FA slots is limiting, but two melta-cide and a grav bike squad should be sufficient at midrange points levels I think.


As for our exclusive formations and such, I just think most of them are too limiting and don't offer enough to be worth it.


Hopefully your Demi-Company comment was a joke, it's a formation that literally offers nothing. You can do everything it does with a normal BSF, with none of the restrictions!

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Hopefully your Demi-Company comment was a joke, it's a formation that literally offers nothing. You can do everything it does with a normal BSF, with none of the restrictions!


Well, the troops get objective secured?


I just realised how good Dante's Avenging company is, because every model gets ObSec, not just troop choices...


I'd love to be able to field the demi company for fluff reasons, but it's just not worth it.


I'm looking at the Archangels, haha, just for funsies. I'm competitive, as in I play to win, but wont be at tournies, likely.

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I personally have been having wonderful fun with the 'Archangels Sanguine Wing' formation.


Considering I've had a love affair with Sternguard since 5th, and loved the idea of Vanguards (but never had any reason to use them due to meta)


This lets me have all the fun I want, with the units I want, for less.


Clocking in at 940 points due to the 4 Storm Shields I give to each vet squad for that 3++ goodness.


Often accompany the Stormraven and Sternguard with a libby or libby dread (sometimes both).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Last game was with a FTST and my Warlord was a Chaplain who was with some Death Company. Rolled on the FT Warlord Trait table (honestly, it seemed like the best option given my army) and received FnP. Quite happy with that.

Still not pulled off a 10+ roll for charge distance though!

I also used Strike Force Mortalis with MSU DC and I have to say I LOVE it. Each DC gets six attacks on the charge and the DC Dreadnoughts get seven? ohmy.pngwub.pngwub.pngwub.png

Just don't multicharge or charge two things at one unit otherwise you don't get the bonus...

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Is Mortalis good then? When you say MSU how many guys in each squad? ohmy.png

I'm super keep to try it myself seeing as it's one of the only formations I'll have the models for tongue.png

Three squads of five. Two in Rhinos and one in a Stormraven. One power weapon in each.

Glad to see the Mortalis formation getting some love.

Maybe give us a Batrep sometime?

I made notes, so one should appear on my blog later this week.

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  • 3 months later...

Reviving this seems appropriate as I now have a fair few terminators. I think I have enough tacticals (so 15) to make the Archangels Intervention Force.


3 Squads of Terms deep strike at the same time and all get to run then shoot, not bad if you ask me.


What do people think of this? Could it work? Also - can you attach characters in terminator Armour to these squads? I know that this could stop them from running, but otherwise could work - having a captain/ Librarian with Stormshield to tank AP2 etc.


If It sucks I'll probably just use them as allied Wolf Terminators anyway, as they're a little better with combi's, WS5 and such.


Update: flicking through my codex and I see vanilla terms are now 35 points. What even. That is very depressing. That's basically a free cyclone missile launcher...

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In my opinion, you can attach an IC to these units no problem, and not lose any of their special rules.


I love the idea of the intervention force - My one is packing a flamer for the deepstrike, move, then roast.


Also note that these squads can be 10 strong, so you can drop 30 TH/SS termies in T2 if you like.


I'd combine it with a cheap 3 pod list, 2x meltacide 1x dread to get some locator beacons on the table, then Karlaen for reserve manipulation, otherwise a librarian with the veritas rolling on sneaky traits.

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True, but I only have 15 terms :P I quite like the MSU appeal too. I might go for two Tac terms and one assault with a couple of TH and some LC.


Second the idea of Meltacide etc.


I'm not sold on IC being able to run with them, maybe, I doubt people would cry foul either... And some FNP would go a long way.

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