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Bloodstar with Centurions

Riot Earp

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Ive seen Draigodeathstarlist´s and i thought why not build something similar with my blood angels.


Iv´e testet a Gravstarlist with BA against an very strong Orkplayer (German Turney Rank 3-4) this week and i was verry pleased.


It consist Tigurius for invisibility and ignore cover and levitation for a 12" move.

If you have only Tigurius you can put Mephistion or LV2 Psyker for Wings of Sanguinus in it. Pro Mephiston. He adds ML3 and his S10 Sword power.

The Orkplayer insistet that an Inquisitor with scout was cheaper but that works only in the first turn.

Then i add the essential 5 Centurions with grav and omniscope.

For the survivability i ad an cheap Sanguinary Priest.

For hit and run and for more punch in C&C i ad Dante and tada an Blood Angel Cent Deathstar.


The Grav was not so effective against his Orks butt they slaughterd an Orkdeathstar out if Copters FW Bikeboss, one Bikeboss with Luckystick, Mad-Doc and Ghazkull in Closecombat in 2 Turns (T3+T4). Against 4+ armies and 3+ this star could be verry devastating.


What do you think of it?








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There's no guarantee of getting exactly those psychic powers. In fact your chances of getting them all are pretty low. Also, that's a minimum of 1195 points, unless you're using the Flesh Tearers Strike Force, then it's 20 points cheaper. If you don't get Levitate or Wings of Sanguinius, your 'deathstar' only moves max 6" per turn as they can't run.

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Rest of the list was 2 fragiosos with meltas in pods, 2xmeltacidesquads in pods, ba cc scous, marine sniperscouts and one plain sicarian. In fact you need sevrin for the guranteed powers. he cost the same points as tigurius so no hard choice.
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Sevrin Loth can pick his powers from only Telekinesis, Biomancy or Telepathy and must pick all powers from the same discipline, but yes you would be guaranteed to get Invisibility or Levitate for example. Also his rules are kinda broken since they aren't updated to 7th edition(mostly his armor) and he is 10 points more than Tigurius. BA librarians can't pick powers from Telepathy, so getting the right powers would still be rather impossible.


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The problem is that Draigo is superior in defense and reliability. 3++ and EW will go a long way in protecting your boys. He also knows Gate. While Gate is less reliable due to the big footprint, you can not count that two rolls will give you wings. And finally, adding a Librarian with Liber will allow Draigo to re-roll 1s when casting.

Your version works, but is less efficient.

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For the gk star are homer on bikes and pods verry effektive. I think both versions have their pro and con. The bloodstar has fnp for its resilence and some good output. You can exchange mephi for an lv2 ss termi librarian but every warpcharge is neccesary.


@Morticon. With ba?

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Personally, I've always been partial to assault centurions. I just find them much more fun to play and they have great synergy with my BA playstyle.


Three allied assault centurions in a BA fast attack droppod with either a chaplain, librarian, or Sanguinary Priest makes for an awful nice alpha strike unit that can cause a lot of problems for your opponent. Three TL melta, three hurricane bolters, and split fire on the drop. Next turn you're threatening with S9 siege drills. If you want anti-horde, go with the TL flamer loadout.


Great threat/distraction unit while your other BA assaut units rush upfield. They're also cheaper than grav cents.Not exactly a bloodstar, but i's another nice way to leverage cent allies.

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