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What if Chaos Marines could have children?

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a thread asking as to whether or not Space Marines are capable of reproduction/have genitals/Sex drive/etc, it goes off of the assumption that they can have children.


What would change if Chaos Marines could have children? Obviously the loyalists wouldn't because they are dedicated body and soul to the Imperium, but a chaos marine who has thrown off all morals would have no problem. What would change about the political aspect of the Warband if Marines could have kids? Would they simply be swept aside or would they form dynasties of sort? What about Marines having kids would change the political landscape of the Eye? Would we see Dynasties established? Would Lines of Succession be put in place for Warbands? What would happen to the Characters we know and love (Abaddon, Khârn, Ahriman, Lucius) if they had kids?

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Chaos warbands are dog-eat-dog societies.

The transition into proper warbands after falling to Chaos usually includes a loss of rigid structures and traditions. The Crimson  Slaughter supplement describes it pretty well. Imo, that would negate any space for dynasties.

Besides CSM also replenish their ranks with clones (at least Bile does it) and there has yet to be any fluff about this having an impact on the dynamics of a warband (It would make for a good story though).

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I could imagine Fallen Angels doing this, but only to attempt to blend into society.

How does a (nearly) unaging 7+ feet tall killing machine blend into society?


I guess CSM would use this capability just as any other tool of war. due to the familiy friendly nature of this board I refrain from going into more detail and real world references.


I doubt there would be many "happy CSM families".

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I think the new Mad Max movie is a good example of what life outside of the Imperium would look like. Immortan Joe fills the role of a Chaos Lord quite nicely, and his driving motivation to produce non-mutated children dovetails with the topic here.


Chaos Lords are the epitome of arrogance, ego, pride, self centered-ness. I can totally see one of them deciding to do something similar to that.

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I think marine children would be fairy similar to marauder children in the warhammer fantasy universe. That's an example of a whole race of peoples who are born and live under the shadow of chaos. Children pretty much live the same way as everyone else-the strong proposer into great warriors, the weak are left out in the wilderness to die. I don't see why marines would act any differently. 

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In any event, I can't imagine Chaos Marines having an active role in their children's lives. I just don't see Typhus, Khârn, Abaddon, Huron and the like doing things like changing diapers or playing peekaboo.
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I can't remember where it was from but I could of sworn there was a bit of space marine fluff where a marine returned to his home world and met up with his great grandchildren and wasn't too fazed finding out he had kids which has spawned their own and died.


I would have thought that space marines would be psychological altered so such trivial matters wouldn't affect them, they are trained to be killing machines I doubt they would get a parenting 101 class most seem to view non marines as mortals which kind of show the regard they hold normal people in. Chaos would be the same though probably worse they would only care if they had kids so they could sacrifice them to the gods.

I'm not saying it's impossible just that it would be extremely unheard of

Imagine a paternity dispute in a Slaanesh court...


In the matter of Jane Doe and 34,675 Respondents...

I think for Slaanesh it more would be the case of lucius etc vs 34, 675 Jane does
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Yes there was a bit of fluff on the matter in 2nd Edition, or was it rogue trader?, can't remember.


This also triggered a discussion a few years ago, on the subject that if Marines gets kids, do the kids inherit the genes form the Marines?


The most suitable answer reached at the time was no, well not really, since all the modifications that altered a Marines happened when he was a teen/adult, so its not embeded in his DNA, so it will not go to the offspring.


The kids could be stronger or better then others kid, but by no means would they be "Space Marines Juniors".


Also remember that the Emperor had a few kids during his life in 2nd Ed fluff, they had a special name but i forgot it...,Master Kai or something the like...

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In any event, I can't imagine Chaos Marines having an active role in their children's lives. I just don't see Typhus, Khârn, Abaddon, Huron and the like doing things like changing diapers or playing peekaboo.


lol, reminds of this.


'Hide and seek games with daddy Khârn were to easy'


Hmm, link doesnt work,  ?


google search,   wheres Khârn 

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In any event, I can't imagine Chaos Marines having an active role in their children's lives. I just don't see Typhus, Khârn, Abaddon, Huron and the like doing things like changing diapers or playing peekaboo.

More likely they'd fill the role of a squire when of age.


Squire My boy, fetch me Gorechild.

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Seems to me that their children would be baseline genetic humans (with mutations) since the special organs and so forth would not be transmitted though normal reproductive properties.
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