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New meat for the grinder

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Hello everyone brand new 40k player here. I had no idea what I was doing so I started google searching and found dakka but it was a bit too general and to be honest a bit too depressing for me lol. Luckily one of the nice members there referred me to you crazy bastards and here I am. I say meat for the grinder because I have already picked an army, I feel in love with the imperial guard. Something about normal soldiers going up against all this crazy hellish universe and still holding the line was amazing. Also my wife just got started too, though I could not sway her fro the xeno filth of the eldar hahaha. We'll see you all around I'm sure I will have tons of questions.
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Welcome to the B+C Tyrion, I'm sure you'll find a warm reception down among the grunts and treadheads in the Astra Militarum forum!


Be sure to check out the Forum rules too! :)

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Welcome to the B&C, Guardsman! Best hope your soul is safe with the Emperor because your body is food for the Traitor, the Heretic, and the xenos scum!
First thing you need to know is where to go. Turn left after you get to the tent labeled "Officer's Only". You'll probably be hearing sounds of merriment and joyous boasting when you pass. Don't worry as you'll never get inside there. Why? Because, well...I mean, you might if you work hard enough and show your superiors good effort and determination. That's a little Guard joke. You don't advance within the Imperial Guard, you advance inside an alien monstrosity's gut! Now get to marching to the mustering field, trooper!

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