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Adeptus Mechanicus new models by Awaken Realms

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Hello there,


As we’ve heard the news of upcoming new Adeptus Mechanicus army for Warhammer 40000, we were eager to see (and more importantly – paint!) the new miniatures. And after they finally came, we put our hands (with brushes) on them! See what we have done with each of the new miniatures – and there will be more!


As always, you may click on each photo to see the bigger version.


Skitarii Vanguard:





Sicaran Ruststalkers:






Ironstrider Ballistarius:





Sydonian Dragoon:





Onager Dunecrawler:





Kastellan Robots:





Imperial Knight Warden:









Which one is your favourite? Soon there will be more mechanical gribbles!
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I think that a little more research/thinking on where the light sources come from would be a big step forward.

Ballistarius: Eerie green light coming from Autocannon muzzle break. sleep.png

Then there are vents and bits here and there that make no sense being/having a light source.

Other than that it's a very good paint job.

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Thank you for all the feedback - I mus admit that we went overboard with OSL on several models - especially the Kastellan Robots. In the future we'll be placing ligth sources more carfefully.;)


And the Kataphron Servitors are joining the fray.:)


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From the common Mephiston Red, several steps of inks came - mix of blue and red, then two layers of pure red. Evil suns Scarlet was airbrushed after all of the layers dried, then the edges were picked up with orange and white. In the deepest recesses the purple ink was used;)


Hope it was helpful:)

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