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Raptors, Warp Talons or Spawn?

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HI all,

 A quick bit of background first.... Getting ready to start a narrative campaign with my gaming group, that's going to be "mid-line" as far as competitive goes.

 I'm running my Word Bearers using the Crimson Slaughter 'dex, led by a 3ML sorc with MoT, Daemonheart Armour, Disc, Voices, and the Slaughterer's Horns; a defiler (with TLLC, heavy flamer, dirge caster, combi bolter); two 8 man squads of CSM (with plasma guns) in a "havocback" rhino (dozer blade, dirge caster, havoc launcher); a 5 man squad of Possessed with MoT in a "havocback" rhino; and 2 Helbrutes w/ Reaper AC's and PF's with flamers. The Sorc will be using malefic for summoning. 

I'll be facing, in various games, Dark Eldar, Dark Angels (tri-wing from the looks of things), Astra Militarum, Tau, Orks (both Ghazgull led force and a biker heavy force), and Tyranids.

So my question is, if adding two five man units to the force, should I go with Raptors (melta /plas pistol? ) with MoN? Warp Talons with MoN? or Spawn with MoN?.... I personally kinda like the spawn idea, except for the Dark Eldar, and possibly 'Nids, having poisoned (4+ to wound weps)......

As I said this is a fluffy to middle of the scale as far as competitiveness goes within the gaming group. So I'm not worried about the whole list being uber competitive. But I'm curious as to what other view as the pros and cons of the three possibilities......

What are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance



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Not wanting to go bikes.... Already run bikes in my Space Wolves and my Dark Angels.....So a bit of bike burnout so to speak....Not denying that they are great units, but want something different....

Any other thoughts?


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Of those, the spawn are the most generally effective and competitive, unless your army specifically needs tank hunters, in which case meltabikes are ideal, but melta raptors aren't terrible.  Honestly, though, we can get tank hunting ability elsewhere, and the spawn will be the most generally useful, especially if run in tandem with a couple mauler fiends.

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Of those, the spawn are the most generally effective and competitive, unless your army specifically needs tank hunters, in which case meltabikes are ideal, but melta raptors aren't terrible.  Honestly, though, we can get tank hunting ability elsewhere, and the spawn will be the most generally useful, especially if run in tandem with a couple mauler fiends.

Except...... I am building around what I have listed in the first post.....


*headscratch*  I might be able to squeeze in a Maulerfiend or two though....was going to add a second "Helknight" (defi) to finish out the list...but charging Maulerfiends at tanks does sound quite fun, lol.....





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First up, ditch the Disc on the Sorcerer, he's got the Possessed rules to be able to grab a 12" movement and he's  better off positioned inside a bodyguard of Possessed.

Agree with the others that Chaos Spawn are the most consistent of the three choices, bear in mind that they're only effective against lightly armoured targets. Swapping out the Defilier for a pair of Mauler Fiends will give you a total of three charging units to cause damage, and then the Possessed and summoned Daemons can arrive as well.

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First up, ditch the Disc on the Sorcerer, he's got the Possessed rules to be able to grab a 12" movement and he's  better off positioned inside a bodyguard of Possessed.


Agree with the others that Chaos Spawn are the most consistent of the three choices, bear in mind that they're only effective against lightly armoured targets. Swapping out the Defilier for a pair of Mauler Fiends will give you a total of three charging units to cause damage, and then the Possessed and summoned Daemons can arrive as well.

That Toughness of 5 is a hard thing to give up......  I could also get it by swapping the MoT with a MoN.... Def something to consider.....


Also the only time Possessed get the 12" movement is if I roll it on the "Slaves to the Voices" table, as they are infantry.....  So a 1-in-3 chance each turn to change to Beasts for that turn.... I wish it was their base type.....


I'll play around with it in Battlescribe and see what I can come up with....thanks!





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