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Nurgle Battles the Eldar tomorrow


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Time for another Raid on the Maiden Worlds in the name of Nurgle. Tomorrow I will be battling the Eldar alliances in a 2k points games using Nurgle CSM. I am expecting to see: WK, Dscythe + archon from WWP, scatterbikes, Incubi on raider with the banshee aspect attached along with drahzar, void fighter, scourges, reavers, ravagers, Wave Serpents, and of course venoms with warriors (oh my poor toughness).


I will be using my mono Nurgle list:


Nurgle DP (warlord) with wings, armor, ML3 (summons), and spell familiar


Zombies x20

Zombies x20

Zombies x20

Zombies x10

Nurgle Bikers x7 with 2 plasma guns


Nurgle Obliterators x3


and my LOW big daddy Plague Reaper


The goal since he has pretty much all poison and D weapons is to clog up every objective and tarpit with summoning, while focusing down the WK with lascannons, pop the serpents/transports with close combat, bubble wrap everything else in zombies (damn that WWP).


Feel free to make predictions and wagers! I will post the battle report tomorrow night. Question... should I post the report on this page or in the actual report section and link it here? Wish me luck! Glorious Rot!

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I expect your DP will be staying in the air all the time to keep summoning? In this case you might want to consider giving him the Burning Brand, too. I find it burns the pesky Eldar pretty well, especially on a mobile, 360° platform that's hard to hit ;)

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Well, just got back from the Memorial day challenge. Challenge from all angles. We shall start with my opponents list:


He went unbound accidentally when I told him his WK LOW meant that his primary CAD had to be Eldar not DE. Not to big a deal because I thought if he lost ObjSec it would really help me out. I couldn't have been more wrong.


WK with glaive and shield

homunculus  with WWP attached to Talos and Chronos (I think)

homunculus with WWP attached to grotesques with liquifiers

kabalite warriors on foot x5

warriors on foot x10

grotesques with liquifiers

Forgeworld Tantalus with 8 Dscythe WG in it (oooo boy)

Exarch or autarch or whatever

3 eldar jetbikes


This list was slightly different than I had planned because of the grotesques. I figured the tantalus while tricky maneuver-wise for me was OK because my Plague Reaper could flame the whole thing murdering the guys inside.


We roll maelstrom mission 6. The one where you start with 6 tactical cards and discard down each turn. I generate powers, win the roll off and decide to go first. I take the tableside with 3 objectives and clog the whole thing up, angled to race my fast movers at the midfield objectives. He deploys evenly along the center line. I choose to go first, he fails to seize.


Turn 1

Game is against me right off the bat when I draw 2 objective 2 cards (his zone), 2 objective 3 cards (midfield), control double my opponents objectives, and destroy a unit in shooting. I move my Reaper up 12 inches so that I can fire at the tantalus and WK, those things have all the points sunk in them and are big trouble. They need to die, I can tar pit all the rest. Turbo the bikes, fly the prince onto objective 3 (flying though so can't cap it), shuffle the zombies forward. Maulerfiend moves up and hides in cover. DP casts cursed earth and summons plaguebearers to block the WK and grotesques. Typhus casts weapon Virus on the WK hoping to dissuade it from shooting its little guns. Oblits whiff all their lascannon shots at the WK. The reaper takes 1 wound from it, but whiffs everything at the tantalus. Puscannon is out of range still. Nothing to turn in.


His turn he gets objectives that the warriors are on/next to. WK moves around the plague bearers. Tantalus moves up. Bikes turbo onto objective 3 to deny my prince. Dscythes are just in range of my Plague Reaper Tank by a half inch and tears 9 HP off in one go. Boy that unit just kills anything. WK makes the charge onto the maulerfiend and pops it before it can swing back. Grotesques chew into plaguebearers who do nothing in return. Turns in cards and drew first blood- 4 points to 0


Turn 2

Discard a useless card, land the prince, move bikes up for a long charge, shuffle the zombies forward. Perils casting cursed earth on 2 dice and then take a wound and lose cursed earth (at least its up though), summon more plaguebearers. Cast Nurgles rot trying to hit the WK and jet bikes since I can't charge them, but it gets denied. Oblits all fail to wound the WK with multimeltas. Bikes shoot at warriors its about to charge but they make their cover and armor saves. Bikes fail the charge (Noooooo), Plaguebearers get mopped up in combat. Charge 25 zombies at the WK hoping to tie it up. Still no turn ins.


Grotesques and Talos come in to liquify some zombies. Jet bikes run away. Tantalus flat outs over to typhus to try to get the objective, taking out an oblit in the process. Mass rapid fire splinters into the bikes wipe all but one who flees off the board next turn (5 wounds and 5 failed saves bah this game!). Grotesques dive into and through the new plaguebearer unit. WK is tar pitted still. Eldar turn in a triple linebreaker card for 3 points. 7- 0


Turn 3

Discard another card. Fail to rally the bikes. Shuffle the zombie speed bump. Prepare the oblits and some zombies to multi charge the tantalus. DP Nurgles rots a grotesque to death but doesn't scratch the WK. Makin my PB. Unfortunately the Obliterators only have side armor on the tantalus and I just used multimelta. In retrospect I should have used twin linked melta because I used lascannons and whiffed them all again. I charge the 21 man zombie unit to eat the overwatch (DScythe deals 22 wounds) then have Typhus pop the Tantalus. DP finally gets my 2 card turn in. 7-2


Quick turn. as all my units get liquified, and D'd. WK charges the DP ( who strips off the WK second wound) before he dies to swings. The highlight is when The eldar player made a show of surrounding Typhus and his last oblit. He then unload all his D for 25 wounds into them. Typhus fell after soaking the 11th wound...

Conceded after that... Eldar Victory 11-2


In closing this game was pretty hard. Cards felt against me, dice felt against me. Also, I should have gone second to force him to move up first... but knowing my friend he would have waited and been patient. I was crushed when my poor Plague Reaper died instantly on turn 1 before it really did anything. Also if I could have popped the tantalus so i could multicharge the wraith guard I am confident Typhus would have cleaned them up. The Dscythes feel so strong to me because they can be pretty versatile... they are tough, they shoot, and they shouldn't be charged. Normally I love going into CC with eldar type lists but this one clearly out melee'd me.

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