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Cult Mechanicus formations

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- Cohort Cybernetica

1x Dominus

2 Kastelan Robot Maniples

Kastelan protocols have an inmediate effect when chosen

For every Datasmith and Dominus one Robot may fire to a different target.

Dominus and the 2 maniples are a single unit. Dominus may not abandon the unit.


- Elimination Maniple

2-3 unitos of Kataphron Destroyers

1-3 Kastelan Robot Maniples

If one Robot inflincts one unsaved wound or a penetrating hit with a weapon with the Luminogen SR, the rest of the formation gains +1BS and ignore cover when firing to that unit.


- Numinous Maniple

2-3 units of Fulgurite Electro-Priests

2-3 units of Corpuscarii Electo-Priests

If a Corpuscarii unit is at 6" or less of 1 or more Fulgurite unit, they gain +1 shot when firing. If one unit suffers one or more unsaved wounds, it is considered "electrified" until the end of turn.

If a Fulgurite units attacks in CC to an "electrified" unit, they reroll to wound


- Holy Requisitioner

1 Dominus

2-3 Kataphron Breachers

Deep Strike

They have to stay in Reserve. When deployed, the Dom¡nus does not scatter if deployed at 6" or less of an objective marker. Breachers do not scatter as long as they arrive at 6" or less of the Dominus.

They have the Zealot and Counterattack SR when at 6" or less from a objective marker.



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Cohort cybernetically is an amazing death star style formation. That will bring staying power and fire power to any list. The formation need a mobile objective capture force, and anti tank and flyer support.


I also like the holy requisitioner. Great force for dropping into enemy objective. Zaelot and counter attack make these str 6 attack have a little more bit, and even with weak canticles and extra 2 str 4 attack each isn't too bad. Also with cognis buff the formation is a nice Enough anti armour/MC and flyer unit.


Definitely going to make an army combining these two formation

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Cohort cybernetically is an amazing death star style formation. That will bring staying power and fire power to any list. The formation need a mobile objective capture force, and anti tank and flyer support.


Especially if you buy the "It will not die" relic or the cognis for everyone relic in there. Combine the Dominus tanking shots, his repiar ability and the IWND relic and that unit is near impossible to kill apart from pelting it with D-weapons...

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Man, I really love the holy requisitioner formation. 

It really forces the opponent to think of where he places his objective markers. 

Getting up close and personal with his army who might be hugging objectives is something I am after personally. 


Now it looks like its restricted to Breachers only and not available for the Destroyers. I'll be doing some serious thinking about this. 

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I really like the cohort, deathstar but much more flexible still. Unsure about making the dominus tank stuff at T4, seems risky and easily cancels his FNP as well, but I can see playing around his repair and the IWND and shift the bots around to force the opponent to outright kill bots, or see them return to power again. 

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I really like the cohort, deathstar but much more flexible still. Unsure about making the dominus tank stuff at T4, seems risky and easily cancels his FNP as well, but I can see playing around his repair and the IWND and shift the bots around to force the opponent to outright kill bots, or see them return to power again. 

I mean you don't just always make your domi tank. It's just an option you have. If your enemy has  S8 shooting than you put your robs in the way.


Shifting the bot is what's up and the unit can deal with just about anything.  Having a volkite on the lord to mess up hordes (the eradication blast wont help you out against orcs and nids because they'll be too close for large blast. The Data smiths have gamma pistols (not so good as they are only 12" so no alpha striking with these, but if you have later tank issues you can fix them with the smiths.


Also the whole unit can get IWND, Cognis, and a model with +1D6 s4 ap5 attacks with shred. Depending on how much you want to beef up the unit. Basicly this death star has a good chance to kill anything. Flyers, MCs, Elite troops, Hordes, and armour can all be devastated by this unit. 

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Other than the Cohort (which is an instant win), here are my thoughts on the other formations:


Elimination Maniple:  Reasonable requirements, but this formation essentially requires you to take Phosphor-heavy Kastelans, and the bonus only counts against the specific unit that was Luminagen'd (yes this is a verb now) by the Kastelans.  It's a strong buff, but I think you can gain more benefit from using the Cohort and taking your Kataphrons in a standard detachment.


Numinous Maniple:  The buy-in for this formation is 360 points.  You will want to spend more like 500+ to get anything from it.  The bonuses are OK, but not enough to turn the Electro-Priests into useful units.  Essentially throw-away.


Holy Requisitioner:  A neat idea that seems tailor-made for the unpredictability of Maelstrom Missions.  The primary problem I can think of for this formation is that this unit won't have ObjSec, which means you can't use it for late-game objective grabs vs. large ObjSec enemy units (ie. Orks, IG).

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Other than the Cohort (which is an instant win), here are my thoughts on the other formations:


Elimination Maniple:  Reasonable requirements, but this formation essentially requires you to take Phosphor-heavy Kastelans, and the bonus only counts against the specific unit that was Luminagen'd (yes this is a verb now) by the Kastelans.  It's a strong buff, but I think you can gain more benefit from using the Cohort and taking your Kataphrons in a standard detachment.


Numinous Maniple:  The buy-in for this formation is 360 points.  You will want to spend more like 500+ to get anything from it.  The bonuses are OK, but not enough to turn the Electro-Priests into useful units.  Essentially throw-away.


Holy Requisitioner:  A neat idea that seems tailor-made for the unpredictability of Maelstrom Missions.  The primary problem I can think of for this formation is that this unit won't have ObjSec, which means you can't use it for late-game objective grabs vs. large ObjSec enemy units (ie. Orks, IG).

I totally agree with all of this more or less. The elimination maniple might be better depending on the wording. The way I translate the leak is that the kastelan has to land the phone shot. If this is the case than its terrible, but if any unit can light up something than its still pretty good.


If any unit can activate the buff than the kataphrons can first fire thier phosoher weapons to activate the buff for themselves then launch thier primary weapon. Even the kastelans can activate thier own with thier body weapon and then fire thier twin linked weapon.

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How would you kit out the Kastelans for use in the Cohort? Full phosphor blasters?

For my new campaign list I will be bringing the minimum size formation, so 4 bots where I give them all twin linked phosphor, 3 get phosphor back mounted and 1 will use the flame thrower, to get the chance to cripple weaker units more easily. I think the unit got enough power fist attacks and the extra firepower is what they will need.


The bane for this formation is to get swamped in horde fearless units, so hopefully most things the cohort gets assaulted by will be weakened enough to finish of with a few slaps.


Still waiting for the wargear list too, this might give the datasmith other options, maybe something besides a 12" gun?

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The big advantage to full Phosphor on the cohort is that you can shift your Battle Protocol to the double shots and instantly pound serious firepower; a full unit with max Phosphor deals 36 shots total (6 each for carapace weapons, 3 each for arm weapons, x4).  Even at BS3, this is a ridiculous amount of hitting power vs. MEQ.  The downside is you lose the strength bonus of the Power Fists, so vehicles and GCs are a lot tougher for this unit to handle, especially IKs and the like.


One thing I've thought about trying is running the Cohort with 2 Kastelans with max phosphor and leaving the other two with their Power Fists, but upgrading the carapace weapon to Phosphor.  Since it's the carapace weapon that doubles shots, this takes better advantage of the Battle Protocol shift (you only lose 6 shots) and you still get 6 S10 AP1 attacks in melee (remember, two Power Fists means +1 attacks).  You also have the option to shift the Battle Protocol before charging or during an ongoing combat to throw 10 Power Fist attacks, instead!


As for the Datasmith, his primary job is to let you shift Protocols.  I will personally avoid upgrading mine and put the points into their attached Dominus, since he's such a beast anyway.  Honestly, the Gamma Pistol is an absolutely awesome piece of gear all things considered; with S6 and Armourbane its average penetration is 12-14, and AP2 means +1 damage results, and you don't have to deal with any of the Melta shenanigans to get use out of it.

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Even if Kastelan Protocols instantly take effect with the Formation, aren't Protocols only chosen at the end of the turn? Which means, it really only makes a difference with the Aegis one? So that you have FnP between the end of your turn and your next turn?
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The big advantage to full Phosphor on the cohort is that you can shift your Battle Protocol to the double shots and instantly pound serious firepower; a full unit with max Phosphor deals 36 shots total (6 each for carapace weapons, 3 each for arm weapons, x4).  Even at BS3, this is a ridiculous amount of hitting power vs. MEQ.  The downside is you lose the strength bonus of the Power Fists, so vehicles and GCs are a lot tougher for this unit to handle, especially IKs and the like.


One thing I've thought about trying is running the Cohort with 2 Kastelans with max phosphor and leaving the other two with their Power Fists, but upgrading the carapace weapon to Phosphor.  Since it's the carapace weapon that doubles shots, this takes better advantage of the Battle Protocol shift (you only lose 6 shots) and you still get 6 S10 AP1 attacks in melee (remember, two Power Fists means +1 attacks).  You also have the option to shift the Battle Protocol before charging or during an ongoing combat to throw 10 Power Fist attacks, instead!


As for the Datasmith, his primary job is to let you shift Protocols.  I will personally avoid upgrading mine and put the points into their attached Dominus, since he's such a beast anyway.  Honestly, the Gamma Pistol is an absolutely awesome piece of gear all things considered; with S6 and Armourbane its average penetration is 12-14, and AP2 means +1 damage results, and you don't have to deal with any of the Melta shenanigans to get use out of it.

actualy IKs charging you would have to heal with all kinds of haywire. Remember the data spikes give you 1 extra attack. So if they get charged that's 9 haywire attacks coming the knights way or walker or whatever. not to mention you can give the unit cognis, and i would as then the unit can deal with flyers (between the phoser shots and the armour bane pistols); The cognis lets you over watch on 5+ so a charging knight would have to take 2 haywire shots and an eradication beam shot. Then i think the kastelans could also make smash attacks?


So i think i'd skip the first.


Yeah kilofix i was also thinking the same thing. It might have different rules wordings. Only a few more days until all is made clear.

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Ignoring the Priests, it's quite nice that it's possible to try out all of the Formations with 1 Dominus, 2 boxes of Kastellans and 4 boxes of Breachers / Destroyers. Not exactly super-cheap, but there's a feeling of 'nothing wasted' to it all.

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Wait, how are you getting 9 Haywire attacks?  I thought the Dataspike only provided a single additional Haywire attack.  It doesn't make the Power Axe attacks Haywire.  By my math, the Cohort has 3 Haywire attacks (1 Dataspike per character).

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Wait, how are you getting 9 Haywire attacks?  I thought the Dataspike only provided a single additional Haywire attack.  It doesn't make the Power Axe attacks Haywire.  By my math, the Cohort has 3 Haywire attacks (1 Dataspike per character).


It's still a CC Weapon so you can still use it to attack with normally.

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I am still unsure about some of the benefits of the protocols having immediate effect in the cohort. The rules say that you choose a new protocol at the end of the turn, making it apply from the beginning of the start of your next turn, this could be worse in some scenarios as far as I see it.


Example: At the end of turn 1, shooting protocols are activated, this means the FNP is still in effect during the opponents turn, and you begin your next turn with the shooting protocols, making the unit more survivable. With the cohort rules, there is no real benefit to activating shooting protocols and having them in effect from the end of your turn, this only makes the unit more vulnerable to enemy fire, before they actually get to shoot.


On the upside, on a turn following protector protocol shooting, you can activate FNP for the next if you desire, but I still see it as a double edged sword, if there is nothing more to the rule, than having an instant effect - at the end of the turn. Turn 1 they always start with FNP, without cohort rules this is beneficial, as regardless of who gets turn 1 you will benefit from this. On the other hand if you are sure at the end of your turn to be assaulted in the opponents turn, you could activate the double attack protocol and have that in effect during your opponents assault phase. Regardless as I understand, instant protocols are not just beneficial.


Another thing, robots who get to fire at a different target, does this mean you start with choosing who fires at what before shooting anything? Meaning if I choose to have 1 bot shooting at a target, and it does poorly, I can't choose another bot to shoot again on that target? If allowed this could help apply luminagen by having 1 bot shoot first, then have others shoot later. Maybe the codex will have a wording which clears this up more.

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I'd say yes, because their profiles aren't identical, ie. the TL Heavy Phosphor vs. normal Heavy Phosphor. That said, it is the sort of situation that may need some FAQ love. GW seems to be slacking though, because the Skitarii FAQ hasn't landed yet and there's plenty of questions in that codex for the beardy among us. msn-wink.gif

I'm sort of turning around on the benefits of instant Protocols, but I still think the split fire (but not) rule will be awesome to prevent wasting shots. Really, the biggest benefit for the formation is allowing the Dominus to join the unit, as it means he can use his special rules to heal the Robots, Datasmiths or himself as needed, in addition to having several nifty Relics to hand out. It really does so much for the Kastelans that I'm having a hard time wanting to field them outside of the formation.

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To quote myself from the rumours thread:

Holy Requisitioners are very solid. However, I am slowly starting to doubt the Cohort. Dominus and Smiths need to forgo their shooting to let the Robot split fire. They lack reliable AP2. The protocols become active immediately but you still choose at the end of turn. It matters if you are preparing for assault and acrivate double melee or switching back to FnP. However, you want the FnP during enemy turn and then double dakka during your turn to deliver the killing blow or double melee when charging and have it still active during the enemy turn and have FnP or Dakka active again should you leave the melee combat in time. The immediate activation somewhat hinders the unit if you ask me.

Personally, I am starting to think that you want to take one unit of 3 bots and 1 Smith with the IWND relic and call it a day. You save a lot of points ane better opportunity to plan things. Use the Dominus instead to tank for the Plasma Skitarii Warlord unit or Grav Destroyers. It simply seems more reliable and less all-in.

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Hmm I did not see anywhere that the smiths or dominus should forego shooting to let the bots splitfire, unless someone got more accurate details than in the leaks, it just says 1 bot per smith or dom may fire at another target, unless I have really missed something important there.


I seriously doubt its worth as a competetive choice, but I will play with a cohort formation just to field robots from the cult dex and a dominus, I am not really interested in the other ult units, which points to the cohort. It is a matter of personal taste though.


I do believe spamming Dreadknights or similar is a more powerful choice, such as 2 strike forces and fielding 4 Dreadknights for nearly the same points, teleporting around and wrecking things, but that is of course min maxing.


Nobody has really mentioned it, but maybe upping the count of datasmiths would be a good idea, at 50 points quite strong, with 2 powerfist attacks and a dataspike, and a gun which can realiably melt anything but the most heavy armor vehicles and shoot the face clean of a terminator. This is without knowing all their potential wargear too.

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