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Cult Mechanicus formations

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Is it really that big of a deal? How often are you going to run into circumstances in which you're within range of everything including the Datasmiths' pistols and find yourself faced with a Sophie's Choice regarding whether to use those or split fire? If something's gotten that close odds are either you'll want to charge it, in which case firing the pistols might even be a bad idea anyway, or it's a big scary gribbly thing that you want to make extremely dead, in which case you'd be hammering the whole unit's firepower into it and splitting fire won't be a consideration. It makes the Eradication Ray marginally less valuable since the 24" profile is an ideal complement to the Heavy PBs and you'll occasionally run into a situation where you can't use everything optimally, but we're talking about choosing between firing all four bots at different targets and missing out on the Ray, or only being able to hit three targets one of which might get a bit overkilled.


It's still the best formation in the 'dex IMO.

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The actual image from the codex, the German one, is saying that. The leaks from Warseer missed that.


ah well, my german is a bit rusty so didn't understand that part. Considering kastellans got 36 range and smiths only having 12 it could be worse. With no real way of having smiths fire at other targets, the mix of phosphor and gamma pistol is a bit strange and now we can see the smiths are getting no options for other ranged wargear. At least it keeps the codex somewhat moderate, instead of Eldar players who might as well just place 1 big cheese on the board, making the other player leave due to the stink ;)


I will play with a lot of cool robots, loose a lot and people will enjoy playing me, that is a plan in itself

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Lets compare:

1 kast maniple (3 Robos, one Data) IWND

-3 robo shots at one target effectively earsing 1 unit a turn.


-1 armour bane shot

-3 haywire attacks in CC / 2 Str 8 AP2

-6 s6 ap2 attacks/ 2 str 10 ap1


Cohort Cybernetica (4 bots, 2 data, domi) IWND (counts at 3 units)

-4 robo shots, halves (or more) 2 units a turn.

-IWND+Repairs 2+

-2 armour bane shots, 1 str8 ap1 shot.

-9(edit it's actualy 10 i believe) haywire CC attacks/ 4 Str8 AP2 + 3 str5 ap2

-8 s6 ap2 attacks/ 3 str10 ap1


What wasn't mentioned but does matter is the that unit counts as 3 units for canticles. Which is pretty big because any other cult units added gives you atleast tier 2 canticles.  The data smith not firing isn't that big of a let down. They are only range 12?? and all offer 1 shot. As was said before anything that close to this unit will probably receive full attention. Plus, with two data smith you can split the robot shoes easily enough. 2 robots shoot one target, and the other 2 shoot another target, then the domi can shoot at one of those two targets.


If you use the data smiths armour bane pistol (against a IK or something) though you loose out on spliting a robot shot, and the whole unit has to shoot that target. 


One flaw i see with the 1 data smith unit. You can get destroyed by a knight very easily as the datasmiths and domi are really what bring it in CC. So the formation is much strong against tarpits and strong things like IKs or MCs.

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@Immersturm yo does it say you may? or does it say you have do them instantly?? For the protocols.


Either way i dont think it's all the big a deal to me. It wasn't  a feature that i personally cared about. 


edit: if it says you may. Than basicly you could do it slow and keep FNP for the enemy turn then get +shoot. Or do it quickly to swap back on FNP from another protocol.

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I can't understand the instant protocol wording all that well in german, in case something else is mentioned other than protocols instantly get into effect by the end of the turn instead of the beginning of the next.


Instant protocols will be good for: Going into defensive mode after either shooting or close combat protocols. Switching protocols to better prepare for the opponents phase, such as shooting for more overwatch shots if you count on being assaulted, or extra attacks depending on the type of opponent/kastellan loadout present.


Instant Will be bad because: Especially in the first turns with no risk of CC, using Aegis protocols will benefit your defenses and this will be in effect in your opponents shooting phase, even if you end your turn by switching to shooting protocols, with instant protocols the kastellans will be much more vulnerable before they fire.


Balancing protocols and even canticles at once will be a game in itself

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I can't understand the instant protocol wording all that well in german, in case something else is mentioned other than protocols instantly get into effect by the end of the turn instead of the beginning of the next.


Instant protocols will be good for: Going into defensive mode after either shooting or close combat protocols. Switching protocols to better prepare for the opponents phase, such as shooting for more overwatch shots if you count on being assaulted, or extra attacks depending on the type of opponent/kastellan loadout present.


Instant Will be bad because: Especially in the first turns with no risk of CC, using Aegis protocols will benefit your defenses and this will be in effect in your opponents shooting phase, even if you end your turn by switching to shooting protocols, with instant protocols the kastellans will be much more vulnerable before they fire.


Balancing protocols and even canticles at once will be a game in itself


translated from german


Mask of Alpha Dominus

The user can use the Mask of Alpha Dominus at any time to instantly change the Battle Protocol of a friendly Kastelan Robot maniples or a friendly Cohort Cybernetica within 12 inches. The new Battle Protocol activates immediately. The unit or formation cannot use the previous Battle Protocol for the rest of the battle.


1Alpha Dominus Only


Basicly, at any moment, you can override a Battle Protocol, at the cost of the current Protocol. Decent, but requires you to plan a bit.

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I can't understand the instant protocol wording all that well in german, in case something else is mentioned other than protocols instantly get into effect by the end of the turn instead of the beginning of the next.


Instant protocols will be good for: Going into defensive mode after either shooting or close combat protocols. Switching protocols to better prepare for the opponents phase, such as shooting for more overwatch shots if you count on being assaulted, or extra attacks depending on the type of opponent/kastellan loadout present.


Instant Will be bad because: Especially in the first turns with no risk of CC, using Aegis protocols will benefit your defenses and this will be in effect in your opponents shooting phase, even if you end your turn by switching to shooting protocols, with instant protocols the kastellans will be much more vulnerable before they fire.


Balancing protocols and even canticles at once will be a game in itself


translated from german


Mask of Alpha Dominus

The user can use the Mask of Alpha Dominus at any time to instantly change the Battle Protocol of a friendly Kastelan Robot maniples or a friendly Cohort Cybernetica within 12 inches. The new Battle Protocol activates immediately. The unit or formation cannot use the previous Battle Protocol for the rest of the battle.


1Alpha Dominus Only


Basicly, at any moment, you can override a Battle Protocol, at the cost of the current Protocol. Decent, but requires you to plan a bit.



We were talking about the Cybernetica Cohort, not the Relic.

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We were talking about the Cybernetica Cohort, not the Relic.


A translation for the relic was asked, and provided


Formation doesn't look that hot to me. In each shooting phase, you can link a Datasmith/Dominus to a Robot, and that Robot gains Split Fire. 


Holy Requisitior does look pretty interesting. 

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We were talking about the Cybernetica Cohort, not the Relic.

A translation for the relic was asked, and provided


Formation doesn't look that hot to me. In each shooting phase, you can link a Datasmith/Dominus to a Robot, and that Robot gains Split Fire.


Holy Requisitior does look pretty interesting.

Haha no bro we were just talking about the formation x.x. <3.


Well eee if you can choose to use the data smith or the tech priest than you could activate the protocols instantly at the end of your turn or at the start of your next one.


For instance say you want double shooting. You don't want that instant you want that to delay till the start of your next turn. So could you elect to have the Datasmith change it and have fnp until the top of your next turn??


Then you want to change back. To fnp at the end of your turn. You want this instantly so your safe from enemy attacks. So then you could make the tech priest do it

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Haha no bro we were just talking about the formation x.x. <3.

Well eee if you can choose to use the data smith or the tech priest than you could activate the protocols instantly at the end of your turn or at the start of your next one.


For instance say you want double shooting. You don't want that instant you want that to delay till the start of your next turn. So could you elect to have the Datasmith change it and have fnp until the top of your next turn??


Then you want to change back. To fnp at the end of your turn. You want this instantly so your safe from enemy attacks. So then you could make the tech priest do it



Ah well :P


Protocols you choose at the end of turn activate immediately, so no delay till start of your next turn. It doesn't look like it matters who issues the Battle Protocol, just that you issue it.

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I am wondering if you couldn't achieve more nasty combos and flexibility by forgoing the Formations and take an allies or regular Cult detachment instead.


Definitly possible. Though the Holy Requisitior formation is juicy and the Elektro Priest Conclave definitly improves the elektro priests, though running that formation will mean that I have to take 2 Fulgurites. (grmbl)


Though remember that Cohort Cybernetcia is the only way to give the Robots IWND, as that Relic can only be taken by the Tech Priest Dominus.

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I am wondering if you couldn't achieve more nasty combos and flexibility by forgoing the Formations and take an allies or regular Cult detachment instead.


Definitly possible. Though the Holy Requisitior formation is juicy and the Elektro Priest Conclave definitly improves the elektro priests, though running that formation will mean that I have to take 2 Fulgurites. (grmbl)


Though remember that Cohort Cybernetcia is the only way to give the Robots IWND, as that Relic can only be taken by the Tech Priest Dominus.



I can't find anything in the relic description or in the unit entries where it limits the datasmiths to not take the relic. Both the Dominus and Datasmiths can take both wargear and arcana mechanicum items (relics). What the Dominus does bring is the ability to repair his unit, which is most effective on kastellans and only possible in the cohort formation.

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I have the book. There is an index on the Wargear page. Scryerskull and the IWND relic can only be taken by the TP.


Ah yes I missed that among all the other input, well then the dominus indeed brings a LOT more surviveability to the unit through the formation. Maybe his gun is not at its best in the unit, but his ability to repair wounds is by far the most point efficient (over 6 turns he might on average save 2 bots at 120 points each). This really forces the enemy to dedicate to shooting down 1 bot at a time, or see them rise again.


I guess it would be best to get both the cognis and IWND relics on the cohort every time, but if you could just choose 1, which would it be?

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