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Inritz's BA Blog

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This is going to be my blog for my creating and fighting of my new BA army. I'm focusing on the Death Company Aspect of the Blood Angels and most of my models are Death Company or are Death Company in paint and fluff. I hope you enjoy reading.


Death Company 3

This is 5 of my Death Company 1 power sword 1 power fist and 1 inferno pistol. Basic pistols and chainswords for the rest of the 5. Chopped off the toe of one of the guys so I had to improvise, That's why he's a little wonky looking, Only Primed right now, no paint. 

Baal 1

This is my first Baal. I'm making this one a Death Company Baal with no sponsons, and an auto cannon. I'm having a bit of trouble with this model as I've done very few vehicle models before as I've played Grey Knights in 5th and stuck with Stormraven and Dread Knights. Still it's coming along, need more glue but plan on going to the store soon. 

Furioso Finished

This is my Furioso Dread. I am rather proud of how this one turned out, I'm so out of practice with painting and I'm starting to get back into the grove with this one. I've never been an expert painter and never will be. Still I'll be proud of what little skill I have though. 

Death Company 2

5 More of my Death Company. This time with a Thunder Hammer, 2 inferno pistols and 2 plasma pistols. Fairly standard. A bit painted. I still need to add white. As I said I've never been an expert painter and fiddly details were never my forte. 


Librarian D 2

This is my Librarian Dread. My backup HQ in my army second to Astorath, who is not pictured because I don't own him yet. I'm still waiting for gold to accent the Furioso and Librarian, but for now I'll settle for how they look. 

Drop Pood Finished

My Drop Pod For my Furioso. This was my first drop pod, but I'm pleased with how it turned out. 

Tactical 1

My Tactical Marines. I really only primed these guys and set them aside. I put the sarge's banner back up, the glue I bought was sub par so I had to get better stuff to make it stick. Will show more photos as I paint these guys more. Need gold again for the sarge as he's a veteran. Nothing special about this squad.

Death Company D

My Death Company Dread and the last 5 of my Death Company. Death Company has 2 inferno pistols and 2 plasma pistols. I know that makes that squad a target but they all have jump packs and I plan on using them like the fluff says I should. Against targets that are suicidal at best to take on. And against targets that they will just walk through of course. I plan on selling their lives dearly. The Dread has a flamer and a melta and blood talons. Good from a distance and good up close vs crunchier targets and MCs.  


I also bought another Baal, a Stormraven, and sniper rifle scouts. They have yet to arrive, but I hope they will get here soon. Then I only need to buy Astorath and the Army will be complete.  I will post more photos as the process comes along and the first battles will be at Pax Prime this year so I hope I do well. More to come, I hope you enjoyed the photos!


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Hi Brother Inritz, that's the start if a mighty fine blog you have there :)


Can I recocommend that you consider joining our cause on the ETL painting challenge? It will help motivate you towards painting those miniatures and it looks like they are going to look great when they are completed.



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