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New blood angel bits!


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I will be getting one or two for these. Blood Chalice is exactly the thing I am looking for my kit bashed jump pack sanguinary priest . Shoulder pads look good (I hate dealing those transfers) and the torsos are good.

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Some stuff coming up in the next release after assault marines:






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Box contents confirmed on devastator:

2 lascannon, 2 plasmacannon, at least 1 grav (no exact number in WD), probably 2 heavy bolter (no numbers in WD), 2 multimelta, 1 kneeling leg part, 13 unique heads, power sword, combi-weapons for seargent

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All this cross promotion is making me really think the prospect of our core units being updated (Tacs, assault, Devs) in the vanilla book is going to happen.


Also on the preview video for the Assault /bits frames the BA character looks dope!

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I feel between the death company sprue, the Sanguinary Guard sprue, and the new Tactical Squad sprue, us Blood Angels are really spoiled for unique sword bits. Dont mind if we don't get a new one... but I do mind I can't see the JPEG of the new upgrade sprue! Why phone why?
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