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Emperor's Children

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Hello everyone!

Looking off into the very distant future (I'm talking like december or later(who knows)) I would like to maybe start a force of some emperor's children. As someone who is currently painting up their first army (Dark Angels... Yes I guess I am a bit of a Fallen Angel..), I was curious what tips the chaos community has for creating a force of Emperor's Children. I would like to have maybe squads of 6 noise marines each with a blast master, I was considering taking a rhino for them as well but I do not know about that. I would like to either inclue raptors or bikers, with a lord that goes with either one(if I do bikers maybe I could try to find a Doom Rider model...). If I did them I would like to paint them like their current color scheme however substituing the pink for the pre heresy purple. If anyone has any tips on how to accomplish this thatd be fantastic biggrin.png i know this is in the future but I like to has a plan. Also I have read Bonzi's Making Noise Marines Scream thread so I have some idea about the tactics. The reason I am planning a second army so quickly is because it looks like I will paint 1000 points of the unforgiven and then switch to chaos and do 1000 more points ( my dad is doing the same but with blood angels and orcs). Oh and I would also like to make this list different enough from my Dark Angels so they don't feel too similar, I am also ok with the inclusion of Slaaneshi Daemons.

Thanks in advance


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Hi Sapphon.


Sounds like you started off in a good place with Bonzi's NM topic (I do wish he'd revisit that though and give it an update). Sounds like you have a plan in mind already.


Going by what others have said, bikers are the more potent in game (and don't panic, I went for Raptors too. Way better minis personally) and with how the whole Malstrom thing works having Rhinos sounds like a good plan.


It also seems that the many small units (MSU) tactic is the way to go with Blastmaster Noise Marines (NM) so having a couple of squads of 5 (or even better 6 with it being Slaanesh's devine number) is a good way to go.


Autocannon Havoks and/ or Obliterators seem to be the heavy options of choice though dual Maulerfiends are often used. Sometimes with supporting spawn.


As for painting, well, I think my views on Slaanesh schemes are fairly well known (ie, throw the book out the window and paint them all as fantastically as you can and ignore anyone who says "you can't paint a marine like that". Just reply with "darling, if my Noise Marines want to wear spandex, pearls and pink while tearing your face off...they will". But you can't go far wrong by asking @Captain Semper for his 30k EC purple recipe. It's much more army painting friendly than mine (which has about six stages at least) and still looks darned saucy.


And lastly, welcome to the true Chaos God. All will worship Slaanesh, they just won't realise until it's too late :D

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Hi Sapphon.

Sounds like you started off in a good place with Bonzi's NM topic (I do wish he'd revisit that though and give it an update). Sounds like you have a plan in mind already.

Going by what others have said, bikers are the more potent in game (and don't panic, I went for Raptors too. Way better minis personally) and with how the whole Malstrom thing works having Rhinos sounds like a good plan.

It also seems that the many small units (MSU) tactic is the way to go with Blastmaster Noise Marines (NM) so having a couple of squads of 5 (or even better 6 with it being Slaanesh's devine number) is a good way to go.

Autocannon Havoks and/ or Obliterators seem to be the heavy options of choice though dual Maulerfiends are often used. Sometimes with supporting spawn.

As for painting, well, I think my views on Slaanesh schemes are fairly well known (ie, throw the book out the window and paint them all as fantastically as you can and ignore anyone who says "you can't paint a marine like that". Just reply with "darling, if my Noise Marines want to wear spandex, pearls and pink while tearing your face off...they will". But you can't go far wrong by asking @Captain Semper for his 30k EC purple recipe. It's much more army painting friendly than mine (which has about six stages at least) and still looks darned saucy.

And lastly, welcome to the true Chaos God. All will worship Slaanesh, they just won't realise until it's too late :D

Havocs are tempting but their models sesm out dated... i did see your chaos lord with the wings which looked fantastic by the way, i kinda would like to find a way to kind of mirror the blood angels and have a similar army list to them maybe I don't know, seem like a fun idea to me because they were similar at one point... However i do want to include noise marines and chaos stuff obviously
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Forget the actual GW "Havok" models. This is where the true fun with Chaos comes in. Kitbashing and converting.


I've seen Havoks done using Forge World weapons, third party weapons, Imperial, and converted. Nothing wrong with sticking an Astra Militarum autocannon barrel onto a Chaos heavy bolter and calling it an autocannon (which by all accounts are the better option unless you go for four plasma in a Rhino).


Don't limit yourself to just Space Marine parts too. Dark Eldar and Dark Elf parts work great with Slaanesh. Look at all kits and all ranges. Ask friends to look through their bits boxes for interesting parts. Insane Psychopath even uses Ork armour parts on his Iron Warriors. Just have fun with it all :tu:

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I did my autohavocs with the FW 30k autocannon set and basic CSM models:







Turned out pretty well, but you have to be careful to use the right bolter arms - the ones with the little arrows on the cuffs as shown, the other bolter arms, which normally hold the bolter closer to the chest, do not fit with the autocannons.  Also, the autocannon ammo packs are made to fit to 30k era packs, and you need to do some hacking at both the chaos backpack and the amo pack to get them to fit together.  It's a bit of modelling work, but the results are decent, and gw store playable.


The other option I like are 3rd party Evil Craft autocannons, one belt fed and one drum fed:









Here's a link to their site:  Check it Out


I like their stuff in general, but the autocannons and sorcerer are particularly great.  Not quite DV chosen/lord levels awesome, imo, but a nice step up from most of our other ancient kits.  Unfortunately they're third party, and I play in a GW store, which is why I don't own any yet, but I may end up picking up some of their bolters, combi weapons, and special weapons, to use on regular CSM models.



Of course, that's all havocs, which while pretty decent aren't exactly one of our top heavy support options.  Those would be mauler fiends (run in 2s or 3s with spawn, bikes, seekers, fiends, or other assault units that can keep up with them; never as just one on its own), and obliterators (if you don't like the official models, conversions from the new mechanicus tank guys should be pretty cool & not too much trouble).  If your local scene is cool with forgeworld, then Imperial Armour 13 adds some nice CSM heavy support options in the form of the Fire Raptor gunship (a beast with reaper batteries and warp missiles, one of the rare FW vehicles available to both chaos and imperials where our version is better), and the rapier artillery battery (cheap, high quality weapons, I like the hades autocannon, though the laser destroyer is hard to pass up if you need something to take down heavy armor).  The actual models are a bit overpriced, but discord is working on some chaos-specific versions of his own that will hopefully show up in His Store soon.  Again, though, they'd be 3rd party so not usable in a regular GW store.  The other option is to take the spare forgefiend guns you're left with after building a couple maulers and converting some sort of housing or demonic legs or whatever for them.  That's the option I'll be going for, when I get around to them.



Otherwise, I'd imagine your bigger concern is the noise marines.  With sonic blasters and blaster masters available in troops slots, heavy support probably isn't your first order of business anyway.  For noise marines, there are a few effective ways to run them.  Unfortunately, the sonic blasters and blast masters don't like shooting at the same targets, and since the squad doesn't have split fire that means they don't like hanging out together at all, so noise marines generally come in three flavors: sonic blasters, blast masters, or neither.


Sonic blasters can put out a respectable amount of fire from a defensive central position.  They do have some fire power on the move, but because of the way the salvo rule works (in particular the painful range reduction), they mostly want to get in place and then sit still firing for the rest of the game.  obviously, sonic blasters on everyone who can take them (everyone but the champion, iirc) is the main thing here.  After that, you may or may not give the champion a doom siren as a deterent against assault units trying to move you.  A rhino to get into position asap is a good call, and if you have spare points you might consider giving it a havoc launcher to supplement the squads anti-infantry fire.  If you have spare points you might also consider the icon of excess to make them further harder to move.


That's a lot of points, though.  I imagine 8 to 10 with full blasters, a doom siren, and a rhino is a better way to go, there.  If you're not opposed to breaking theme on your HQ, you could take Huron or Ahriman as your warlord to infiltrate a larger squad.  Model wise, the FW Kakophoni models are probably the best, and fit well enough in a 40k army if you swap out the back packs for CSM or DV Chosen packs:





The Blast Master is longer range and prefers to fire at heavier targets than the sonic blaster, so they don't like to be in the same unit.  However, since the FAQ allows you to field a blast master regardless of the noise marine's unit size, small units of 5 or 6 noise marines with a single blast master and nothing else make decent backfield objective campers that can still threaten enemy light or medium vehicles and medium armored infantry downfield.  I generally give the rest of the squad BP/CCW.  Bolters aren't really going to add to the blaster's firepower in a meaningful way, and between Init 5 and the extra attack, the little squads can actually take a bite out of any enemy assault units that reach them.



The last common noise marine set up is the assault squad, leveraging their fearlessness, Init 5, BP/CCW equipment set, purchasable FNP, and the AP3 flamer on the champ to get a pretty decent melee threat going.  You'll want a lightning claw on the champ to take advantage of that initiative, and maybe an IC in there to add some versatility.  The squad can be pretty effective against relatively lightly armored opponents, but struggles against terminators, MCs, and walkers, so be careful how you use them.  The other big problem is a lack of assault-friendly delivery options for the chaos marine faction more generally.  The chaos land raider is the worst of the loyalist varieties, made even worse by a lack of machine spirit, and the rhino hasn't been a great assault transport option for several editions now.


FW options help some - in particular the Spartan and the Dreadclaw, but both are rather expensive in points and slots.  A spartan is so pricey that whatever you put in it is going to need to be able to win you the game more or less on its own, and while assault noise marines are decent, they're not versatile enough for that.  A slaaneshi themed chaos marine army with a spartan would be far better off allying daemons to put 20 daemonettes and a couple heralds in it instead.


The dread claw as it currently stands in IA-13 is a bit of an awkward duck.  It looks like a fancy drop pod, but it's really a cut rate storm raven that lost all its guns and its dreadnought hook in exchange for first turn arrival and a hefty points discount.  Basically, because it doens't have inertial guidance, you cannot use it as you would a drop pod - it cannot reliably land close to the enemy to unload a bunch of short range special weapons on them without mishapping.  Instead you have to deep strike way out in the open.  However, the dreadclaw is not immobilized on arrival, so after deep striking, you use your fast skimmer flat out move to get into a semi defended position near the enemy, and on the next turn you move, deploy, and assault.  This is, imo, the best delivery option we have for our myriad forms of assault infantry (berzerkers, possessed, mutilators, and melee builds of terminators, chosen, noise marines, and basic chaos marines), but it's still a rather expensive & risky delivery option, one that eats a fast attack slot for anything other than CSMs or Chosen.  Further, between their hefty points cost (~3 times the cost of a normal drop pod) and only half rounded up arriving on the first turn, I cannot recommend fielding more than one of them in an army, and even then the army will need a number of other fast melee threats to apply pressure and target saturation or else the enemy will be able to dedicate an entire phase to dropping the claw, which will kill it, and between its point cost and that of whatever unit you put in it, it isn't worth fielding as just a distraction.



For allied daemons, daemonettes are nifty, but can have some difficulty delivering safely.  A giant squad with heralds in a FW spartan is a nasty surprise.  Alternatively, you can deep strike a smaller squad or two in an army with a decent amount of fast melee threats (spawn, mauler fiends, bike/raptor character escort, maybe some spawn, maybe a unit in a dreadclaw, maybe some allied seekers or fiends), and try to have the enemy tied up in combat before they arrive, and use them as a second wave, or in a shooty army as a counter-assault threat for later in the game.  If you play with a lot of terrain, you might be able to deploy them normally and just run them up the board.


Seekers, fiends, and slaaneshi greater daemons are all quality fast melee threats in their own right.  Heralds are solid melee ICs, but need a daemonette or seeker bus for delivery.  Slaaneshi daemon princes aren't really as hot as their nurglish counterparts, but can still be decent.



I don't know, those are my thoughts, anyway.  Take everything I say with a grain of salt, as I don't actually play slaanesh much, apart from several trial games around the time of the FAQ back in 6e that allowed min units to take a blast master, and in particular haven't tried them at all since 7th was released.

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Thanks for the advice everyone! I never considered kitbashing really, ill have to take that as something to consider. Would a min group of three bikers, two of with melta be better than a min group of raptors with two meltas? The bikers have a higher toughness but the raptors have more bodies.
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Better in game?  Yes.  Cheaper, due to the smaller unit size.  And about as resilient anyway, thanks to the toughness boost.  On the other hand, the raptors are a lot prettier, and not all that much worse on the table, so it's up to you.

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One other thing to consider, if you're willing to take liberties with the models a little bit, is to paint up flagellants in Fifty shades of Slaanesh and run them as counts as Pink Horrors. 460 points of Horrors and counts as ML3 Tzeentch Heralds will reliably deliver three units of Daemonettes every two turns and a Keeper of Secrets once per game via Malefic powers, though you'll need another ML3 psykerin your force (for 13 Warp Charges) to make it work as outlined above.
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Out of curiosity, what other units besides noise marines would be fluffy for emperor's children? I know sorcerers, and probably obliterators would be an unfluffy choice, so what else are fluffy choices that work well with noise marines?
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Emperor's children?  Most fluffy would be noise marines, cultists, lords, sorcerers, daemon princes, and FW sonic weapon dreadnoughts (see IA-13; they're not terrible but not exactly amazing, either), with mark of slaanesh and veterans of the long war on everything that can take it.  Lucious the Eternal is also a fluffy choice if your army represents his own warband, or that of one of the other Emperor's Children warlords who have sworn to him.


Vet/Slaaneshi dark apostles, possessed, and warp talons (basically jump pack possessed, thematically) would also be fluffy, as would vet/slaaneshi chosen or terminators fielded as retinues for a lord (to make them fearless, at which point they feel more legiony).  Standard astartes support vehicles also fit well with the fluff - including rhinos, land raiders, predators, vindicators, and if we're going FW dreadclaws, thunderhawks, etc.


Beyond the core of heresy vets, if your warband has done any post heresy recruiting (whether their geneseed was still stable enough to use, or using stolen geneseed, or hiring Bile, or corrupting loyalists, or absorbing weaker warbands), then 'generic' chaos astares units like CSM, Raptors, Bikes, and Havocs would best represent these, with the mark of slaanesh, of course, and with or without the 'veterans of the long war' upgrade, depending on how long ago the recruitment happened, and how dedicated your warband is to fighting the Imperium (as opposed to merely surviving or chasing rival chaos factions in the Eye).  In general, it probably makes sense even among dedicated 'Legion' warbands in the 40k era to be made predominantly of post-heresy chaos marines, with the surviving heresy-era veterans as the elite core leadership of the warband.


If you have a mortal or daemonic sorcerer (in your warband's fluff, even if not on the table during any particular battle), then spawn and allied slaaneshi daemons are also fluffy choices, while possessed and warp talons become more fluffy than they already were.



Standard astartes vehicles and wargear can be maintained by your warbands servitors and artificers, and in any event such the weapons and armour of war quickly become possessed by minor warp spirits within the Eye of Terror, ethereal creatures drawn to the lingering emotions of death and battle which swirl about such artifacts.  These spirits can repair, and potentially even refuel and reload possessed wargear without need of maintenance, causing damaged items to regrow and heal themselves like an organic creature.  A chaos sorcerer can expedite the process, while also allowing some degree of control over the inevitable mutations that result.


Even so, many chaos warbands find it worth their while to contract with the Dark Mechanicus, as none can match their expertise in maintaining and managing the twisted fusion of flesh, metal, and daemonic spirit which characterizes the war machines of the Eye of Terror.  If your warband has established such a contract, it has likely found itself hosting a warpsmith to oversee maintenance of your armoury and ensure that the contracted tithes of salvage and souls are paid the the Daemon Forges.  If your warband includes such a dark mechanicus emissary (again, in your fluff, regardless of whether he shows up to a given battle), then he likely came with his own retinue of servants & bodyguards (mutilators / obliterators), as well as dark mechanicus abominations such as helbrutes, heldrakes, forgefiends, maulerfiends, defilers, and maybe even rare, archaic heresy era tech which few still know how to maintain, such as spartan land raiders, relic predators, storm eagles, fire raptors, or the like (again, see IA-13), any of which are then fluff-appropriate options for you.  The entire Dark Mechanicus contract detachment may be unaligned or have some mixture of other alignments, but if aligned they would most likely share the alignment of your warlord, to prevent any unnecessary tensions that might threaten the contract.  On the other hand, an unaligned or even contrary aligned emissary might have been specifically chosen to avoid risk of mixed loyalties.



In terms of other potential alliances & contracts, your warband may have acquired the services of one of the exiled thousand sons sorcerers, along with their apprentices and rubric retinues.  These mysterious figures often hire out their services in furtherance to their own nefarious aims, and though they are not to be trusted, their skills make them highly sought after.


You might also have found yourself playing host to a Word Bearers dark apostle & retinue.  The Word Bearers are one of the few relatively coherent legions, but none the less their dark apostles are still often found proselytizing to warbands outside of their legion.  Such an apostle might be slaaneshi, but more likely would be unaligned, and may bring with him an unaligned retinue of basic marines or chosen.


Between Black Crusades, some smaller Black Legion warbands hire their services out to non-Black Legion warlords, advancing their aims in exchange for promises of participation in the Warmaster's next venture, and your Warband may have found such a force at their disposal.  The lasting enmity between the Emperor's Children and the Black Legion, dating all the way back to the Legion Wars, makes this less likely for you than for warbands of other legions, but at the same time only the especially foolish or suicidal spurn an offer from the Warmaster.  That is especially true considering that the Emperor's Children are still scattered into disparate warbands with no clear Legion-level command structure*, so picking a fight with the largest coherent Chaos Legion in the Eye would be especially foolish.  If you are host to a Black Legion mercenary force, it is almost certainly not Slaaneshi aligned - most of he Slaaneshi warbands in the Black Legion are led by former Emperor's Children who swore to Abaddon after their legion was shattered.  Surviving Emperor's Children warbands despise them as traitors, and are especially unlikely to fight alongside them.


*some especially successful Emperor's Children warlords, most notably Lucious, have been able to gather a handful of other warlords under their banner, but these efforts to reunite the legion have been stymied by the overwhelming Pride & Hubris characteristic of the Dark Princes favored servants.  Few are willing to bend their knee to any other than their Daemon Primarch, who is primarily concerned with the Great Game between the gods, and much like Angron only rarely calls his Legion together to wage war in the mortal realm.

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Emperor's children?  Most fluffy would be noise marines, cultists, lords, sorcerers, daemon princes, and FW sonic weapon dreadnoughts (see IA-13; they're not terrible but not exactly amazing, either), with mark of slaanesh and veterans of the long war on everything that can take it.  Lucious the Eternal is also a fluffy choice if your army represents his own warband, or that of one of the other Emperor's Children warlords who have sworn to him.


Vet/Slaaneshi dark apostles, possessed, and warp talons (basically jump pack possessed, thematically) would also be fluffy, as would vet/slaaneshi chosen or terminators fielded as retinues for a lord (to make them fearless, at which point they feel more legiony).  Standard astartes support vehicles also fit well with the fluff - including rhinos, land raiders, predators, vindicators, and if we're going FW dreadclaws, thunderhawks, etc.


Beyond the core of heresy vets, if your warband has done any post heresy recruiting (whether their geneseed was still stable enough to use, or using stolen geneseed, or hiring Bile, or corrupting loyalists, or absorbing weaker warbands), then 'generic' chaos astares units like CSM, Raptors, Bikes, and Havocs would best represent these, with the mark of slaanesh, of course, and with or without the 'veterans of the long war' upgrade, depending on how long ago the recruitment happened, and how dedicated your warband is to fighting the Imperium (as opposed to merely surviving or chasing rival chaos factions in the Eye).  In general, it probably makes sense even among dedicated 'Legion' warbands in the 40k era to be made predominantly of post-heresy chaos marines, with the surviving heresy-era veterans as the elite core leadership of the warband.


If you have a mortal or daemonic sorcerer (in your warband's fluff, even if not on the table during any particular battle), then spawn and allied slaaneshi daemons are also fluffy choices, while possessed and warp talons become more fluffy than they already were.



Standard astartes vehicles and wargear can be maintained by your warbands servitors and artificers, and in any event such the weapons and armour of war quickly become possessed by minor warp spirits within the Eye of Terror, ethereal creatures drawn to the lingering emotions of death and battle which swirl about such artifacts.  These spirits can repair, and potentially even refuel and reload possessed wargear without need of maintenance, causing damaged items to regrow and heal themselves like an organic creature.  A chaos sorcerer can expedite the process, while also allowing some degree of control over the inevitable mutations that result.


Even so, many chaos warbands find it worth their while to contract with the Dark Mechanicus, as none can match their expertise in maintaining and managing the twisted fusion of flesh, metal, and daemonic spirit which characterizes the war machines of the Eye of Terror.  If your warband has established such a contract, it has likely found itself hosting a warpsmith to oversee maintenance of your armoury and ensure that the contracted tithes of salvage and souls are paid the the Daemon Forges.  If your warband includes such a dark mechanicus emissary (again, in your fluff, regardless of whether he shows up to a given battle), then he likely came with his own retinue of servants & bodyguards (mutilators / obliterators), as well as dark mechanicus abominations such as helbrutes, heldrakes, forgefiends, maulerfiends, defilers, and maybe even rare, archaic heresy era tech which few still know how to maintain, such as spartan land raiders, relic predators, storm eagles, fire raptors, or the like (again, see IA-13), any of which are then fluff-appropriate options for you.  The entire Dark Mechanicus contract detachment may be unaligned or have some mixture of other alignments, but if aligned they would most likely share the alignment of your warlord, to prevent any unnecessary tensions that might threaten the contract.  On the other hand, an unaligned or even contrary aligned emissary might have been specifically chosen to avoid risk of mixed loyalties.



In terms of other potential alliances & contracts, your warband may have acquired the services of one of the exiled thousand sons sorcerers, along with their apprentices and rubric retinues.  These mysterious figures often hire out their services in furtherance to their own nefarious aims, and though they are not to be trusted, their skills make them highly sought after.


You might also have found yourself playing host to a Word Bearers dark apostle & retinue.  The Word Bearers are one of the few relatively coherent legions, but none the less their dark apostles are still often found proselytizing to warbands outside of their legion.  Such an apostle might be slaaneshi, but more likely would be unaligned, and may bring with him an unaligned retinue of basic marines or chosen.


Between Black Crusades, some smaller Black Legion warbands hire their services out to non-Black Legion warlords, advancing their aims in exchange for promises of participation in the Warmaster's next venture, and your Warband may have found such a force at their disposal.  The lasting enmity between the Emperor's Children and the Black Legion, dating all the way back to the Legion Wars, makes this less likely for you than for warbands of other legions, but at the same time only the especially foolish or suicidal spurn an offer from the Warmaster.  That is especially true considering that the Emperor's Children are still scattered into disparate warbands with no clear Legion-level command structure*, so picking a fight with the largest coherent Chaos Legion in the Eye would be especially foolish.  If you are host to a Black Legion mercenary force, it is almost certainly not Slaaneshi aligned - most of he Slaaneshi warbands in the Black Legion are led by former Emperor's Children who swore to Abaddon after their legion was shattered.  Surviving Emperor's Children warbands despise them as traitors, and are especially unlikely to fight alongside them.


*some especially successful Emperor's Children warlords, most notably Lucious, have been able to gather a handful of other warlords under their banner, but these efforts to reunite the legion have been stymied by the overwhelming Pride & Hubris characteristic of the Dark Princes favored servants.  Few are willing to bend their knee to any other than their Daemon Primarch, who is primarily concerned with the Great Game between the gods, and much like Angron only rarely calls his Legion together to wage war in the mortal realm.

I had read on the wikia that sorcerers were not very common with the emperor's children due to their goal of perfection? I would also probably not include obliterators or mutilators due to their models being hideous ;D

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Before the heresy, they employed no librarians, as the psycher mutation was considered by the Legion to be an unacceptable flaw.  A lot has changed since then, however.  Now sorcery is just one more art form that the practitioners within the Legion seek to push to its most hideous extreme.

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Before the heresy, they employed no librarians, as the psycher mutation was considered by the Legion to be an unacceptable flaw.  A lot has changed since then, however.  Now sorcery is just one more art form that the practitioners within the Legion seek to push to its most hideous extreme.

Oh ok thanks I did not know that. I may include them in the list but who knows, Slaaneshi powers are "tempting" ;)

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IMG 3731

Slaanesh tempted me.... must resist... leave criticism.... For the Emperor!

Must return back to the Rock before they catch me.

No need for the Grand Master Interrogator Chaplain to be questioned..


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  "darling, if my Noise Marines want to wear spandex, pearls and pink while tearing your face off...they will".  



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Don't forget to plunder the fantasy chaos lineline (s) for extra bits and pieces to really make them zing.

Thanks for the suggestion! Im still fairly new to the hobby, so I have 0 conversion skills. I actually quite enjoy the chaos space marine/ noise marine models so we will see if I ever participate really in conversions, I would like to develop my painting skills before I dive off the deep end. Slaanesh is starting to turn me into one of the fallen and i have been painting my second marine :P

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You don't need much by way of skillthanks to the flexibility of kits, I've had some fun using slaanesh helstrider parts on some slaaneshi possessed marines. It can be pricey but extra variety always helps an army look good.
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Oh ok thanks I did not know that. I may include them in the list but who knows, Slaaneshi powers are "tempting" msn-wink.gif

Yeah, if you run much in the way of sonic weaponry, even just one biggish sonic blaster unit, then a lv3 slaaneshi sorcerer or two is really hard to pass up, even with the frustrating restrictions on chaos space marine power selection.

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Oh ok thanks I did not know that. I may include them in the list but who knows, Slaaneshi powers are "tempting" ;)




Yeah, if you run much in the way of sonic weaponry, even just one biggish sonic blaster unit, then a lv3 slaaneshi sorcerer or two is really hard to pass up, even with the frustrating restrictions on chaos space marine power selection.

I may run a terminator sorcerer with staff and combi melta(came from the assassinorum execution force game) it seems like hed be cool to run, it also almost mirrors my dads blood angels librarian but he has a force axe over the staff. I just finished painting up another marine though... May begin to work on some slaaneshi cultists...
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How good is a squad of sonic blaster noise marines? From reading Making Noise Marines Scream he said bolters were better, but what are your guys' opinions?
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