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Hello Everyone!

I have been thinking about a list I would like to formulate so I could get painting, but had a few questions.


Is it ineffective at 500 points to bring a slaaneshi sorcerer if I only bring 5 man blastmaster squads?

Is Icon of Excess worth it?

How good is a Sonic Dreadnought with Blastmaster warp amp etc?

Cultists or ally Daemonettes?

Is a Sorcerer improved by bringing many Sonic Blasters?

MSU Blastmaster squads vs. Sonic Blasters.


Help would be appreciated!


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Hello Everyone!

I have been thinking about a list I would like to formulate so I could get painting, but had a few questions.


Is it ineffective at 500 points to bring a slaaneshi sorcerer if I only bring 5 man blastmaster squads?

Is Icon of Excess worth it?

How good is a Sonic Dreadnought with Blastmaster warp amp etc?

Cultists or ally Daemonettes?

Is a Sorcerer improved by bringing many Sonic Blasters?

MSU Blastmaster squads vs. Sonic Blasters.


Help would be appreciated!


At 500 points you couldn't have a sorcerer and BM squad unless you went Unbound. And the Icon isn't really worth the points on small squads personally.


Purely due to the extra HQ I'd say cultists over Daemonettes at low points level.

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Hello Everyone!

I have been thinking about a list I would like to formulate so I could get painting, but had a few questions.

Is it ineffective at 500 points to bring a slaaneshi sorcerer if I only bring 5 man blastmaster squads?

Is Icon of Excess worth it?

How good is a Sonic Dreadnought with Blastmaster warp amp etc?

Cultists or ally Daemonettes?

Is a Sorcerer improved by bringing many Sonic Blasters?

MSU Blastmaster squads vs. Sonic Blasters.

Help would be appreciated!


At 500 points you couldn't have a sorcerer and BM squad unless you went Unbound. And the Icon isn't really worth the points on small squads personally.

Purely due to the extra HQ I'd say cultists over Daemonettes at low points level.

You can actually take two blastmaster squads at 500 points with a sorcerer in a bound list, they have to be five man squads though. I was thinking take two groups of five cultists to make my troops choice. I also was able to squeeze in icons of excess on the squads depending on how I loaded out the sorcerer. I was asking more so for the future which were better daemonettes are cultists.

Thanks though!


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That would depend on your tactics really. Cultists are more likely to give you the numbers where daemonettes are quick and nasty in combat.


And don't forget that you need a Slaanesh Lord to unlock Noise Marines as troops unless going unbound.

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That would depend on your tactics really. Cultists are more likely to give you the numbers where daemonettes are quick and nasty in combat.

And don't forget that you need a Slaanesh Lord to unlock Noise Marines as troops unless going unbound.

At 500 points I may just run them as elites, at a higher points cost I'll try to include a chaos lord. Which also raises the question seeker, bike, or jump pack for the lord?
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Cultists are min. ten-strong squads.

So are Daemonettes.


That would depend on your tactics really. Cultists are more likely to give you the numbers where daemonettes are quick and nasty in combat.

And don't forget that you need a Slaanesh Lord to unlock Noise Marines as troops unless going unbound.

At 500 points I may just run them as elites, at a higher points cost I'll try to include a chaos lord. Which also raises the question seeker, bike, or jump pack for the lord?

Again, depends of what other units you plan on. For example, I have Raptors so went for jump pack.

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Oh, I know. For whatever reason my reply didn't quote the post I actually replied to. The one where Sapphon says he's taking 2 x 5 strong Cultist squads. Can't do that.


I personally would not advise Allies at 500pts, even though Daemonettes can be pretty nasty. 2 MSU Cultist squads is still only 10pts more than 1 MSU Daemonette squad.

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Oh, I know. For whatever reason my reply didn't quote the post I actually replied to. The one where Sapphon says he's taking 2 x 5 strong Cultist squads. Can't do that.


I personally would not advise Allies at 500pts, even though Daemonettes can be pretty nasty. 2 MSU Cultist squads is still only 10pts more than 1 MSU Daemonette squad.

Whoops i totally thought they were 5 man squads. No i meant two minimum 10 man squads is 100 points nice catch, now I have 10 more models to paint >.>.
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One thing regarding the cultists is that they are great to provide numbers while keeping cheap, so you can spend more points on more elite units :)


Thanks to Cultists, I can throw 45 bodies on the table at 1500 points, even though I have 2 HQ, a Land Raider, Teminators and Obliterators, Chosen and an extra CSM squad.

Tactically, it forces the opponent to arbitrage between killing your most damaging units and leaving your fodder standing or killing your fodder and getting killed in return !


They're fun and annoying and great at capturing objectives :)


Regarding the NM, I would equip them all with Blasters, a Blastmaster per 5 and a Doom Siren.

That makes them extremely flexible : great fire support, and great at counter assaulting !

For advancing forward, Chosen and CSM do the job relatively well, no need to spend points on the NM. Fit large squads of these two last types with an Icon of excess and you have a pretty interesting advancing unit

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From my admittedly limited experience, giving them Blasters and a Blastmaster is pretty redundant. Blasters need you to move to be up close toreally take advantage ofthe Salvo rule while Blastmasters need you stationary. Blasters and Blastmasters also have different targets. 


At 500pts, I would not give them Blasters or a Doom Siren but I would give them a CCW each for  a small CC boost at much lower cost.

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24" is still a pretty decent range even if you've not moved :) One day or the other, the enemy will have to come and grab the middle objectives and be in range of the NM :)


Besides, the Blastmaster can be used in the move and also has decent range when stationnary. The goal isn't to use the entire arsenal all the turns but be able to contribute in the game, and even staying stationnary at 36" and pumping out Blastmaster shots while staying out of range of most anti infantry weapons is something good :)


Why take a CC NM squad ? The only différence I see compared to Chosen is Fearless and Chosen seem a cheaper option even with MOS (but could be wrong, not with the codex ATM)

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I dont mean tool them as a CC squad, I mean make them shooty and also give them a CCW so they can hold their own when it gets fighty. At I5, 1pt for an extra attack is pretty awesome considering how often you're going to face I4 loyalist scum.

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Cultists are min. ten-strong squads.

So are Daemonettes.


That would depend on your tactics really. Cultists are more likely to give you the numbers where daemonettes are quick and nasty in combat.

And don't forget that you need a Slaanesh Lord to unlock Noise Marines as troops unless going unbound.

At 500 points I may just run them as elites, at a higher points cost I'll try to include a chaos lord. Which also raises the question seeker, bike, or jump pack for the lord?
Again, depends of what other units you plan on. For example, I have Raptors so went for jump pack.
What are the advantages of each? i know a bike gives you +1 toughness and a twin linked bolter but what do the others provide?
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Jump pack units can jump over terrain and deep strike. also if they dont use the jump pack in the movement phase then in the assault phase they may re roll their charge distance. I use Raptors myself in my Death Guard army and prefere them over bikers + they feel more fluffy for me.


Cultists also have another use not mentioned

Meat shield/ablative wounds to get a beat stick hq. I use a 20 man squad to get Typhus up the board in my DG army it works surprisingly well

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Don't forget too you can turbo boost bikes in the shooting phase so can effectively move up to 24" in a turn. Then you have jinks, relentless, and hammer of wrath too. Cannot be pinned either.
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Don't forget too you can turbo boost bikes in the shooting phase so can effectively move up to 24" in a turn. Then you have jinks, relentless, and hammer of wrath too. Cannot be pinned either.

Yep, bikes are great for a violent charge !

For finesse work, Jump Packs are awesome though

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Don't forget too you can turbo boost bikes in the shooting phase so can effectively move up to 24" in a turn. Then you have jinks, relentless, and hammer of wrath too. Cannot be pinned either.

Yep, bikes are great for a violent charge !

For finesse work, Jump Packs are awesome though

Finesse? slaanesh? That seems fitting... Anyways what about the steed?
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Don't forget too you can turbo boost bikes in the shooting phase so can effectively move up to 24" in a turn. Then you have jinks, relentless, and hammer of wrath too. Cannot be pinned either.

Yep, bikes are great for a violent charge !

For finesse work, Jump Packs are awesome though

Finesse? slaanesh? That seems fitting... Anyways what about the steed?

Someone will talk about the steed better than me ^^ but outflanking is always awesome ! Think of it as a way to bring some outflankers for fun :)


When I say finesse with the Jump Pack, i also mean viciousness. They are awesome but really hard to play because less forgiving than the bikes and they need support !

The greatest strength of the packs is to be able to jump over something. Look at Deep Striking as a way to get in the best désirable place playing with terrain when flying up the board is undesirable. Hide behind terrain for a turn where nobody can shoot you even after moving, then jump over to give them a warm hug :)

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Don't forget too you can turbo boost bikes in the shooting phase so can effectively move up to 24" in a turn. Then you have jinks, relentless, and hammer of wrath too. Cannot be pinned either.

Yep, bikes are great for a violent charge !

For finesse work, Jump Packs are awesome though

Finesse? slaanesh? That seems fitting... Anyways what about the steed?

Someone will talk about the steed better than me ^^ but outflanking is always awesome ! Think of it as a way to bring some outflankers for fun smile.png

When I say finesse with the Jump Pack, i also mean viciousness. They are awesome but really hard to play because less forgiving than the bikes and they need support !

The greatest strength of the packs is to be able to jump over something. Look at Deep Striking as a way to get in the best désirable place playing with terrain when flying up the board is undesirable. Hide behind terrain for a turn where nobody can shoot you even after moving, then jump over to give them a warm hug smile.png

How would you outfit a unit of raptors?

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I like flexibility personally, so I would give one or two a plasmagun and some melee weapon on the Sergeant ! After all, the wording says that you can "take" a plasmagun instead of replacing the weapon, so you keep the extra attack and you have a squad that is useful at all ranges, against all types of targets, at range or in melee :D


You don't need melta when you can pump 4 plasma shots in the rear armour of a tank :p

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I like flexibility personally, so I would give one or two a plasmagun and some melee weapon on the Sergeant ! After all, the wording says that you can "take" a plasmagun instead of replacing the weapon, so you keep the extra attack and you have a squad that is useful at all ranges, against all types of targets, at range or in melee biggrin.png

You don't need melta when you can pump 4 plasma shots in the rear armour of a tank tongue.png

Good to note, what about flamers on the raptors?

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I did rub Marines Assault Squads with two flamers and I usually was disappointed : low damage against MEQ and against the rabble it would usually negate my charge distance :/

However, it's a good cost effective upgrades that synchronizes well with the AP - of the Raptors' melee attacks and Fear USR.

I know people who had more luck than me with them though

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