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Bear in mind that Plasma Guns, due to Rapid Fire, will prevent a charge if fired.

Is exactly why I go all melta or all flamer.

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Bear in mind that Plasma Guns, due to Rapid Fire, will prevent a charge if fired.

Is exactly why I go all melta or all flamer.

Since I havent really play yet I did not know that... I don't know which i would pick though...
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Since I havent really play yet I did not know that... I don't know which i would pick though...

Magnets my friend. Great way to keep your options open ;)

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Thanks everyone for the help so far! Now I must think of a name for my warband!

The Pilgrims of perfection

Slaanesh's boys

The Angels of Fulgrim

The Phoenixs of Excess

I like the angels of fulgrim, i came up with the symphony of pain

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Seraphim/Scions of Sin? (of Slaughter?)

Exemplars of Excess?

Heralds of Perfection? (of Pleasure?)

Angels of Agony? (of Depravity? of Pain?)

Children of the Phoenix? (of the Flesh? Of Sin? of Pain?)




Sultans of Swing? :p

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Thanks for the suggestions guys! I will have somethings to think about. I now have some ideas for army lists past 500 points looking towards the future:

Things I would like to include:

Raptors(warp talons?)

Slaaneshi Daemons

Sonic Dreadnought



Chaos Lord



Things I have planned;


Noise Marines

Chaos Sorcerer


Thinks I'd like to avoid:


Chaos Spawn

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Warp Talons generally are not worth their points and compete for FA slots with Bikes, Spawn, Heldrakes and Raptors, which generally are.


Twin LC MoS Terminators will :cuss MEQ up, but you need some way to deliver them and they end up being a points-sink. Good for fluff and to look cool, not an awful lot of use on the table. MSU with combi-meltas can DS and ruin a tank's day, but they'll probably die shortly afterwards.  

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Warp Talons can be made to work, but you have to be smart about them, like with any jump packs.


First : Don't Deep Strike them in the  open against Marines to try and get blind. Actually, don't try and get Blind all the time. It's really only worth it against Guardsmen/Orks/Tau. I've had a Chaos player Deep Strike his Warp Talons in the open right in front of an Imperial Fists gunline (why... why ?) from my co player in this game and they got shredded.

They can be used as a counter assault unit to deter any MEQ unit from being too bold on the board :) Or they can be deep struck behind cover to be predatory and pick on an isolated unit and just munch them.


When you think about it, they are cheap. They basically get two LCs for the price of one, and throw Blind and Fear on top of that !

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GrandMasterSapphon I use Noise Marines in a Count-As army that I run competitively. In my experience small units of Noise Marines armed with Blastmasters, close combat weapons, and doom sirens are amongst the most versatile in the game. They are capable of being a serious threat to almost any model on the field as most vehicles are susceptible to s8 fire, very few armies field anything better than a 2+ save, and almost no one can ignore an ap3 blast template that ignores cover. 

They are also capable fighters in close combat. What few armies that can field troops with a similar or higher initiative cannot field as durable or versatile models. Furthermore, the combination of Doom Siren overwatch and first strike in assault gives nearly anyone pause to consider assaulting the unit. Against a sufficiently weakened enemy they can kill them through overwhelming attacks and striking first.

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GrandMasterSapphon I use Noise Marines in a Count-As army that I run competitively. In my experience small units of Noise Marines armed with Blastmasters, close combat weapons, and doom sirens are amongst the most versatile in the game. They are capable of being a serious threat to almost any model on the field as most vehicles are susceptible to s8 fire, very few armies field anything better than a 2+ save, and almost no one can ignore an ap3 blast template that ignores cover. 


They are also capable fighters in close combat. What few armies that can field troops with a similar or higher initiative cannot field as durable or versatile models. Furthermore, the combination of Doom Siren overwatch and first strike in assault gives nearly anyone pause to consider assaulting the unit. Against a sufficiently weakened enemy they can kill them through overwhelming attacks and striking first.

Ok, cool. One question I have is why would you equip your squads with close combat weapons if you have a blastmaster? wouldn't you want to stay far away and not move towards the enemy much?

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GrandMasterSapphon I use Noise Marines in a Count-As army that I run competitively. In my experience small units of Noise Marines armed with Blastmasters, close combat weapons, and doom sirens are amongst the most versatile in the game. They are capable of being a serious threat to almost any model on the field as most vehicles are susceptible to s8 fire, very few armies field anything better than a 2+ save, and almost no one can ignore an ap3 blast template that ignores cover.


They are also capable fighters in close combat. What few armies that can field troops with a similar or higher initiative cannot field as durable or versatile models. Furthermore, the combination of Doom Siren overwatch and first strike in assault gives nearly anyone pause to consider assaulting the unit. Against a sufficiently weakened enemy they can kill them through overwhelming attacks and striking first.

Ok, cool. One question I have is why would you equip your squads with close combat weapons if you have a blastmaster? wouldn't you want to stay far away and not move towards the enemy much?

Simple reason being drop podders deep strikers out flankers

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I personally don't believe so but others do.


I think it depends on yor meta. If you face a lot of Drop Pod lists, they probably are.


With a Doom Siren and CCWs most of a charging Marine squad will be dead before they get to swing most of the time.

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Ok so I know there is an army list section but I wanted to post this in my running topic here.

Army list 500 points

Total 518(should be fine here)


Hq (125):

Chaos Sorcerer

--terminator armor

--mark of slaanesh

--mastery level two


Troops (200):






Noise Marines

--Doom Siren

--+1 Noise Marine

--Close combat weapons


--Icon of Excess



Let me know what you guys think! Thanks!

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Personally I'd drop the Icon of Excess and use the points to increase the size of the Cultists or give the Sorcerer the Sigil of Corruption.
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