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Or at least lose the Mark. Marking Sorceror's is not a good idea, usually. The extra Initiative doesn't really do anything since you don't want him anywhere near a fight and it forces you to take a rubbish power.


Lose the TDA too and you have most of the points to take a Lord who can actually fight and the NMs become troops, getting Objective Secured.

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Thanks for the ideas everyone! I wanted to play a MoS Sorcerer because the powers seemed like a fun buff for noise marines. I also picked terminator armor simply because i have the model from the assassinorum execution force game. I have the chaos lord from dark vengeance but id feel wrong painting it in my color scheme. :D as for the icon of excess I don't know. It seemed like it would buff my squads. I also was wondering if it was better to run two seperate msu squads or one large squad witg two blastmaster.
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I have the chaos lord from dark vengeance but id feel wrong painting it in my color scheme.

Never feel like you have to paint any models a certain way. And if anyone tells you otherwise, cut them out of your life immediate. You don't need that kind of negativity ;)


MoS on the Sorcerer. I didn't mention this as I remembered you mentioning you wanted to play with Sonics.


TDA. The only way to get a 2+ outside Crimson Slaughter.


Icon of Excess. Looks good on paper but is a point sink and at lower points more bodies helps.


MSU vs blob. I'd go MSU for the following reasons:

-You can target two enemies.

-Your opponent has two squads to target.

-You can spread them out to cover a wider table area.


Best advice I can give though is throw some proxies together and play some games. But play a few games with the same list before altering it.

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I have the chaos lord from dark vengeance but id feel wrong painting it in my color scheme.

Never feel like you have to paint any models a certain way. And if anyone tells you otherwise, cut them out of your life immediate. You don't need that kind of negativity ;)

MoS on the Sorcerer. I didn't mention this as I remembered you mentioning you wanted to play with Sonics.

TDA. The only way to get a 2+ outside Crimson Slaughter.

Icon of Excess. Looks good on paper but is a point sink and at lower points more bodies helps.

MSU vs blob. I'd go MSU for the following reasons:

-You can target two enemies.

-Your opponent has two squads to target.

-You can spread them out to cover a wider table area.

Best advice I can give though is throw some proxies together and play some games. But play a few games with the same list before altering it.

Thanks for the advice! Looks like i gotta cut my soul out cause i still wanna paint him as Kranon... Anyways, what do you think on the msu blastmaster squads with doom siren forté?
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They're situational and almost opposite of the Blastmaster which you'll be trying to keep at range.


It would be useful for overwatch but ideally you don't want to be that close.


Rather, it might be worth trying to find points for Rhinos. Partly for transport (especially in Maelstrom), but also as mobile cover.

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Ok, so now I have a new list idea, but need to decide on something. I do NOT want to paint bikes, so I would either like to paint a steed or raptor chaos lord, which would be the best to field? I intend on running him up with a group of raptors at a higher points cost. I was thinking of having a power sword and combi melta, but would this be a good set up? At 500 points i would like to have two squads of 6 noise marines each with a blast master, a squad of cultists and then this chaos lord or lucius the eternal.

Thanks guys


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For the raptor lord, I would go with the lightning claw, over the power sword, you are already losing the extra attack swapping out the bolt pistol for the combi melta, so you might as well get shred on your attacks.


Perhaps it's my own inexperience, but at smaller point games, I have found that it's a lot harder to pick a roll for a unit and stick to it. For example, your blastmaster squads do best sitting at range and shooting their big gun. But at 500 points you need to be prepared to assault with them, or at least move them to objectives as well. Their I 5 helps, but against MEQ a power sword makes a big difference. You can shoot enemies off of objectives easily enough with those squads, but cultist will not hold them against much of anything. That's my 2 cents.

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Interesting , thanks everyone. Is the doom siren worth bringing on these types of squads?


Definitely. It adds close quarters versatility to the list. There are almost no infantry in the game that can threaten this unit at mid to close range without a strong risk of losing a large number of models to overwatch and close combat attacks. It takes a large horde or terminator armor to mitigate or ignore their weaponry. 



Ok so I know there is an army list section but I wanted to post this in my running topic here.

Army list 500 points

Total 518(should be fine here)


Hq (125):

Chaos Sorcerer

--terminator armor

--mark of slaanesh

--mastery level two


Troops (200):






Noise Marines

--Doom Siren

--+1 Noise Marine

--Close combat weapons


--Icon of Excess



Let me know what you guys think! Thanks!

At 500 points I suggest dropping the Icon and equipping a slaanesh chaos lord with an Aura of Dark Glory and a power weapon. The Terminator Armor is unnecessary and the points can be placed somewhere else while an Icon of Excess is too expensive for a small noise marine squad. Furthermore, it makes your noise marines troops and gives you room to purchase a rhino.

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Ok, Last night I made a new list but I forgot to post it I guess :P

Total 504

HQ(120 points):

Chaos Lord

--Jump pack

--Power sword

--Mark of Slaanesh



Troops(384 points):



Noise Marines

--+1 Noise Marine



Noise Marines

--+1 Noise Marine



This is looking like something that is fun to field. >.> the last one had too many models to paint for 500 points XD

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Ye be wanting to take a Claw o'er the steel, laddy.


Sorry. For the same points, a Claw will give you Shred. Since you're taking a combi and not a pistol the Sword won't give you an extra Attack and thus has no advantage over the Claw and is objectively a worse choice in those circumstances.


Personally, I would drop the combi and take melta bombs and a pistol, with a Sword or a Claw. I've never cared much for one shot weapons as my luck always goes straight to Davy Jones' locker for that one shot.  

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Ye be wanting to take a Claw o'er the steel, laddy.


Sorry. For the same points, a Claw will give you Shred. Since you're taking a combi and not a pistol the Sword won't give you an extra Attack and thus has no advantage over the Claw and is objectively a worse choice in those circumstances.


Personally, I would drop the combi and take melta bombs and a pistol, with a Sword or a Claw. I've never cared much for one shot weapons as my luck always goes straight to Davy Jones' locker for that one shot.  

I know I would be loosing an attack but where does it say that the melta portion of he combi is one use only?



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The combi-weapon section of The Rules, Appendix, Ranged Weapons. All secondary weapons on combi-weapons (the plasma/flamer/melta/grav) are One Use Only.

Totally blind I realize now, I was reading the paragraph about the description of a combi weapon rather than their actual rules >.> Thank you for that pointer, I had no idea.... I think I will take that off of him. Now I need to decide sword or claw with the pistol.... I think I will go sword simply because it is more fluffy.



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Update: I've pretty much shelved my Dark Angels project for the time being, i think ill finish my squad for etl and be done with them for awhile. However my Emperor's Children are going swimingly :D i should finish a culitst squad withing the week and begin the waiting process for more boxes of plastic and resin for noise marines :D i currently have 4 cultists finished with another 6 to go, I have finished 3 noise marines and have 9 to go(need to buy a box of marines as well as the upgrade kits) I also will need to make my chaos jump pack lord so if anyone has any suggestions thatd be great, i think the new raptors look better than the old ones...


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Hey all! Love this thread, it's really helpful for trying to work out what I'm gonna do when I start my Emperor's Children army in a couple of weeks. I've got an idea in my head, but this is really helping me along, since like Sapphon here I like to play my armies with fluff/flavour taken into consideration, whilst still being at least somewhat useful; i.e, they don't always lose. One thing I did notice was that Sapphon made mention to a "Making Emperor's Children Scream" thread about EC tactics... could someone link that please? I can't seem to find it, and for a starting gamer like myself I figure it might be extremely helpful, especially given the praise it's received on this thread alone.

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Hey all! Love this thread, it's really helpful for trying to work out what I'm gonna do when I start my Emperor's Children army in a couple of weeks. I've got an idea in my head, but this is really helping me along, since like Sapphon here I like to play my armies with fluff/flavour taken into consideration, whilst still being at least somewhat useful; i.e, they don't always lose. One thing I did notice was that Sapphon made mention to a "Making Emperor's Children Scream" thread about EC tactics... could someone link that please? I can't seem to find it, and for a starting gamer like myself I figure it might be extremely helpful, especially given the praise it's received on this thread alone.


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Highlights/drybrushing the last 6 cultists tomorrow, then in done with the first portion of my army :D i should have pictures tomorrow to show, the. Painting is not the best but itll be my first real completed squad so hopefully it is good considering that :D
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