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Storm Ravens - how to support them?


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I don't normally rate the storm raven. To me it seems like a point sink - an assault vehicle, that when filled, has a reasonable chance of leaving a big proportion of your army off the table for 2-3-4 turns. If it gets shot down, it'll take its occupants with it. Leave it empty, and it seems like you are wasting points - you are paying for an assault transport.


But I'm increasingly seeing the potential of the assault vehicle - a dc or furioso dread assaulting out of it seems awesome, esp at I5 if you use the Baal strike force.


So clearly, it needs support.

I'm thinking: cap karlaen for reserves manipulation. Assault marines in pods to take out air defence weapons, and as I'll need it to stay alive for a turn so it can go to hover and have dreads assault out of it, some kind if air defence.


I'm keen for your thoughts? Is the firestorm redoubt a bad idea? It'll almost definitely protect a raven by making 1-2 en fliers jink. But in the event that enemy has no fliers, it's a bit of a points sink.


I'm also thinking that if I go to that much effort protecting the raven, I could include 2 (and probably some talons as well). Air supremacy for the win!


Tell me of your experiences!

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  • Give your Dreadnought a magna grapple to automatically pass any Dangerous Terrain Test that arises from a Skies of Fury scatter
  • Scouts can do the same trick
  • From the Legacy of Glory guide, you can give it Monster Hunter (War of Murder), Tank Hunter and +1 BS against Daemonforge units (Schism of Mars), It Will Not Die (Battle of Terra), +1 BS (Icon of Glory)


  • From the Adeptus Astartes Stormwing Guide we see a method of freeing up your HS slots, gaining Stormtalon access and gaining +1 BS.
  • The above guide also lists the Fighter Ace table for Space Marines. Should you want to run your Stormraven as a Blood Angels one, you need the BA table detailed here
  • Angels Fury Spearhead Force from White Dwarf 47 is a Formation involving three Stormravens full of Tactical squads that can potentially arrive on turn one. If anything Deep Strikes within 12" of two of these, they may charge that turn!

Reserve Manipulation

  • Captain Karlaen - re-roll any reserve rolls
  • Corbulo - one re-roll per game which can be a reserve roll
  • Comms Relay - re-roll reserve rolls if within 2"
  • Land Raider Promethius - guide - +1 reserve rolls, not cumulative
  • Damocles Command Rhino - guide - +1 or -1 reserve rolls whilst the tank is on the table
  • Skyshield Landing Pad - Allows your Stormraven to begin on the board in Hover mode. Note that it can't zoom until turn 2.
  • Dante - Flyers re-roll failed reserve rolls
  • Rhino Primaris Command Tank - rules leak - one unit in reserves can arrive automatically. Note that this Rhino needs to be picked with the Land Raider Excelsior


  • TLMM and TLAC are the generally accepted best loadout as a) you'll be getting within 24" and b) it gives you good balance against vehicles and other targets.
  • Hurricane Bolters are like Marmite (personally, I love them both)
  • Anything with a Blast is generally considered a bad choice as it can't be used against other Flyers (the Stormraven is still the best this side of Forgeworld)
  • The trouble with a TLLC and TML is once the missile run out, you're left with a vehicle that fires two shots. Underwhelming :( Incidentally, the TLAC mathhammers out to be better against almost all vehicles blink.png


  • Personally, I put Scouts in mine for object grabbing. This really shouldn't be under rated
  • Making use of the Assault Vehicle rule is expensive, but I have pulled it off by having other juicier targets on the ground You're also looking at a turn three charge at the earliest. It's up to you if this is better than a Land Raider for you.
  • Assault Terminators, Death Company and even Mephiston and a Command squad (which Dreadnought of choice such as a Furioso Librarian Dreadnought) can work, but again, price!
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(a ) ...To me it seems like a point sink...


(b )...reasonable chance of leaving a big proportion of your army off the table for 2-3-4 turns....


(c )...If it gets shot down, it'll take its occupants with it....


(d ) ...Leave it empty, and it seems like you are wasting points - you are paying for an assault transport...


(e )...So clearly, it needs support....



To address the points above:


(a ) SRs are well costed for what you get:  bristling with weapons (seriously, take hurricane bolters), hard to kill, alpha strike capability, very mobile and versatile... Why would you take land raiders?  The SR is harder to kill and has more firepower.  Why would you take any variety of Predators?  SRs are faster, have more firepower per point cost, and are harder to kill.  The only viable Fast Attack replacement could be the vindicator where for the same point cost you can drop 2 large blast templates...


(b ) Angel's Fury formation is where it's at.  It very much tells your opponent what your strategy is going to be... but how many people can effectively deal with 3 flyers arriving on turn 1 and, along with sufficient drop pod support, neutralizing anti-flyer?


(c ) I've learned to kick them out as soon as possible using Skies of Fury.  So what if you lost a marine?  You have 10 more.  Also, combat squad your dudes, stick them in the same transport, then drop them off at objective markers as you zoom around.  It's like an airborne drop and totally bad-arse.


(d ) The "assault" part of the SR is highly situational and somewhere between icing on the cake and a temptation you should never given into.  These are gunboats meant to cruise the skies and dakka stuff up.  Only drop them into Hover if there is no possibility of big nasties smacking them around.


(e ) Take 3 and they support each other.



  • Hurricane Bolters are like Marmite (personally, I love them both)


Hurricane Bolters are the bomb.  If you mathhammer it out, they are better at wounding monstrous creatures than your storm strike missiles and make the flyer relevant after blowing up the big stuff. The 30 points they cost pay themselves back quickly.

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Leave it empty, and it seems like you are wasting points - you are paying for an assault transport.


I love my Storm Raven, in my last two tourneys she has been my MVP and I always run her empty.

Sure she has the option to carry stuff, but a superfast, skyfire, AV12 gun platform is what I pay the points for.

I kit mine out with TLLC, TLMM and Hurricane Bolter and (aside from a few Tau lists with dedicated anti-air) she has never let me down.

In fast when I play bigger games I take her sister ship, a Storm Raven with TLAC/TLMM and Hurricane bolters and the two of them wreck face.


Unless your opponents frequently invests in serious anti-air or spams Flyrants I cant see any reason why Stormravens should need any kind of dedicated support.

Most stuff will be hitting it on 6's, then they have to pen it at AV12 and then you can opt to jink (thanks to POTMS you still get to fire one gun off at full BS, and with everying being twinlinked even the snaps have a better chance than most to hit.

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*urge to buy second and third raven. Rising.*


If I didnt have all my spare cash benchmarked for a pair of totaly legitimate and authentic forgeworld Sicarian Tanks, I would absolutly invest in a third Stormraven.

I really want to try out the formation that lets us assault from deepstrike turn one. :D

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*urge to buy second and third raven. Rising.*

If I didnt have all my spare cash benchmarked for a pair of totaly legitimate and authentic forgeworld Sicarian Tanks, I would absolutly invest in a third Stormraven.

I really want to try out the formation that lets us assault from deepstrike turn one. biggrin.png

Me too, it's a heavy list but Dante, lots of jump DC/ Vets/ SG backed up by the triple raven formation could be mad.

Little to no scatter and no chance of retaliation.

Could be fun with that 2 RAS 1 Vanguard formation aswell! Impact hits, HoW and charge!

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Angel's Wrath Intervention Force from WD 47. I've sent you a PM tongue.png

Charlo, you wont get HoW on the turn you arrive with this Formation combo as the Jump Packs have been used to enter the battle.

I wasn't so sure, but hey still awesome!

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Don't you have to use the jump packs in the movement phase to forgo HoW? Regardless others have already answered this in a better way then I could, I own 4 Ravens 3 with TLAC/TLMM Hurricane bolters, and a DC themed raven with TLAC/TLMM. Love each and every one, they always make their points back and look awesome while doing it!


I tried to proxy the TLLC and it was disappointing to me, love me some Lascannons but if you have no problem getting close to something then the TLAC is always a better buy imo!

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I was thinking of adding a Knight Crusader to my Angel's Fury Formation... and the remaining points to the Angel's Wrath (I still need to point it out)


It really does sound brutal like that. Work very nicely too with Target Priority!

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I was thinking of adding a Knight Crusader to my Angel's Fury Formation... and the remaining points to the Angel's Wrath (I still need to point it out)


It really does sound brutal like that. Work very nicely too with Target Priority!



Just found out the three Tac Squads get Obj Secured as well as everything else with the formation... Yeah I think this might be happening. Shame I've spent a lot of time on my Meltacides as they probably wont see much use with this formation. I also need some more Tac Squads...

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Also, something I've been thinking about regarding the Angel's Fury formation:


1. You can combat squad the Tactical squads.  This means you can still transport them in the Stormravens, but they count as two separate squads to drop over objectives as you zoom past.


2. Meltaicide squads synergies well with Angel's Fury:  you drop a couple in turn 1 to pop any high AV target that could shoot down the flyers/can be difficult for the SRs to pop (read: AV13+).

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