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Angels fury spearhead (3ravens)


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Of course, there is always the Sanguine Wing Formartion:


10 Sternguard (free weapon upgrades)

10 Vanguards (free Weapon Upgrades)

10 Vanguards (free Weapon Upgrades)

Storm Raven.


Again, you would have to be Mr. Money Bags to aford 4 Storm Ravens, but that is a LOT of Turn 1 / Turn 2 killy-killy-mega-death for a 2000 point game.


Seriously considering this for a Tourney list next year.

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I say it does pretty well as long as you've got it fighting something fairly scary, a buddy of mine loves to use nurgle Marines with typhus so these guys are suited to dealing with them pretty well! You'd be amazed how much damage a SS sergeant can soak up with good dice rolls!
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ETC ruling on it, as far as it still matters:



1. A Teleport Homer must start the turn on the table in order to utilize the Augur Triangulation special rule.

2. Augur Triangulation can still be used by a model with a Teleport Homer that is aboard a Transport
(measure range from the hull of the Transport in this case).
3. A unit arriving embarked upon a Transport that has the Assault Vehicle special rule also benefits from the
ability to charge that turn.


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I'm genuinely considering:


Angels Fury





Van Vets and DC to taste.


Maybe some dreads.


Only problem is hitting the line on time,but a Damocles could do that and break a fleshy charge hole in your opponent with the Orbital.


Like I said before, a disordered Charge from two vanguard in the Sanguinor Aura with one power weapon would be enough to win a combat, just gotta cover the battle line!


Ravens can probably pop any tanks you need with Melta.


Unsure how to load out the Tacs, possibly just go two flame squads and a Plasma. Sit on objectives and wall of death and counter furious charge the enemy.


I think I'm in love with this list.


If not I'll at least use the 4 Raven Option for full yolo.

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ETC ruling on it, as far as it still matters:



1. A Teleport Homer must start the turn on the table in order to utilize the Augur Triangulation special rule.



Do these guys also limit scatbike squads to one upgrade per squad?

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ETC ruling on it, as far as it still matters:



1. A Teleport Homer must start the turn on the table in order to utilize the Augur Triangulation special rule.

2. Augur Triangulation can still be used by a model with a Teleport Homer that is aboard a Transport
(measure range from the hull of the Transport in this case).
3. A unit arriving embarked upon a Transport that has the Assault Vehicle special rule also benefits from the
ability to charge that turn.





Ok no first turn charge but point 3 is verry strong. In german forums there is still a discussion if the embarked units are allowed to use it, because the wording is "deploy as if it where deep striking"

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The way I see it you can definitely first turn charge. The triangulation rule has nothing to do with the normal use of the Beacons / homers whatever.



"If a friendly unit with the Blood Angels Faction arrives from Deep Strike Reserve within 12” of at least two models from this Formation equipped with teleport homers, then it does not scatter, and can charge on the same turn it arrives."


I cant see how that could imply that you cant charge turn 1..

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No they shouldn't as they aren't arriving from it. Sadly. But assaulting from pods seem fine.


This formation with MSU RAS loaded up with flamers, meltas and a fighty sarge could be pretty nasty, especially with FTSF

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ETC ruling on it, as far as it still matters:



3. A unit arriving embarked upon a Transport that has the Assault Vehicle special rule also benefits from the

ability to charge that turn.



Ok no first turn charge but point 3 is verry strong. In german forums there is still a discussion if the embarked units are allowed to use it, because the wording is "deploy as if it where deep striking"



I believe rule 3 is meant to address Drop-Pods... not the embarked tactical squads?


Edit: We had a pretty snarky thread on the embarked tactical squads and how they can or cannot use the formation special rules.  I still think it is a RAW v RAI argument...

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ETC ruling on it, as far as it still matters:


3. A unit arriving embarked upon a Transport that has the Assault Vehicle special rule also benefits from the

ability to charge that turn.

Ok no first turn charge but point 3 is verry strong. In german forums there is still a discussion if the embarked units are allowed to use it, because the wording is "deploy as if it where deep striking"

I believe rule 3 is meant to address Drop-Pods... not the embarked tactical squads?

Edit: We had a pretty snarky thread on the embarked tactical squads and how they can or cannot use the formation special rules. I still think it is a RAW v RAI argument...

Dang! I overread it.


Great Idea In the FTSF you can fit in 6 small assaultsquads with 2 specials and an powerweapon. Neat biggrin.png

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First off hello. First post here!


I have used this formation 9 times in our local tournament and once against a friend of mine who also plays in this local group. I consider the group to be fairly competitive as we have several people who visit GTs. I personally have not because family and other time restrictions. 


I have went vs super heavies: knights, lynx, bane blades among others. 

This has also include some other well constructed lists including popular Decurian lists. 


Over the span of the three tournaments I have progressively ranked higher but every time it has been in the top 5 out of 20 (the smallest turn out). This is by no means a GT turn out but as I said we have some good players.


The first tournament I used it as only able to use it turn two and the other two and the one off game I use it first turn.


My observations:


The fire power of the ravens on the first turn is insanity.

The assault even as a second turn option is huge, even if you only use a couple of units. 


My list:

Democ Command Rhino


HQ: Terminator Librarian with SS


Troop: Scout squad


Elite: Terminator assault with SS\TH


FA: Drop Pod


The balance of the points has varied but I like another drop pod so I can put down an empty drop pod if the ravens do not come on. I often opt for second turn to reduce auto loss chance. If i need first turn I hide everything behind LOS blocking items where possible. That gives me rhino, scouts, and Pod they have to kill to table me. On average I am batting .600 with this formation. The command rhino gives me only about a 3% chance for them to not come on first turn. (Snake eyes)

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ETC ruling on it, as far as it still matters:



1. A Teleport Homer must start the turn on the table in order to utilize the Augur Triangulation special rule.

2. Augur Triangulation can still be used by a model with a Teleport Homer that is aboard a Transport
(measure range from the hull of the Transport in this case).
3. A unit arriving embarked upon a Transport that has the Assault Vehicle special rule also benefits from the
ability to charge that turn.




I'd be completely down to playing it like this if everyone adhered to other changes/restrictions they have made for the other factions.

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just remember, no matter what, if you play hammer and anvil deployment[should be about 1/3rd of games] you can not assault turn one, because your opponent can just deploy out of assault range. 


the turn one assault rule..is meh at best, there are many ways to get around them[hiding out of line of sight, bubble wrapping, good interceptor]


Vs noobs it's absolutely devastating!, but then again, playing vs noobs will usually work that way no matter what you bring:)


the only reason ITC said you couldn't assault turn one??? it was down to one vote, and he voted you couldn't because he thought that was what GW meant, even though it's crystal clear in the rules it's possible...sad

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I love the idea of this formation so much. Think it goes best like this, take a bsf too, reserve manipulation, heavy flamers on tacs, skys of fury to deploy said tacs, combat squad to obj sec and toast bad guys, deep strike said bsf (dc & sang guard) along with meltacide pods. 1850-2000 pts (although potential for 1500, min spend is 920 pts). Try to go 2nd although 'tabling insurance' is highly recommended. Eldar say what now?

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I've tested that list tonight vs an 4 flyrant list with scyblight formation. I must say it was a blast although he stole my ini.

He concede on turn 4 because most of his tyrants where shot and he destroyed only one raven in turn 3. While he was coming to me i destroyed the gargoyles in the back with 2xfragiosos and one tac pod. The 3 tac squads dropped turn one in my backfield for more firepower against the flyer. I think it will do well on the next tournament. :)

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I have a lot fun with this formation, with allying in my Carcharodons lead by Tyberos which can take red brothern   one unit of LC term  as troops. ( His rules and there CT can be downlaoded for free on FW site)


In 1850 points games you can drop him and full 10 man term sq, combat sq is better, with his guys assaulting as soon as the hit the ground.  Soften up a unit with shots from tac/raevn to gain the bonus scent of blood, which is same as FC.  

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