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Angels fury spearhead (3ravens)


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Yup, it's friendly unit with the Blood Angels Faction. Can you imagine how powerful this would be with an NSF if this were not the case? sick.gif

Oh, and before anyone suggests it, putting said Carcharodons in a BA Drop Pod wouldn't get around this as you need the friendly BA part in order to perform the charge.

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So i had tested this List on an 40 Player Tournament.

It is strong but not overpowered. I ranked 24th. I not much time to test this list bevor this Tournament so im Fine with the ranking.

My oponents were Grav Biker Marines (1st Game 3:17), Marines with 3 Centurions (Second Game 18:02) and a Necronlist (6:14)

I will report wenn i have more time. 


Till then you can watch pics from the Tournament here. http://s1368.photobucket.com/user/Slaughter3000/library/?sort=3&page=1




Flesh tearer strike force
***************  1 HQ ***************  
Techmarine, Sprungmodul
+ Boltpistole, Bolter  -> 0 Pkt.
Damocles Command Vehicle
***************  2 Elite ***************  
Furioso-Cybot, Blutfaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Schwerer Flammenwerfer, Nebelwerfer
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter
Furioso-Cybot, Blutfaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Schwerer Flammenwerfer, Nebelwerfer
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter 
***************  1 Standard ***************  
Taktischer Trupp
10 Space Marines, Melter, Schwerer Flamer
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, 1 x Kombi-Melter 
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter 
***************  1 Unterstützung ***************  
Relic Sicaran Battle Tank, Dozer blade
Angels Fury Formation
***************  3 Standard ***************  
Taktischer Trupp
10 Space Marines, Schwerer Flamer
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Bolter  -> 0 Pkt.
Taktischer Trupp
10 Space Marines, Schwerer Flamer
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Bolter  -> 0 Pkt.
Taktischer Trupp
10 Space Marines, Schwerer Flamer
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Bolter  -> 0 Pkt.
***************  3 Unterstützung ***************  
Stormraven Gunship, Synchronisierter Multimelter, Synchronisierte Sturmkanone
Stormraven Gunship, Synchronisierter Multimelter, Synchronisierte Sturmkanone
Stormraven Gunship, Synchronisierter Multimelter, Synchronisierte Sturmkanone
Gesamtpunkte Blood Angels : 1850
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No special Ruling. I had no Units wich wanted to attack with triangulation. The Tacs DS normal (2w6). The Formation came in every game turn 1.

The Tacs deep striked in game 1 and where always lucky. In the other Games i embarked them in Hovermode and charged Turn 2 or boltered some Wraiths.

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Report Würfelgötter (DiceGods)

First Game: VS Gravbiker White Skars

Eternal War Mission - Emperor's Will

Maelstrom of War Mission - Contact Lost


He got many OS - Bikers with Khan which he split in two Squads and three Scout Squads in Land Speeder Storm

I did this with my tacs also in every game.

I got first and deployed my Sicaran and Damocles in the Backfield. The Formation came on turn 1.

One Cybot scattered towards the edge. The second landed on point. I drop 1 Tac with HF on the OJ in my table half per skies of fury.

I shot 1 Landspeeder Storm and Flamered some Scouts inside the open topped vehicles.

I frag some Grav Biker with one Dread and shoot with the Ravens also some Bikers and force them to jink.

I wanted to Orbital Strike some bikes but scatter back on my Fragioso. He got blown away on a 6 wacko.png So no Firstblood for me (you could balance First Blood in this Turney if you get a Kill in your Turn.).


In return he blew away my tacs and shoot at some ravens but they stand up in the sky. At this point we thougt it would be a big win for me. But form Turn 2 on he controled most of the Objektives and i could not draw any furhter objektives.

The rest of the Game ist told fast. I get the last drop pod in Turn 2. and destroyed 2 Tech Priests.

He popped my Damocles and the Sicarian in Turn 2 and had the field control. After Turn 2 i had with my ravens no targets to shot and embarked here and there some tacs. I should have gone in hover mode Turn 3 and unload every tac and shot everything @ the Biker. blink.png


We played till turn 5. He Scored 17:3.

Well this was my first game with this formation.

to be continued.

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Second Game: Vs Space Marines

Eternal War Mission - The Spoils of war

Maelstrom of War Mission - Purge the alien

Special Mission was King of the Hill (the Mission in the Middel gave one VP each turn for securing it )

The Bloodbowl Orks are the Objektives.


He got Pedro Kantor and an ML 2 Librarian in a Pod with some Grav-Sternguard. 1 Tac squad in Rhino with Melta, 1 Tac squad on foot.

1 squad of Assault Terms 3 TH SS 2 Claws with Priest in Termiarmor in an Land Raider Crusader. Three Grav-Cents on foot. Some Las Devastators and an Las Rocket Dread.

I won again the Roll Off and went first. I deployed my sicaran in front of an Objektive. The Damocles in a ruin on another. The Raven moved 18 - 24 in. The Fragiosos pod in front of his nose. I manage to took 3 HP from the Raider. The tacs on foot got fragflamed to one guy which fleed. The other Fragioso fraged some devs but no cents. The Sicaran rends some Devs to burgermeat.


He shot the two dreads and took two HP from the right Raven. He forgott to disembarg the Assaulttermies so he could not attack the Sicaran.tongue.png

In my Turn 2 the Tac Pod Landed and nearly everything fired @ the Sternguard. Only Pedro survived with 3 Wounds.

Two Stormravens turn into glide mode and disembarked the combat squads. The two squads on the right. Fired their bolt pistols @ Kantors unit and one unit managed to charge him.

The other two combat squads secured the Objektive on the left. The Tacs which disembarked in his first turn got some shots.

I steal him one objektive and fulfil three another of mine.


On his second he stand with most of his units in cover. This time he disembark his Terminators. The Cents fire @ the right Stormraven but do nothing.

The rest of his shooting do also little. The Terminators charged one Stormraven and wrecked it.



The fight with Cantor last on.


In my thrid turn my Raven go up up in the Sky again. They and the Sicaran fired @ the Termis. Some Tacs tattacked the Terms and Cantor and bring him to fall.http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag185/Slaughter3000/DSCN1012_zpsdgdrf8zg.jpg

The Terms slaughter some Tacs but not all.


From this turn it goes straigt up the Terms and pretty much everything but one tac and the pod git slaughtered.

We Played till turn 7. He get two Points for Killpoints. I Scored 18 Points.

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Second Game: Vs Necrons

Eternal War Mission - Crusade

Maelstrom of War Mission - Cleanse and Control

He Field

One Destructor Lord and some named Charakters wich can port.

10 Warriors in Ghost Ark and Cryptec

10 Warriors on foot.

3 Tomb blades

6 Wraiths with wipcoils

1 Triarch Stalker

3 Heavy Destroyer

5 Lynchguard with Named Hoshi

I went first and let the Ravens storm in.

The Pods lands in front of the Warriors in the Open. The other scatters in front of the Wraiths.

I fire 2 Ravens @ the Ghost ark. (Missions Destroy a Vehicle) and with one @ the Stalker.

Both survive with some Hullpoints lost. The Sicaran destroy one Tomb Blade.

The other Fragioso fraged some Warriors. I target the Orbital Strike on the Wraiths. But it destroyed instead my drop pod and one Destroyer Lord lose one Wound.. (i should not use O-Strike again ever!)



He Kills one Fragioso in his Turn and Port some Lynchgard in my Backfield. He Then port the other Living half of the fragged Warriorunit in the Middlefield without scatter. The destroyer and Stalker fire @ the Sicaran in Cover but he saves every pen. He Charge one Fragioso with the Wraiths and whiped him to death.

My Turn 2.

My Tacs got in and shoot @ the Stalker. The Flamerguys shoot at the Tomb Blades

I fly the Stormravens in his back and shot the Stalker and score some hullpoints on the Arc.

The Sicaran fires @ one destroyer, dealing no damage. The Fragioso assaults the Arc destroying it with 3 Pens.

His Turn 2

He shot my Command Tank and shot with the Warriors the Fragioso to death. He Destroyed the Pod with the Wraiths. And shot @ some ravens with no effect. He Charges with his Tomb Blades my Flamer Tacs to bind them huh.png (in the ongoing assaults they would fight each other 4 rounds with no effekt)



Turn 3 (No Pics)

I Land with all three Ravens and disembark the Tacs (i wanted to charge everything in the Wraiths but throug combat squadding not everybod would make it) i make a big error and shot with all my bolters (not the Pistols..) @ the wraiths. rolleyes.gif

One Tac Squad shot at the warrios on the left. Not much happens.

His Turn 3.

He moves with his warriors and lynchgard a little. In the Shootingphase nothing happens. He is overloaded with targets for his wraiths and make a multicharge on only two combatsquads and Kills some. I think the tacs los combat and fled.

Turn 4

The Ravens go up n away. (For Mathias https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSP3HLWOalI laugh.png )

They shot here and there but do not cause any significant damage.

One Tac Squad dont get in the fight with the warriors. The other combat squat fight with the destroyer lord and one cryptec.

Two tac squads try to charge the wraiths but only one manged to get in the fight.

One tac squad fires @ the destroyers wounding none.

The Sicaran drives away von the objektive to not get charged from the lynchguard. It then shot @ the lynchguard but the Named one tanked it all with his 2+ trousers.

His Turn 4

He runs again towards my backfield objektive. (I should have stayed there..)

And Smashed some tacs in assault here and there.


In Turn 5 i fly with one raven of the board. and shot at some stuff.

He whipped then my pod to the scrapyard and we call the game.

Im leading with malstrom missions but he controlled nearly every objektive on the board and got linebreaker and firstblood.

So we leave it with 14:6 for him.

All games where enjoyable with great sportsmen. I like the formation and must learn to master it. It is not strong competitive but some people have serious problems dealing with so much flyer. My luck was that nobody wanted to play with mysterious objektives tongue.png. (It was ruled that if one player wanted them then you had to play with mysterious objektives. ph34r.png )

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