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Khorne (and Khârn) In Small Point Games

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Hi all,
I stumbled across some old berzerkers while cleaning at some hobby stuff the other day which I'd really like to 'do-up' and have a few games with. My issue is coming up with a solid 750 point list as a foundation that I can build from once I have the funds to do so as a starting point.


My question is has anyone had success at small point levels with mono-khorne and if so what did you use? Preferably I'd like to stick Codex Khorne rather than Daemonkin for the moment as I don't have the Daemonkin book. My initial thoughts were that bezerkers and an assault based army would maybe struggle at low points..?


It's so tempting to try and squeeze Khârn in but I don't know if he's that viable due to his cost. That and I've heard you need a land raider as an effective delivery system?


Any list or combination suggestions much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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You're right, at 750 points an assault army suffers, usually because it relies on a hard hitting HQ and abn effective bodyguard. The cheapest combo I can think of is a Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut with a power weapon, with a bodyguard of spawn. Even that weighs in at around 250 pts.


Troops wise, you can't go astray with a squad of 20 cultists with autoguns (or autopistol and CC weapon), they provide some cover for your Berzerkers or CSM behind.


A Helbrute or Predator also helps in small games, laying down a decent amount of firepower and adding survivability.


Putting that all together, you've got


Chaos Lord - 145 Lightning Claw, Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs, MoK

8 Berzerkers - 235 - Lightning Claw, Melta Bomb, 1 x Plasma Pistol, Rhino, VotLW

20 Cultists - 110 - Autoguns

5 Spawn - 160 - MoK

Predator - 95 - Autocannon, HB Sponsons


Total 750pts

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If I could only offer you one tip for the future, Daemonkin would be it. The long-term effectiveness of Daemonkin has been proven by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.

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It's so tempting to try and squeeze Khârn in but I don't know if he's that viable due to his cost. That and I've heard you need a land raider as an effective delivery system?


You do realise that Khârn is the most killy thing you will ever have for a mere 160pts?


Land Raider is the Most effective way to deliver him, does not mean that others ways doesn't work, specially at this point range.


Put it in a cheap 20 man Cultist blob so that he gets into CC unscatthed, makes the Cultists Fearless and Hatefull, once Khârn is in CC, enjoy.

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I play, infrequently as it is, small point games with Khorne being the only Mark. I have been using a MOK CSM unit with bolters and ccw, the banner, a pair of flamers, and a power sword on the champ. They ride in a dozer bladed rhino. Either in close combat or shooting, I'm dropping a lot of dice on the enemy, My goal with the unit is to get it into assault, but at lower point values, I think versatility is more of a useful trait.


Likewise, I think the helbrute is a pretty good bet at lower points as well, because it can do more than one thing. You do have to have another av target out there to avoid being the only target for the enemy's anti tank, but I mitigate this by being able to keek the brute in cover, playing on dense terrain tables.


Bezerkers, I feel are too one dimensional. For example if you need to claim an objective for victory, bezerkers won't be doing much while they sit there, and cultist without fearless won't sit on an objective for very long.

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Details are needed at this point. First of all Codex Daemonkin is great and if you want to play khorne you might as well get it because juggerlord + flesh hounds. That is just so much fun that everyone needs to try it, especially as the flesh hounds die and you summon more flesh hounds to reinforce. Or when your Chaos Lord is on his last wound and stuck in combat and you morph him into a Daemon Prince. So funny. Khârn isn't in it though but he does have his own data slate and formation so meh. You could always use him as a vanilla khorne lord too.


What models do you have RIGHT NOW. This is the biggest impact for the list(s) you build obviously. You could always have Khârn in cultists because that is good and run them at something while berserkers also run at that something to make your opponent decide what he has to shoot first. Getting hammer and anvil deployment on a 6x4 board at 750 points with an assault army always sucks though!

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Thanks for all the replies.


What models do you have RIGHT NOW. This is the biggest impact for the list(s) you build obviously. 

Ok so being completely honest this Khorne idea is a distraction from my Slaanesh army that is slowly under construction and also a way stream-lining my collection down to the stuff that I'm actually going to use. Excluding the Saannesh stuff I have:
12 x Bezerkers

12 x Cultists with autoguns

1 x Bits for conversionKhârn 

1 x rhino

lots of vanilla marines which need paint stripping and starting again (plus lord options)

1 x land raider (not mine but a friend is selling it cheap)

2 x obliterators


There's probably a lot more but as I'm working away from home I'm having to do this from memory.


I'm open to the idea of the hellbrute, especially as they're fairly inexpensive on ebay. What would you recommend as the best weapon loadout? Also is the hellcult formation worth looking into?



I play, infrequently as it is, small point games with Khorne being the only Mark. I have been using a MOK CSM unit with bolters and ccw, the banner, a pair of flamers, and a power sword on the champ. They ride in a dozer bladed rhino. Either in close combat or shooting, I'm dropping a lot of dice on the enemy, My goal with the unit is to get it into assault, but at lower point values, I think versatility is more of a useful trait.

Valid point that vanilla marines will be more versatile. Is the dozer blade necessary on the rhino? I was thinking of sticking on a dirge caster to give some protection...

Would it be worth using a MOK CSM unit and a unit of bezerkers backed up by cultists?



If I could only offer you one tip for the future, Daemonkin would be it. The long-term effectiveness of Daemonkin has been proven by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.

This made me chuckle. I get that Daemonkin would be the way to go, but at the moment as funds are tight I'd prefer to stick to codex CSM. Really I just want to get something together to play a few games with over the summer.

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'Sup buddy.

I just made a quick 1000pts list to face the Iron Hands this evening. It's Black Legion approved, because I just wanted to.


Khârn - 160

3 Terminators : 1PF + 2 combimeltas, VotLW - 112

20 cultists - 100

8 CSM : Power sword, mark of slaanesh (I tool them with the hth weapons, not with bolters), VotLW, Rhino - 188

3 Chaos Spawns : MoN - 108

5 Chaos Bikers : power sword, MoN, Fusion bombs, VotLW - 170

2 Obliterators : MoN, VotLW - 158


It really is an "In your face" kind of list. I don't have any idea what my mate is bringing, but it should be fun anyway.

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From what you described Rob I would trade the berserkers for something else then dry brush some pink onto the non slaanesh models you have to make them slaanesh and stick them in your main army. Daemonkin doesn't even use berserkers because beasts and cavalry are better for assault (need the mobility, need the fleet). Only thing that would make the berserkers cool is that dreadclaw formation that you can get from online to assault 20 berserkers after performing a big D insertion. At that point you would still need 8 more berserkers and a dreadclaw.

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