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Multipoint army lists built from Frater Input


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Hey Fellas!


I just had an Idea im not sure if its a good one or bad one yet haha but I had this idea to start a thread and have the community from the BAs here work together to make army lists of varying points costs together sort of like a Blood angels Frater bonding where we can all throw in our opinions and build lists for 1000pts 1500pts 1850pts 2000pts and 2500pts lists! Whatever lists we make together we can try them out and have BatReps on them! I have 10,000 pts of Blood angels with Imperial knight allies That I can choose from I know other may have less or more but we can build lists based off of models we dont have as well! If what Im trying to do makes sense please let me know! We can have a discussion of what to throw in for a 1,000pt alpha strike list or a Assault heavy or Ranged heavy or a deathstar oriented list to fit in 1,000pts the combinations are endless and I really want and my hope to get us to throw our collective ideas into one thread and lots of army lists to combat specific opponents so then if someone asks Im a newbie and I play against lots of Chaos or Tyranids then we can refer them to this list that we as the blood angels community believe to be one of the best options for alpha striking chaos marines at 1500pts and so forth. Am I making sense yet brothers? Please give me feedback!

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Hey Fellas!



I think this will fare better in the main BA forums since it's not a straight up army list review. 


To get the ball rolling, why not post an example of a type of 1k list you want to play? Right now the concept is a bit too open ;)

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At 1000pts, I like a number of lists, but this one is fairly fun, from memory.

Sanguinary Priest, with Valour's Edge, Jumppack, Veritase Vitae, Bolt Pistol,

Fragioso in a droppod,

5 Man Scout squad, with sniper rifles, hellfire heavy bolter, Power weapon and meltabombs on the Veteran Sergeant,

5 Man Tac squad in a dozerbladed-rhino, with heavy flamer, Veteran sergeant with power weapon, meltabombs, combi-flamer

6 man Sanguinary Guard, with Death Masks, two axes, the rest swords

Stormraven with Hurricane Bolters, TL-Assault Cannons and TL-MultiMelta


As a list, it's not going to be winning tournaments, but I feel like it covers enough of the BA sauce that I enjoy it.

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