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Need a Rengade Chapter/or a destroyed Chapter for game hook


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Slight fluff question here, every year my friends and I have a massive Apoc game. This years game will be around 65K is going to include some Space Marines on the loyalist side who will prove to really be Traitor Marines. In an effort to reward in universe knowledge I want these Space Marines to be from a chapter that turned renegade or was know to been destroyed.


Can any of you fluff masters give me the name of a lesser know Chapter like this? I would like something that the Imperial Side could not google and ruin one of the major twists for this game.


Thanks for your help!

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One that cannot be googled? Tricky. Pretty much any Chapter in existence could be found somewhere on the internet, whether it be the wiki or Lexicanum.


Perhaps one of the Chapters listed in the Abyssal Crusade? Or the Angels Apocrypha, Red Heralds or Sanguine Sons?

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Unfortunately, most of the lore can be found somewhere on the Internet. There are some obscure Chapters that might fit the bill, however.


The Crimson Consuls were a Primogenitor (2nd Founding Successor of the Ultramarines Legion) that was infiltrated and destroyed by the Alpha Legion. Their colors were cream and crimson.


The Venerators and Warhawks were destroyed in the Tide of Blood (a Black Crusade led by the daemon prince Doombreed). Their actual names are not known as the lore in which their destruction was provided often used descriptive names (e.g., the "Knights of Titan" were probably the Grey Knights). Neither Chapter has ever been depicted or described, beyond the fact that they were destroyed.


The Judged (those Chapters that took part in the Abyssal Crusade) all fell partially or wholly to Chaos. While some survived to return to the Imperial fold (e.g., the Vorpal Swords and Doom Legion are known to still exist in some loyalist form), and some are known/thought to have been destroyed completely (e.g., Chorus of Eltain, Fists of Olchis, Prophets of Mercury), the others became Chaos Space Marines.


The Star Scorpions, a Chapter of the 25th Founding, are listed in the Imperial histories as being destroyed. They were later replaced by the Mentors.


There are plenty of others you can choose from. A brief perusal of the Tabula Astartes will show quite a few official Chapters (those listed with a source of "GW" vice some B&C member's name), and known details for each can be found at the online wikis (notably Lexicanum and 40kwikia).

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