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Codex Cult Mechanicus Discussion

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My Cult Mechanicus stuff came early!   I got the Codex, both paint guides, cards, 2 boxes of priests, and the new WD.  If anyone wants me to clarify things ask away!


I'd post pictures but for some reason I can never get them to work on this site... 


So since everything is now out lets discuss this outstanding codex!



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Cool. Let me throw in an opinion then. The release was very interesting. Everything I thought I would use, I am now not too hot on and things I thought I would not use I am not eying (Electro Priests notwithstanding). However, since this is something completely new, I have literally nothing to compare it to. Hence I have some minor insecurities with the lists I write. I am eager to get testing.

Overall, very interesting release smile.png

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The more I delve through the book the more I'm liking how the War Convocation Formation works with the 3 new coedexes!  It's nice to be able to full deck-out models and units with all the wargear that normal isn't cost effective!


Same here. I am warming up to the Kataphrons ever since I decided to use Myrmidons as counts-as for these guys. The big advantage is that you do not need to take EP and Bots, which saves you a lot of points.

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The more I delve through the book the more I'm liking how the War Convocation Formation works with the 3 new coedexes!  It's nice to be able to full deck-out models and units with all the wargear that normal isn't cost effective!


I used it today. It is insane. I'm not big on battle reporting but I  played a 1500 vs Khorne Daemonkin (he beat eldar jetbike list before he played me), I lost a total of 5 vanguard 2 destroyers and 2 breachers he lost his whole army plus a free bloodthirster and free unit of hounds. 


Best part was that although I had 2020 points in my list I still had 60 to use :-P which I will probably use to get another unit of Grav destoryers and another dragoon.

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The more I delve through the book the more I'm liking how the War Convocation Formation works with the 3 new coedexes!  It's nice to be able to full deck-out models and units with all the wargear that normal isn't cost effective!


I used it today. It is insane. I'm not big on battle reporting but I  played a 1500 vs Khorne Daemonkin (he beat eldar jetbike list before he played me), I lost a total of 5 vanguard 2 destroyers and 2 breachers he lost his whole army plus a free bloodthirster and free unit of hounds. 


Best part was that although I had 2020 points in my list I still had 60 to use :-P which I will probably use to get another unit of Grav destoryers and another dragoon.



I somehow think that will be restricted by tournaments, especially in Germany. You basically get free 500-ish points at 1850, which simply is not an equal fight. I guess I will get it out when I positively need the opponent killed. That ain't a friendly Formation. That much is sure. Still, I am warming up to it.

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What does the stasis field do? It's a special war gear item.


2++ save when the user goes to ground, but his WS and BS are reduced to 0. Extremely useless item. Data Smith can not go to ground since the Kastelan bots can not go to ground. The Magos does not need to go to ground very often and should not if he is tanking for Skitarii or Kataphrons. The only time I find this item interesting if the Magos goes to ground when tanking for an Imperial Guard unit, because they can receive the order to get back up the very next turn.

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What does the stasis field do? It's a special war gear item.


2++ save when the user goes to ground, but his WS and BS are reduced to 0. Extremely useless item. Data Smith can not go to ground since the Kastelan bots can not go to ground. The Magos does not need to go to ground very often and should not if he is tanking for Skitarii or Kataphrons. The only time I find this item interesting if the Magos goes to ground when tanking for an Imperial Guard unit, because they can receive the order to get back up the very next turn.

I'm wondering how it interacts with the cognis special rule. I'm thinking of using it with Coteaz as an intercept survival utility, as a way of avoiding getting drop pod alpha struck
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The more I delve through the book the more I'm liking how the War Convocation Formation works with the 3 new coedexes!  It's nice to be able to full deck-out models and units with all the wargear that normal isn't cost effective!


I used it today. It is insane. I'm not big on battle reporting but I  played a 1500 vs Khorne Daemonkin (he beat eldar jetbike list before he played me), I lost a total of 5 vanguard 2 destroyers and 2 breachers he lost his whole army plus a free bloodthirster and free unit of hounds. 


Best part was that although I had 2020 points in my list I still had 60 to use :-P which I will probably use to get another unit of Grav destoryers and another dragoon.



I somehow think that will be restricted by tournaments, especially in Germany. You basically get free 500-ish points at 1850, which simply is not an equal fight. I guess I will get it out when I positively need the opponent killed. That ain't a friendly Formation. That much is sure. Still, I am warming up to it.


That's the issue. It almost feels like both Mechanicum books were built with this list in mind, especially Skitarii, lots of expensive somewhat dubious upgrades (I'm looking at you 30 pt get hot plasma, cause everyone wants their 30 pt upgrade to go up in smoke) and make them free with no drawback with this formation. 


It almost feels like this is the formation that costs enough but gives you enough to not put these guys in Drop Pods, which is terrible fluff wise but awfully effective.

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Well, I also thought the Plasma was overpriced. Then I tried it and I now I think it is correctly priced. That thing is insane. Being the Warlord unit or having the +2 or +3 BS Doctrines up removes the danger of Gets Hots almost entirely.


And those plasma guns are free under that formation so even more plasma goodness, but yeah normally the adeptus stuff seems so pricey!

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Call me crazy, but the free upgrades isn't the primary reason I find it so powerful. It is the universal Canticles, which you can re-use thanks to the Cult Detachment. Using Stealth + Shrouded on two consecutive turns is more than most armies can deal with. It also allows you to go to ground in T1 when the enemy is doing alpha strike and immediately recover whith the Fearless Canticle. That is very strong.

You are basically breaking several 40k rules. You have far more points and you have overlapping army rules. That is the reason why this Formation will only be used by when I need an easy win and never ever in any game that isn't bleeding edge competitive.

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If you think this formation is broken, then what do you call Dark Angel drop pods on turn one?


I think this formation was their attempt at what should have been done, all 3 books in one full codex rather than 3 separate small codexs.

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Thing is, as good as the War Convocation formation is, one could build equally strong lists with other formations available. Sure we gain 500 pts free upgrades. But we are "forced" to use units we might not want to field. This is points we could have spent on units we wanted to use instead. In my case more skitarii infantry. 


But I will say, it is a very good formation. But one needs to like or see use of all the units required. 


I'll be trying out this formation for sure. But I think my main list will be of a different kind. I'll be including all three factions still, but including only units that work well with my play style.

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